Friend complains about sucking at fighters

> Friend complains about sucking at fighters
> Never utilizes training mode
> Refuses to use youtube to learn combos or even use challenge mode
> Switches mains every two to four weeks
> Button mashes half the time
> Doesn't bother looking at online character guides or doing the in game tutorials
Why does he do this?
Pic unrelated

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Because you're an asshole who does nothing but destroy anyone's desire to actually get better with your incessant bitching when you're buddy is just trying to have fun.

Is Zangief alright?

Because fighting games aren't fun.

He's gay and is uncomfortable he has to share a pool with a bunch of roasties, probably thinking about a cute twink boy to fuck.

roid juice made his penis small and cute

>friends see I have SFV
>one says he's really good at it and wants to play me
>keeps bragging about how much of a SF expert he is
>keeps egging me on to play him and get rekt
>finally give in
>he picks Ken
>does nothing but tatsu spam and shoryu at every opportunity
>acts confused when I block his shit
>absolutely destroy him
>gets salty and leaves

Fuck people like this. Learning one pattern or combo that carries you through shitter rank does not make you good.

So what's up with Gief's ass if it has Sakura looking like she is stuck on a math problem?

as a guy who personally enjoys learning how to do things in fighting games
i'd beat the ever living shit out of you for having such a gay attitude
is this some kind of bait shit to pretend you have this attitude for some kind of stupid satire

i will need you to corraborate that statement with pictorical proofs

She's admiring the booty.

>try to do combos and git gud
>friend still beats me with spamming the same shit all the time

I know, I know git gud but it's just really frustrating, especially if he's being a cheeky cunt about it.

Bites and love marks

>Chun Li's thighs not as big as Zangiefs biceps
Horrible drawing.

Better question, how did one guy end up in a pool with 5+ near buck naked women? They know what they were doing, any real man would be hung like a tank in that scenario.

A large majority of people are too dense to grasp the fundamentals of fighting and other competitive games.

Just hold out until Sagat is released then give him a taste of the one true spamgod.

He's a white male embarrassed of his tiny white cock.

I've never gone that extra mile in my whole life.

i don't even look at combinations.

I just play off of instinct and experience, still place in the top 3 at tourneys.

Zangief is as gay as the day is long.

He also has a special intro with Eagle in CvS2 who is also gay.

Have him try blocking, user.

You can beat everyone who's trash at fighting games just by holding back on the stick. thats you on the video
then you face someone decent and get perfected twice

I did say top 3, not first place.

This vid never gets old.

>want to play fighting games
>go on srk or whatever and look up guide for character I want to play
>try doing stuff in training mode
>after 20 minutes I've done the easiest combo 3 times and the next easiest one only once
>give up because I'd rather spend my time actually playing games

Can you imagine what Zangief's cock would do to those girls? How much it would tear them up inside?


His trunks came off, look to the left.

He's a white male with a tiny white cock.

Because if your genre isn't intuitive he doesn't want to play. Fighting games occupy the "hobby requiring effort to learn" niche in games, and are unpopular as a result.

Zangief is a caring and gentle lover.

those women were made for balrog

zangief is canonically gay

Damn. Not saying this in an antagonistic way but how young are you?
Zangief being gay has been a known thing for awhile. Granted i forget how exactly i found out and how it became confirmed but it was known for a long time now.
Listen to his theme from Marvel vs street fighter, his theme is insanely gay. lol.

Is giant men/monsters picking up and using girls' bodies as fleshlights the most patrician fetish?

t. scrub with the attention span of a child

he lost his suit.

this is a cuckolds way of thinking

Whenever he used his Ultra Combo in SFIV, if the opponent was male he would make sure his hands were on the opponent's crotch at the end of it

Optimal combos arent needed for entry-level players.
Do simple damage that you aren't likely to mess up (and get punished for) to start.

As an example, when i first started playing with my friend, the only "combo" we knew how to do was jumping roundhouse into crouching roundhouse.
That's pretty much the only damage we went for because we weren't good enough to know or execute anything better at the time.

If you're a little better, HP xx DP/special is pretty good damage for most characters.

Only if you're also imagining that the girl is your gf and you're watching them

I wasn't even attempting anything optimal. it was stuff like dive kick into normal attack into special move or target combo into special move or just a command grab.

>I suck at fighters
>friend always kicks my ass
>decide to utilize training and get better
>finally beat friend
>he doesn't want to play that game anymore


A brother of fine taste

That's fucking hilarious. I've been playing SFIV and SFV casually over the years and am ass at the game, but I still love it on a level that most other games fail to come close to. When I get fucked up by somebody, I usually just want to even more because I get stubborn and want to figure them out.

Your friend is attempting to find some enjoyment in those games, as opposed to watching people play video games online for a week only to get stomped into the ground by their "friend" over the weekend. How about, rather than bitching that they aren't a sufficient punching bag, you try to make the game more fun for the both of you? Somehow.

I mean, it would be better if the game made an attempt to be more enjoyable, but we take what we have.