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>he doesn't know
you can do whatever you want, sweetheart ;). to me as well
>MOMMY the dungeon
Is this character trying to pretend as if ancient Egyptians were actually east asians and all their accomplishments should be credited to Japanese people instead?
P5 had a /biz/ dungeon?
What the hell are you losers talking about?
She's white, cosplaying in ancient egyptian attire.
You need to grow up.
I just realized I have no good Futaba image to shitpost with.
What exactly is okay?
> She's white
Futaba is not white
i think is a pretty cool dungeon, loved the music and Futaba, sadly boss battle was shit
Ah yes the classic white people name Futaba Sakura.
It's my favourite dungeon theme in the entire game.
Check the groove.
No one in P5 is white, canonically.
>inb4 finns aren't white
Except Anna who is part white
Shut up Apollo and eat your burgers
>i'm white, i'm 1/10'th irish!
Does what? Put a dragon on a girl's head? I agree, that shit's awful.
>people constantly worry about "the white race"
>always try to push out anyone not white enough for them
Almost sounds to me like a liberal purity spiral
Oh sorry, the pale white skin and orange hair must have confused me.
She is obviously a smurf or some shit like that.
Impeccable taste, this was my favorite song in the game as well as my favorite video game song from last year.
But she's not white, she's like 1/4 white at best.
>being 1/4 white isn't enough to be white
>"one drop rule" is enough to be black
She's not white.
I did say part white, and from the autistic jap perspective she might as well be 100% white to them.
She's a mutt, and she wouldn't fit in with either group really. Asians and whites would see her as an outsider.
Yes that was the gist of her story way to pay attention.
user the reality is only people autistic about race really care about "mutts", which does fit the japs. Either way Benito was right, unified culture is what matters.
She's still not white.
Yeah she was. Her "problem" was being a pretty white girl. Play the game, europoor
Asians and *rednecks and neckbeards* would see her as an outsider.
>cuckito mussolini opinion mattering
Don't you fucking blast the 'one drop rule' I need my free university money
She's whiter than most Americans.
But her whole story was about her friend and how she's oblivious to the problems her co-workers in modeling have, not to mention she's considered one of the most attractive and popular people in school. Her race only really comes into it by the fact that people thought she was with Kamoshida on the grounds of "foreign girls are easy".
Reminder that persona has had a party member that's 100% white, and her problem was entirely built around the fact that japanese people always assumed she understood english and western culture when she never grew up in either because her parents were weeaboos that never spoke english around her.
Ann, Ryuji and Makoto's slinks are definitely the worst in the game.
I was talking about Lisa.
One of those is contamination
Futaba is disgusting and probably smells like rotten milk.
best girl can dress as she pleases
ryujis wasnt bad
ann and makotos were just bland
She also pleasured old men for money.
No she just went on dates with them. The implication of her sleeping with them is a localization. She did do drugs though.
Watashi wuz kangzu onii senpai
I was going to say it was probably just DUDE WEED, but unlike weed, hallucinogens and shrooms were legal in Japan until like 2005 so she was probably doing that.
Yes yes all white people are evil ethno state racial pluralists who can't seem to stop fucking and impregnating non whites for some reason we already know this
Come back when you have something interesting to say
>who can't seem to stop fucking and impregnating non whites for some reason
Because they're so attractive! I thought that was the entire point of this journey.
Another epic """"stealth""" thread from the finest anglomutt minds
Ryuji's was alright. Slowly regaining the motivation and the means to do your favorite thing in the world and patching things up with old friends is not a bad goal.
Shame about Ann and Makoto's slinks, though
Does what?
>butthurt amerimongrel
>Americans aren't Anglomutts!
Ah, the fine aussie education
attractiveness didnt seem to matter based on how many "mutts" are in the world
>only whites are pale
This is Japan you're talking about
She's 1/4th contaminated which means she's a filthy outsider and not good enough to be honorabu Nippon perfection
But she's still 3/4ths Japanese so that she knows proper culture and won't offend anyone with barbaric white man tendencies
>another retarded weeb who thinks that whites are ruining japan
Whites are ruining Japan.
I hate how pandering her character is but Futaba's hips are outrageous.
Ann is literally singled out for being white, having lived in america, and being big tiddied americaburger bait.
Everyone says this but I lived in Japan for most of the 90s and race never really comes into the equation, though it might be because I'm white and not black or worse, chinese. Yeah some people look at you like they're seeing a unicorn, especially if you're kinda odd-looking, but as long as you're respectful of their rules and do things the Japanese way they don't really care.
Admittedly though, I lived in Osaka and they're far less uptight than Tokyo people, plus they're kinda used to seeing foreigners since they've been an international shipping port for centuries.
Ann is a mongrel you speedplayer.
>Go to japan for business trip
>I'm gonna shamelessly weeb it up I don't give a fuck what others say
>In store buying manga and figurines
>Two teens come up to me
>They say that they've never met a black person before
>Greet them and tell them I've never met real japanese people until now so all of this is a new experience for me
>One of them asks if I know how to rap
>They keep asking me to rap for them
She should have just been a white foreign exchange student considering they call her out as being a foreigner when she's only 1/4th white
Fuck off nigger.
It really is
>he didn't fake it since they wouldn't know better
>he lost out on prime pussy
I swear to god, you niggaboos are always so embarassing
would you like to smell her armpits after she takes off her suit?
Futaba has the best hip:waist ratio
They didn't know English you fucking moron, you could have literally strung syllables together, and no one would have known.
you misspelled Makoto.
The only pandering character in Persona 5 is Makoto Niijima for Western feminist as the ultimate STRONK WOMYN bait character.
Futaba confuses me, a part of me wants to lewd her and other one to protect her
I mean you say that but I only paid attention to her ass
Makoto is more autistic than Futaba
My brother.
yes, and it had the best theme
Hifumi best girl
learn to use words in the right context
That's what it means to have a waifu
That's a funny way to spell Takemi.
Takemi and Hifumi are the best girls*
>paledog mad no Japanese will ever talk to him
Weeb storm is funniest storm
That's a really good song, but as dungeon themes I liked these slightly better.
Makoto exists only for one purpose
Forcing a meme doesn't make it true user
>it's either white or black
american education
I agree.
esk is based
Well I came to the conclusion that they hired a waifu expert for P5 cause there is literally not a wrong one
they played it safe and his all the tropes. i'm just surprised they included a teacher/student relationship, that's the only bold move they made with the waifus.