What does the perfect difficulty scale look like, Sup Forums?

what does the perfect difficulty scale look like, Sup Forums?

post your own versions, i'll start us off with mine

>speedrunner autism (hardest)
>i need validation from internet strangers that i'm a hardcore gamer (very hard)
>sonic OC autism (hard)
>normie-ville (normal)
>my roommate brad (easy)
>girl gaymur (cinematic mode)
>game journalist (game literally plays itself for you)

>floor tiles (hardest)
>tentacle rape (very hard)
>BDSM/Femdom (hard)
>vanilla (normal)
>mommy fetish (easy)
>diapers (casual/cinematic mode)
>cuckold (game plays itself for the kotaku journo while you fuck his wife)

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There shouldn't be any. Single-player games are not hard, if you want difficulty then play PvP.

I have no idea where and when did this meme start, but I absolutely hate it.

Kill yourself, casual.

Says a child probably buying every single Cowadooteh just for their MP.

>playing CoD
Kill yourself, casual.

I've not touched a single CoD since UO came out. Nor do I play faggy e-peen comparison shit that are the modern MP games.

>Best of the best
>We didn't test this mode

Then why would you assume I do? I also never said there is anything wrong with playing single-player video games but those games will never be hard unless you consider tediousness difficult.

>I only know ONE (1) type of "hard", and everything else is tedious bullshit, because I hate thinking and mastering systems!
t: (You)

What's a hard game then you fucking mouthbreather?

>hard mode: On/Off

Ninja Gaiden

Mega Man

What makes it hard? Retarded enemy patterns that you have to see maybe twice to deal with?
So in your opinion if you can't pick up a game in 5 minutes it's HARD, am I reading that right?

difficulty scales are pretty stupid
Either just make the game decently hard or just have normal mode and hard mode

I knew this board was casual as shit but this is embarrassing. Fucking Stalker?

>Game jurno mode (Very Easy)
>Normie (Easy)
>Average (Normal)
>Dedicated (Hard)
>The Dark Souls of X (Very hard)
>"Warning ! This mode was never meant to be fair" (Extreme)
>Dante must die (Permadeath)

>Mega Man
What the fuck? I've beaten all of the NES Mega Man games, they aren't hard.

Clearly you've missed the few hundred rookie threads in past 10 years, starting with newbies whining about not being able to finish the very first mission.

Okay, we are getting somewhere. If braindead casuals are having trouble with it then it's hard.

STALKER is notably harder game to master than huge majority of most other FPS games released in the past 15 years or so

It becomes pretty much CoD shortly after the start, what are you talking about?

The fuck are you talking about?
Yeah the first mission is kinda tough because you have garbage equipment.
After you find a decent gun it's ez pz.

>difficulty scales are pretty stupid

How is it stupid to make your game accessible to multiple kinds of people?

>It becomes pretty much CoD shortly after the start
it litreally does not. Kids these days can't into bullet physics, non-regenerating HPs, or open-ended maps.

Seriously guys, did you find this site yesterday?
The Car Park mission for Wolf and the entirety of the Aprogrom research institute are known as THE baptism of fire sections of the series.

Zachtronics games
Touhou saga
osu! (standard and mania)

I never went into stalker threads, I found the game boring. Gave up when you get into pripyat or whatever fuck city that was. Metro did the atmosphere better.

Sure I guess puzzle shit can be hard. Bullet hells and rythm shit are however nothing but pattern memorization. Again, I don't think tedious grinding is hard.

>Metro did the atmosphere better.
wew lad

The game has a learning curve
That doesn't make it difficult
It's more just frustrating, babies probably have trouble because there's no autosave if anything.

>Hard mode tuning by default.
>After beating a level you can replay at a harder tuning.
>Enemy HP and AP doesn't change, but they get more aggressive and numerous.
I've given it a lot of thought and I think this is the best method.

Because then they have to waste development time making five different versions of a level instead of one or two

People should either git gud or play a game more their speed


ok then what about

- chess
- go
- civilization v (on deity difficulty) + vox populi (mod that overhauls AI and balance)

Chess and go are also mostly about autistic levels of memorization of games played by others and recognizing patterns. Hardly any strategy involved at the highest levels.
Civ is a joke, you can exploit the AI hard. See that's the problem with single player games, the AI will do the same shit every time.

Brood War

>Game has no difficulty setting but has infinite adaptive difficulty based on your performance.
>Forces you to lose no matter what

I remember farcry 1 had adaptive difficulty I'm not sure how it worked though but the hitsscan enemies were brutal

>Baby (Easy)
>Womanly (Medium)
>Good enough (Good Enough)

>Bullet hells and rythm shit are however nothing but pattern memorization.
You're playing both these genres wrong. Bullet hells are based off reflex like most multiplayer games and rythm games are about keeping with a rythm. The only people who think these games are purely based on memorization most likely aren't very good at them, and just scrape by from trial and error alone.

what's wrong with recognizing patterns? I also don't like megaman, dark souls clones or boss rush games where the enemy will ALWAYS do the same shit. But I'm curious about what MP games do you play that doesn't involve learning from past games and recognizing patterns in your enemy moves

>chess is not strategic
Who is this man

Stop playing bullet hells on normal you fucking babby, then you will understand that your reflexes won't get you anywhere when playing for score.

The AI will do the same pattern every time, humans are retarded and will surprise you.

Games that can be solved require no thinking.

How did you solve chess, then?

>osu! (standard and mania)
>Touhou saga
Literally both baby games in their respective categories. Try instead: Most CAVE shmups (ignore shit like Deathsmiles 2X which is too easy to even 1LC) and IIDX for rhythm.

>IIDX for rhythm
piss off casul, Project Diva is the only rythm game worth your money

I said CAN be solved, it's literally just a matter of time.

>piss off casul,
Project Diva requiring more skill than IIDX, the good joke.

>speedrunner autism (hardest)
>most speedrunners run games on the easiest difficulty

So by solved you meant... won? user, do you play games?

Google what a solved game is you fucking brainlet.

>Bullet hells
What a shit bullet hell

>rhythm games are memorization
Lol ok youtu.be/HqSTTPYw30c

>taking more than 2 weeks of skill

When will AC fags learn??

I always like four-tiered difficulty systems akin to Halo's.

>Easy is for your little brother
>Normal is for people who want to play but don't like dying
>Heroic is developer intention
>Legendary is extra challenge if you hate yourself

Anything more felt pointless and less usually had some pretty notable difficulty spikes.

> Games that can be solved require no thinking.

user, its not like humans can play a perfect match so it doesn't matter if chess and go can be solved

project diva is for newcomers to the genre

The game should be somewhat challenging by default, and have an easy/assisted mode. That's it. Anything more is needlessly convoluted and makes you feel as if you're either missing out or not having the best experience.

My problem with Halo's is that Easy and Normal are piss-easy baby shit, Heroic is still easy but fun, and Legendary is actually challenging but fustrating and not as enjoyable at times.

Yes, thats what I originally thought and you told me I was wrong. Chess isn't a solved game. It's solvable, depending on the game and players and tons of other variables, but not only would that have to be on an insanely high level of play, there's also the fact that "solving" a specific game would still involve you applying some sort of strategy, completely undefined mind you.


>Very Easy: For the caveman you just defrosted who has no idea what a video game is.
>Easy: Little sibling mode.
>Normal: Filthy fucking casuals.
>Hard: The actual game.
>Very Hard: The actual game but now all the enemies have twice as much health, there are no checkpoints, and your character is pantsed and blind folded.