Overwatch League

London Spitfire vs. Florida Mayhem

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This game is so shit, so much production for such a boring viewer experience.
The only fun thing is the girl caster is pretty goofy.


>Same picks on both teams
So this is the power of Blizzard balancing.

>in an fps where the tickrate and hitboxes are garbage

>150k viewers less than yesterday


>Blizzard spreads rumor about getting free tokens for watching the OWL
>Numbers were therefore artificially inflated for the first day
>Nobody got free tokens
>Viewercount took a huge drop for day 2
>Still need to spend $5 for ONE fucking skin if you want those sweet black and gold recolors

The absolute state of Nu-Blizzard.

>being this out of date
the tick rate was increased to 60 on live servers 2 months after release and is 140 in tournaments

meme hitbox webms are outdated and irrelevant thanks to changes.

So boring to watch.

Lol its not.
you gullible blizzdrone.

OK. hiding and ducking shots that would have otherwise hit you must just be the wind, you're right.

Okay so I just came back from watching this shitshow and my god, its a terrible game to spectate.
Commentators are boring and cant make up for the snoozefest going on.
Also theres seems to be no midleground, either you lose in less than 3 minutes or you win in less than 3 minutes in attack/defense games.
Are KOTH matches any better? If not then "competitive" Overwatch is fucking doomed.
Why did Blizz put money into this catasthophy, did they seriously believe this would be the next Starcraft?

>5k korean viewers

i want to spectate in game reee

It's the most unwatchable "esport" of all time. Koth matches won't be better with this spectator experience.

shit eating blizzdrone.

>release sc remastered
>put this ground breaking infrastructure into overwatch instead of broodwar
just lol

nobody cares about this shitty tf2 ripoff

Man, OW is such a bad esport game. Everything is terrible to spectate. I actually got fucking headache from the monochrome HUD and players outlines and skins.


I have no idea why the fuck they decided to recolor UI and effects for these streams
Its legit terrible and hard to tell whats going on


Blizztards kids spectating wouldn't be able to tell who's on which side otherwise...

>Overwatch (((Pros)))

is he aimlocking on the guy behind the wall???

>Team is full of koreans

Nah the hanzo hitbox still exists and widow has an aim assist out the ass

useless shitposter

It's not behind the wall that matters since widowmaker has wallhack abilities, but the obvious aimlock and the fact that this guy is still fucking playing in OWLeague.

This was proven a coincidence. Surefour was personally watched and checked for months and was cleared.

Why don't you post actual hackers that got caught mid tourney?

hanzo arrow hitbox was increased, then decreased to current live hitbox (slightly bigger than original but also much smaller than the log we had a long time ago)

widow has never had "aim assist" on PC, ever.

Ask your fellow white Londoners why they didn't even bother to sign up.

Here he is playing Titanfall 2

not that there are many koreans (or asians for that matter), all we have are indians/blacks/muslims)


sure is alot of shit onscreen



How can this guy get into tournaments in other game?

Who is this semen demon

turn off your spell check nerd. crack a window and live a little

From my brief time watching this game it seems the only tactic is hold on till the ninja gets the sword to kill the medics. Why don't they reduce the hp, increase the speed and decrease the spawn time

Your country is 98% white, don't give me this fucking excuse. Why is the team representing your capital filled with North Koreans?


Putting rez as an ability has made this game even slower

i wish it was 98% korean (for obvious reasons)

Uh why is every player a chink?


Probably don't even speak english to each other

do arabs/turks in this statistic count as white?

I'm talking about your COUNTRY. So going by those stats you fags ran screaming from your capital and so we wind up with that London team.

You have no reason to bitch.

>giving a shit about Overwatch "esports"
>giving a shit about esports in general
Just when I thought this board couldn't get any more Reddit

Its like they think they know what boys want but they don't. Its just whorish and weird. Stop bending over and have some class, legs are hot too don't need to force the ass thing for westerners.

I know her name is Dahye, but what group is she from?

we must have very, very different taste.

Same thing that happens with the Chinese during the Olympics.

The Chinese team only has so many spots, so scrupulous athletes actually move to other countries and join the teams of other countries. It's hilarious in each Olympics seeing how many countries just have full chink teams.

So here in Overwatch you have team after team of Koreans.

There's almost no Americans on any given NHL team. It's Canadians, Russians and Scandinavians.


No, they count as Asian. Because they're from West Asia.

Seoul vs white piggus was such a great match

Do you want to ruin your country for plastic chinks?

>competitive overwatch

The right amount of meat.

Hockey's not popular in the U.S. Most of the country doesn't have the whether for it, and the sport is extremely expensive.

yes, yes i do. western culture is fucked, i would love to replace every fat cow of a white girl with a plastic barbie straight from gangnam

>London Spitfire
>"Time to watch some fellow bongs"
>The entire fucking team is Korean
>There's like 6 American teams even though most of the members aren't American

lel what's the point in naming the teams after cities if you're just going to let anybody join them regardless of nationality?

no that's 2 much

Twitch adverts are so fucked, literally the same ad repeated 6 times in a row, non stop

>Employing nationals to win a fucking overwatch torunament
What has gone wrong with the world

Because they think people will get involved if they can route for a home team.

>expecting anyone in Britain to route for a London team
yeh I know it's retarded

>Competitive Overwatch
>London Spitfire
>All Asians
>C O M P E T I T I V E O V E R W A T C H

It completely goes against the point of going with city based teams and aiming for local home team support.

>I'm going to go support my local American city team! I'm going to see fellow [insert city name] members playing in Overwatch!
>Lee Min Ho, Seung Mi Gook, etc... from Korea are repping your city

Its really no different than professional sports teams

I'm impressed at the number of cucks who believe in the fake scripted esport and bought skins.
Holyshit what the fuck, like 10 players out of 12 in a game have at least spent 5 memebucks for this.


it's a metaphor

Only true gamers play Overwatch




This needs some wub wub.

is this the engineer rampage webm of overwatch?

yeeeeowch! 50% drop in the second day, that aint good!

What a faggotron editing.

Yes :^)

>the chink team is filled with chinks
>gook team is filled with gooks
>american teams is filled with a random assortment of foreigners with one or two americans mixed in
>british team is koreans, the british players are playing for american teams

Lmao they know their audience. Lets not mix up the asian teams because they'll sperg out and our """competitive""" meme will die before it even gets started.

>There's almost no Americans on any given NHL team.
The Penguins have 5 out of 24... I didn't realize it was that bad.


>Houston is like the only team that is sort of made up of Americans
>Philadelphia is full of random players from wherever

just like real life


wow, I remember Blizztard mocking Battleborn for having too much shit on screen. Well, looks like Overwatch is even worse in that aspect

Ok and esports as a career isn't supported in the culture of the USA but it is in Korea, resulting in more players from the country that not only supports it but produces the best players.

is losing 160k viewers in 1 day, good?

yes. why would it be bad?

Did they let the players pick their team name?

Or is Blizzard responsible for this garbage?

It's great... for trashing this shit game

Doesn't Soccer do the same thing?


18-1 gengu