Film actors in video games

What does Sup Forums think about the rising tendency of Hollywood actors in video games?

Are video games becoming the new Hollywood?

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When they've passed on, it'll be the only way to interact with them.

i think its a good idea

What's the game with Hayden Panettiere?

>Moat VAs are trash and literally whos that still want a % of the game's earnings
>Hollywood actors are (mostly) competent VAs that work for a fixed amount without demanding more, and literally promote the game just by being there

I mean, it's a grrat option from a company's perspective

I want Death Stranding NOW.

That's deep.

Until Dawn. Here's the trailer.

So if I GameDev my likeness into a game, does that mean I've achieved immortality?

Symbolically, yes.

Why are you posting no-name models in a thread about Hollywood actors?

Basing likeness on real people is okay, but actual actors is stupid because animating in games takes a lot more than just getting some actor to mocap for it. You're basically taking what would be their normal performance and making it better for the game. That's pretty stupid and they don't deserve the credit of being paid thousands of dollars for it.

I just want to know what the gameplay is and if I can suck off mads ingame.

Joosten is love.

Cute kitty. :3

Kojima pls go back to work

Fucking newfag.

>That's pretty stupid and they don't deserve the credit of being paid thousands of dollars for it.

From what I see, career VAs get paid more for games than film actors.

It's shit.
No one wants realistic nore celeb faces in a video game.


that man in the top right looks like a big guy