Before playing:

Before playing:
>looks like some weeb anime RPG
early game:
>the mechanics and combat are really fun!
mid game:
>stop talking! i want to battle. Just give me the missions please!
end game:
>Holy fuck! noooooo... *crying inside

please port second one to pc quick

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess I'm in the mid game then because these assholes just don't shut up. Also, why was Laura and Fie's conflict so much weaker than Machias and Jusis. They barely had a reason to be upset.

Who are you quoting?

Machias hates Jusis because of his past relates to the class system.

While Laura and Fie just personal/emotional problem maybe. (you won't understand, like in real life of how women have conflicts)

if you were in mid game, please finish the game, cause the ending is so.. unexpected?

myself playing the game?

Yeah I plan on finishing the game. The combat is fun and I just got some new party members.

>Holy fuck! noooooo... *crying inside
>if you were in mid game, please finish the game, cause the ending is so.. unexpected?
Wait until the ending of the second game and the absolute most batshit insane ending of the third game.

i want to see how long it will take for this thread to be deleted once people starting pointing out just how mediocre this game and series really is.

not OP

when I played the second game I was all hyped for the hero team and ready to kill the villain team. The first game drew the lines in the sand and the second game made you think sides were drawn.

then spoilers happened involving a casual "we're all friends here" moment on the airship....

after that, every time Rean gave his damn pep talk... I just wanted him to shove that speech up his ass.

I finally finished kevin's game yesterday. should I play rean's game now or keep waiting for lloyd's game?

Go for rean.

They happen at the same time.

Before playing:
>looks like some weeb anime RPG
After playing:
>It's like some weeb anime RPG + mechashit at the last second

Cold Steel is terrible in general.

Cold Steel was made to be an entry point, but you'll want to play Lloyd's game before Reans third and fourth game. Fortunately by then Lloyd's games will probably have their fan translations done.

>he thinks threads get deleted instead of archived


youll wait forever for lloyd's, might as well go with rean's game or play the fan translation of zero/ao (or wait for a better version if it ever comes out)

I immediately bough 2 after that ending in 1 and it was really nice seeing what hapens at the start. Unfortunately got bored midway (i think) doing some random 'do what you want' shit.
Also stop pushing that stupid Alisa on me. Everybody know that Laura is the superior waifu.

the fan translations look like babelfish crap no matter what people say. by the time they get an official translation the calvard games will probably be out.

404'd threads aren't archived, dumbass.

Lurk more retard.

Im almost 30 and i just cant watch those high school dialogs, its making me cringe so hard.

I really really want ot play a cool JRPG with a nice combat system... what do?

Will they ever go beyond PS2 level grpahics?

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Calvard when?

JRPG's are shit, can never understand how people stomach this bottem barrel glorified light novel genre at all.

Can't justify buying a Switch just for that.

Idk i grew up on them, in the golden era of SNES and PS1 JRPGs, but now that im older i can see how cringy they really are.

at least jrpgs have gameplay

i beat it and loved it. on the side note this game was better rwby than the proper rwby.
crow's betrayal was great

You need matures games for mature people. Buy Uncharted 4.

I had a misfortune of playing FC years before SC was translated and something tells me that i don't really want to repeat the experience until all Coldsteel games are out, translated and ported on pc.

Platformers have gameplay without 50 hours of shounenshit plot that you have to weave through and all the budget is spent on things that matter.

>worst girl still gets the only kiss


Don't talk about an era that you weren't old enough to experience.

for me, JRPGs feels more immersive compared to other game. In other games, you control the character while in most jrpg you became the character. Try to play at bit more and dont just quit 5min into the game and trash about it.

SC was my first entry to the franchise but people are saying I should play estelles game first but SC2 is coming out soon and I also want to invest my time fully with sky as well, oh I dont know so many weeb games to play so little time

Shit what i meant was cold steel is my first

uncharted 4 and most other non-jrpg games are all the same, No matter who played it, the outcome is the same, better go watch youtube.

I prefer game that i can play my own way.

> and the absolute most batshit insane ending of the third game.

she's voiced by king cuck's sister in english dub

Then you're looking for a JRPG without a childish MC ? Because i'm agree with you, Rean is too generic, but the game have some other great characters.

must... not.. click.. spoiler
fuck i'm out of this thread

Fuck, you've betrayed me Sup Forums x

Laura was just being autistic and Fie was being patient with her.

>you became the character

No in JRPGs you follow a journey of a character thats made out for you. In actual RPGS mainly western ones, you BECOME the character and all decision regarding him comes down to what you want. JRPGs are deffo not immersive.

this game has soo many characters. and many great ones and they all have a place in the game. Thats what i like about it. Olivert looks like a legend in this game. Sara is awesome. The second years are cool. Towa BEST GIRL. Even Patrick is rememberable.

alisa is best girl


yeah and that principal that everyone hates

This is what FF type-0 supposed to be. Type-0 characters have no backstory at all makes it less sad when they all died at the end

should I get this unofficial steam patch for the gog version of the game? can I go after more than one girl like in persona or do you only have enough points or whatever to get scenes with one?

Post yfw Rean accidentally the whole empire

Because there's no problem that Fie has with Laura. Laura has an inner conflict between recognizing Fie as a friend and a Jaeger, something she views as dishonorable.

>Even Patrick is rememberable.

as someone you wanted to punch

lurk more Falcomshill

I like these games, but they all have shitty endings. 2's less so, but 1 and 3's endings are cold, come out of nowhere, and reveal extremely important elements to the story within minutes of the credits sequence.