Why does this piece of shit (((store))) still exist?
Why does this piece of shit (((store))) still exist?
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People dumping their old games for meth money.
To cater to autists and children who don't know about online ordering.
Any used game that isn't super popular is fairly cheap and they have some good sales sometimes.
Soros is funding it so he can install more SJW propaganda into the (((videogame industry)))
Also Mums and shit. Casuals.
Also because i go there cause they have some good deals here and there and sometimes i want the game now and its actually cheaper at gamestop
It doesn't though I've never seen a GameStop
And yet again quality thread by (((Phoneposter)))
I'm far to fat these days to be getting up everytime I want to play a different game. Digital all the way.
I miss how Gamestop was about 13 years ago. Now the stores are all a complete fucking mess, there are never enough people working, and dimwit normies always hold up the line because they're either selling too much shit or don't know what they want.
The only reason I still shop in those stores is because it's more convenient than waiting for delivery and occasionally they'll have midnight launches which are cool if you live in a city or college town.
Kike spotted
Used media is extremely profitable which obviously is why their business model shifted towards that in conjunction with whatever the current dogshit "nerd" fad is like Funkos or whatever
Cool source.
I hate online shopping
>buy game online
>wait 2 weeks
>game is in shitty condition or greatest hits
Or you can go in the store and
>have a conversation for the next hour with the employees about video games
>have fun
>look at rare games they got in
>inspect every little bit of the game to make sure you get the perfect copy
Online fucking sucks
What kind of fucking weirdo thinks it’s ok to talk a GameStop employees ears off and autisticly inspect a videogame case for tiny flaws
I don't go to GameStop, we don't have GameStop in Canada I go to the retro game store
And if I'm gonna buy a game complete with the box obviously I'm gonna inspect it, I don't want a dented up box with rips in it
9/10 Online prices beat In Store Prices especially for rarer or more uncommon games.
>Talking to cashier for an hour
>Having fun
>Inspecting every little bit of the game looking for a perfect copy
You sound like a nightmare of a customer.
Nah mate, they give me discounts. Sorry you don't have a local you can go to to have fun at, and sure you can get better deals online but I've literally never benefited from it. Some fag will say the game is complete but it's missing certain inserts the game came with, or like a poster or flyer that's not complete.
>we don't have GameStop in Canada
You have EB Games and that's owned by the same company that runs GameStop.
When's the last time you've shopped online? Unless you live in some shithole things arrive within the week.
I ordered an N64 game from Amazon about 6 years ago?
I don't go to EB Games either
>go to gamestop
>demand they change sonic's arms on their promotional material because it's not right
>employee refuses
>pull out mace and start spraying
>run away
What a Stacey fucking based I bet she has so many gal pals
To use gift cards that family members give you
Has anyone here actually paid a full $80 for a game? I buy used and wait for deals. Day one is a scam and you should feel ashamed for getting jewed. But at least I ain't a filthy pirate.
$80 isn't expensive for a game at all, I have dozens of games worth well over $200
>go to gamestop
>want to trade in 4 PS3 games
>"those combined have a trade in value of $5.99 sir"
He's a walking meme. he really must be a girl
You're a gullible dipshit for having any faith in that being true
>go into gamestop
>some black guy at the counter
>put Layton: Unwound Future on counter
>"I'd like to get this game please"
>black guy holds the game up and screams "LAAAAYTONNN" in a sing-song voice
>starts beatboxing while he rings me up
>"Wanna get Last Specter too dawg? 4th of the based Layton series"
>everybody is staring at me
>"oh and by the way, not dat I want yo soul or anything but would you like to sign up fo' one of our FUH-REE membership cards? NO strings attached baby!"
>"no thanks"
>"Aw sheet dog. Wanna pre-order anything? Gotta love dat Pokemans Nigga Black and Cracka White 2"
>"nah, I'm good"
>"Welp, if you say so son, here's yo games. Holla!"
>as I go to leave the black guy does a spin, announces that his shift is over, and prances out the door in full uniform
Don't get me wrong I ain't poor by any means but my backlog is so expansive there's literally no reason to buy day one or new.
Litteraly *block your path*
but then you might not get a copy. give them your fucking money before you have it in your hands
There's no reason to even own a current gen console, its just rehashes
>he bends over the counter to catch his breath from walking 20 feet
Nerdy black dudes that work at GameStop are bro tier though
I once went to Gamestop to look for a birthday present for my brother, they had a used copy of Dark Souls 3 for $35, and a NEW copy for $30.
I know that they get more money from selling used ones, but they were right next to each other. who the hell is going to fall for that?
>this entire post
Thank god I'm not a subhuman retail worker or autistic NEET faggot like you.
I can live the NEET life because my family aren't failures like yours and have ensured that I can generate an income without ever having to work, sorry yours are failures at life and now you have to make up for it
>talking for an hour
>visits Sup Forums
something doesn't add up
I don't go to the game shop every day, I have to stay home and play games too
Was the new one shrink wrapped? My local one literally has no shrink wrapped games. Every game is gutted and put in a drawer. So whether you buy new or used based on the case they have on the shelf you literally don't know the disc you're getting is new or used anyway.
I fucking hate employees that make buying something simple awkward. There's this fucker in our local grocery store that tries to quiz you like he's pretending to be Alex Trebec. Pisses me off. I already have anxiety going out. Never mind being asked what the capital of whateverthefuckisland is.
Just imagine putting 400 pounds of weights on and walking 20 feet.
>used kingdom hearts $45
>new kingdom hearts $50
yea now that i think of it, the "new" one wasnt shrink wrapped at all.
who the hell and why and how are they filming this?
This is why I buy from whatever big box store I'm closest to instead of the Ebgames. Fuckers open games and sell them as new. They even steal inserts sometimes. Only ever go there if it's the last choice to get something.
>go to gamespot
>first time I was in there for 7+ years
>barely any shelf space for games
>2 full walls dedicated to amiibos and plushies
>another wall for cellphone shit
what the fuck happened bros? Gamespot used to just have games
to sell videogames you fucking retard. what do you think?
>wait two weeks
do you live in fucking siberia
Damn it's almost like humans aren't supposed to carry that weight for long periods of time.
>I need you to lose about 50 pound in one month
Where the fuck are you buying things that you get shipped messed up copies or the wrong copies? I think that's a problem on your end for choosing some shitty retailer.
Something about gamestop slowly converting itself into hot topic just feels satisfying.
Is this an autism shield?
Who is it protecting?
Not him but Amazon does it all the time
Because sellers try to decieve you
>oh yeah the game is in good condition
>decieve only the disc
>het mate it's not in good condition the case is missing
>nah bud the disc is in good condition :^)
Fuck that, and I'm tired of getting a game and it's fucking greatest hits, or missing the manual, or the game is complete in the box and in good condition and he fucking taped the box together and it's missing the tray holder that's not good condition!
It's not always that, sometimes there's publisher's sales or shit like that and they have to change the prices of the new ones and just won't bother to lower the price of the used games
xD go to CEx entertainment exchange they give decent money
it's punishment for acting out in class by depriving you of social contact
i would get a ps4 just to play persona 5, nier: automata nad peach beach splash
>Some fag will say the game is complete but it's missing certain inserts the game came with, or like a poster or flyer that's not complete.
I've literally only had that problem when I bought used, and who buys things used and expects everything to come with it like new?
It's literally impossible to buy 99% of games brand new
>order brand new game from amazon
>still shrinkwrapped
>can hear game rattling around loose in case
Don't shop at gamestop but fuck amazon and fuck white people
these mostly
but give it 5 years or so, it will probably be dead
It's detention.
plebs and casuals
What are you talking about? You can buy everything that's still being produced new. Unless you buy things from the PS2/Xbox hueg/gamecube era, you can still find just about everything new, especially online.
What does that have to do with White People?
I'm about to go to Gamestop.
What cheap games should I buy?
I have a PS3/Vita
>have a conversation for the next hour with the employees about video games
those poor workers, please tell me others here don't do this
You can but the prices are ridiculous, like a sealed mario 64 is hundreds I don't wanna spend that just to get a brand new game
If they didn't want to talk to me why are they following me? Why are they asking how I've been or asking about my family? Sorry you're an autistic loser who can't get along with people, I constantly run into people I've met once at work who run up to me and ask me how I am
Then what are you complaining for about missing books and stuff for when you don't buy new?
Because if someone advertises the game as complete and it isn't complete of course I'm gonna be upset if You ask for a pepperoni pizza and gave you cheese would you be happy?
Here's your (You), NEETboi. When you're hanging in the noose and dying alone, having accomplished nothing with no one, remember this post.
Disgusting commie, sorry you're a failure at life maybe if your family worked hard you wouldn't have to work
>i feel fulfilled because people told me to
to cater to poorfag consoleplebs who can only afford a new game when they trade in all of their old games, their old consoles, and a movie, and donate some blood.
Why does everyone hate working at Gamestop?
I worked there for a few months and it nowhere near as bad as the nightmare stories I've heard online.
then again I was a seasonal so
Why not hack those already?
probably no good memory card to store the games
Can someone explain to me how they price games like old ones. I remember trying to sell a game i got a week before and the wanted like half the price
is market value, if they don't think the game will ever be bought at that price they lower it, dragon's crown is still 32 euros and it's old
It went basically bankrupt in Euros...
>tfw neet and wish I wasn't
the autismbux wasn't worth this ride
Lazy bastard. I guarantee your family is ashamed of you.
Oh yeah so ashamed, that's why I inherited my grandfathers property instead of his children
It really depends on the people you work with. I have a chill boss so its generally pretty chill. the only time he worries is when his boss shows up but he's pretty chill himself and my boss isn't a fuck up so there's generally not a problem.
Dead space 2 should be $5 if they have it used
gamestop is converting to ThinkGeek retail with a gaming section