>drive forms
>revenge values
How can DMCucks even compete?
>drive forms
>revenge values
How can DMCucks even compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
>wow look at all these cool mechanics
>mash X
>mash Triangle
>game never takes advantage of these mechanics and relies on bosses making you dodgeroll multiple times
someone didn't play kh2:fm critical
go do it and try mashing x and triangle, i'll wait
>This thread again
Ah yes, KH faggots have nothing else to talk about since they're not getting their third game for another 5 years
>game never takes advantage of these mechanics and relies on bosses making you dodgeroll multiple times
>dmcfags aint getting their next game in a million years
he forgot about square. don't think he played it, user
>>game never takes advantage of these mechanics
its not about the game taking advantage of them its the about the player using them properly
you don't how to use all the tools effectively that's fine, you're not alone
>Heh, y-you're not g-getting your game either!
DMC fags also don't get shitty spin off games and trailers for shit that will never come out. Go back to being a fag, at least our series wasn't destroyed by shitty writing
Why bother learning a bunch of different mechanics if the game never puts you on the spot and forces you to use them?
We're like 10 months away
There are some neat systems in place, but like every other rpg in existence, the mechanics scale vertically and not horizontally, so the combat never really reaches the heights it should be capable of reaching.
>four limit forms, but three are made useless when you get final form
>magic is replaced by higher tiers as you progress through the game
>most magic isn't really any more useful than mashing X and Triangle
>two objectively best keyblades to use, which makes all the others useless
>party members unique to certain worlds don't contribute in meaningful ways
You know the same director that pushed by FFXV for almost 10 years.
>10 months
>"DMC fags also don't get shitty spin off games"
>pinacle of combat
Critical Mode forces you to learn those mechanics, actually.
Especially if you take it a step farther and equip EXP Zero.
It does though
On Critical the game is rebalanced in such a manner where you can't afford to just mash X and Triangle and otherwise take hits. You know how Disney's Castle is full of Shadow heartless? You get the Fire magic attack when you go there, and it just so happens to be perfect as a piece of magic for taking out enemies that are trying to surround you. And because this is critical, you can't just deal with those enemies in the normal manner of standing and pressing X and Triangle as needed.
What're the revenge values you're talking about?
I like both for different reasons, both are great games
>This one game is comparable to our 2 GBA game, 3 DS games, 1 PSP game and countless mobile games that all fuck up the mainline story
The reaching is real.
>magic is replaced by higher tiers as you progress through the game
Why is this a bad thing?
>most magic isn't really any more useful than mashing X and Triangle
Reflectga prevents enemy attacks from touching you and can speed up battles by allowing you more chances to attack back. Outside of beating enemies faster, this is useful for enemies that hit you with a lot of different attacks really fast (a lot of the superbosses).
Graviga is useful for disabling enemies and giving you the chance to strike at them whilst gaining aerial combos.
Firaga is useful when surrounded by large slews of enemies all at once as it spins around you.
Thundaga and Blizzaga are useful in Port Royale as a means of disabling the pirates in human form.
Meant to reply to Also:
>party members unique to certain worlds don't contribute in meaningful ways
The party members give you free limits that do massive amounts of damage and give you i-frames during these limits.
I got 1.5 + 2.5, how do I not suck? I'm on the second Vexen fight in ReCoM Someone tell me how to make a good deck
I only have a vague understanding of it, but basically enemies can only take so many amount of hits in a combo before they break out of the combo and retaliate.
>I played on easy
KH 2 FM Critical mode is the most fun i've ever had in an ARPG
>more games are bad
What? Also are you really claiming DmC had good writing? Really?
Square Enix ensured the game was never going to get off the ground, he didn't have a team capable of going into full production, so of course it didn't get made.
I unironically finished critical without a single summon.
Actually, the end game tally said I used one, but I was just testing it out when no enemies are around.
Also, I only used reflect and cure, and sometimes the partner abbilites
there's only 4 games that are somewhat important (chain of memories,BBS,days,DDD) and only 1 of them is actually important (BBS),meanwhile dmc never gets anything
Stich is extremely useful for keeping HP up.
Because you can literally just smash X to win the game with the occasional reaction command.
Try fighting 1000 heartless at level 1.
Only if you're playing on lower difficulties, which isn't as fun as Critical/LV1 Critical
It's only one gba game and the rereleases make it so you don't even have to play through the shittier games and I'd rather play any of those over DMC 2 and the original DmC. DMC has 2 mobile games and a pachinko game, dipshit.
Explains it pretty well. KH2FM doesn't get enough credit.
Battle of a thousand heartless isn't so bad at lvl 1 UNLESS you're some kind of hyper-painslut like I am and decide to do it without using any reaction commands at all.
Holy fuck it gets a thousand times harder.
Not him, but you can get by in harder difficulties while ignoring some of the mechanics listed by faggot OP. Can you do all of the content including post-game? Maybe. Unlikely because of some of the bosses and Cavern, but you'll be making life much, much harder on yourself if you don't at least start integrating magic besides cure.
What I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't be surprised if a casual started Critical mode carrying over their bad habits from normal/proud, had a shitty time, and still crawled their way through the main story.
Are you stupid? You can get through critical with mashing x and triangle.
My sister sucks at games and was able to beat it on critical by just button mashing.
>DDD isn't important
Except it explains why everyone comes back to life
>BBS isn't important
Except it explains why the keyblades exist and gives you the history of why the worlds are fucked up
>CoM isn't important
Except it explains why Sora is fucked up in the beginning of 2
Days isn't important
Okay, yeah that's fair
This is of course not mentioning that fact that KH2 is shit all on it's own. They completely butchered the writing and the world and made it into an OC jerk off fest.
> DMC has 2 mobile games and a pachinko game, dipshit
Yeah, and neither of those are relevant to the actual story, unlike every KH spin off. Also
>It's only one gba game and the rereleases make it so you don't even have to play through the shittier games
>This excuses the company for making multiple garbage games to fuck up their time line because they want money
I like KH, I'm also self aware enough to know that all the spin offs are actual garbage that ruin the series. This doesn't even take into the fact that DMC3 and KH are played very differently and only fags compare them to drum up (You)s because they need some type of shitty validification.
If you have to artificially restrict yourself to squeeze puddle levels of depth out of the game, it isn't that deep.
I thought gamers didn't care one bit about story
I did that on fucking Proud, mate. The highest difficulty only added in later additions is not representative of the base experience.
DMC don't have gay Disney characters and an autistic fanbase.
KH games might as well cut out all difficulties but Critical mode, because Critical mode is the only difficulty that matters. Proud in KH2 is a fucking joke.
>Can't argue so I'm just going to parrot Sup Forums
I enjoy stories in games, when they're done well. Kingdom Hearts just suffers from the typical Square disorder of "Fuck we need to make things complicated so it seems deep!" instead of having something straight forward. They couldn't even figure out how to make Sora's quest continue without recycling the exact same bad guy for all of their games.
But the base game is missing a load of content. The Final Mix versions and rebalancing for Critical does wonders for the game
I'm not the guy you were arguing with
>Fuck we need to make things complicated so it seems deep
I don't think Square has ever prided themselves on being "deep" with anything they've ever released. Complicated, yeah, but not deep.
>recycling the exact same bad guy for all of their games
that's really over-simplifying it and you know it