Is this any good?

Is this any good?
The trailer looked fun.

Every Ys is fun. Pick literally any of them and you'll have a blast.
Just wait on the fixed translation patch to be released for this one before you play it.

You bet. It’s kind of slow at the start and has generic animu tropes but its battle mechanic is fast paced and pre fun.

if you like one ys game you will like them all
if you going to play a ys game the best start is the original 1 and 2

to answer your question yes it is a great game and as someone already mentioned it starts slow but the mid game and end game are what make ys games so memorable

I put about 7 hours into it before the retranslation patch was announced to be in the works and put it on hold. Those seven hours were pure fun, never felt so great to play a game in a long time, and I've played every game in the series that has a localization.
Play the game at least on hard mode, if not nightmare.

>if you like one ys game you will like them all

Fuck off Shill. The Vita Ys is garbage and this looks the same shit.

Piss off, fag. Celceta was great.

well for one the game is bound for PC eventually and two if you don't like the vita version you could always play the SNES or PC engine version

all you are missing out on is a extra side story or two , graphic and gameplay overhaul

VIII is one of my favorite Ys games and Celceta is my least favorite.

No idea. Translation's a bigger mess than BoF 2 tho.

it remains to be seen if it will be good but the retranslation is coming out on the 30th. They shouldn't have had to do that in the first place, but the fact that they were willing to fix it at all is a lot more than I would have expected out of NISA.

>They shouldn't have had to do that in the first place,

It shouldn't have been that bad in the first place.

As much as I love Ys 1 and 2. I have to disagree with starting with them. They're the definition of old school games that will probably turn some people off from the series.

Oath in Felghana is always a great place to start. If you like that and are interested in the rest of the series then sure, give 1 and 2 a crack.

yes it was one of my favourite games of last year. I hope you enjoy it

Even VII?
It looks like shit for an Ys game, and I'm not really sold on the party thing.

The party thing is fun once you get into it.

yes Ys VII was really good too IMO. shota funnest character

Thanks for the feedback, I'll give it a chance.

I hated 7 but loved 8.

It feels so satisfying to play.

Too bad about his damage though.

Oath in Felghana is always the best place to start except for the fact that even if pretty much all games in the series are fun they all pale in comparison to Felghana.

he's a pacebabby it doesn't really matter. the chick with the bow is fun too

Celceta is more fun then Oath___

I enjoyed 8 more than Felgahna desu. Which also made me appreciate Seven much more with my current play through. Replaying Felghana also made me realize how shit Napishtim is.

Off topic, but why do Ys games have such god damn good music?

Napishtim gets really good from the second to last dungeon onwards, Felghana is the same but unlike Napishtim it isn't complete shit before then.

The sound team has had talented musicians throughout the years.