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Sorry I don't speak Mexican
*deports you*

The fact that this game takes place in Spain and they talk like Mexicans triggers me

The spanish in that game sucks ass, my friends and I used to quote It all the time.

Whaddya BUYIN'?

>easier to avoid enemy attacks on the hardest difficulty

What's the difference they both speak Spanish

It's the accent, amigo

Well, the accent between American people and British people is vastly different

I have no idea, I've never heard Spanish actually being spoken before except in this game and when people say they want a faheeta

are you my gardener?

Hijo de su pinche perra bomba

Yeah because Americans are fuckng retarded, they're mostly Irish or Italian so they forgot how to speak proper English because they're not fully human

A little rough, don't you think?

doesnt he just say "largate cabron" without the "de aqui" part? Also thats not even the NPC that says it.

It's not in Spain

>water room

someone post a video of these guys because I don't get the meme. It's referenced in the "Happy Souls" video with the undead farmers/miners from Brightstone Cove Tseldora in Dark Souls 2.

Why were there so many Mexicans in Spain?

Give it a few years yurocuck
You'll all be speaking Falafel language.

Trump sent them back to where they belong

The bigger question, why were there so many 19th century people in 2004?

What a neat bird.

I'm not fucking European don't ever call me a European again


You clearly haven't met neither
t. Brazilian

¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí?¡Lárgate, cabrón!

t. assblasted amerimutt


OP fuycked up the Spanish part, it's

Doesn't matter. English is a shit-tier, simplistic and colourless language.

Why are all americans so retarded?

I like how he sort of walks like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park.

No I've never met a Mexican or a Spaniard before, I've met an American once and a Brazilian once but nobody else from north or South America

/Abtfo/ - Ameriniggers blown the fuck out general

>colourless language.
Good, I hope it stays that way we don't need chink or Arab influence like the Europeans have

why is it so hated bros?

Ever occured to thaf putrid piece of stale shit you call your brains that this game takes place in a fictional world? Unlike the one I sadly have to share with retards like you?

>get the mod that changes leon into rebecca
>non-stop horny thoughts of ashley and rebecca getting raped together

Anda a cagar, puto!

Wii edition is still the definitive one even compared to the Steam version. Why the fuck didn’t Capcom give us free aim with the mouse?

well that was lame. I was expecting something much more intense. How could someone enjoy that type of "gameplay"?

that happens 5 mins in the game


Fucking nu-Sup Forums I swear

The only thing to complain about that I can think of is that you have to buy it. You can't find it in the levels.

Hola ese you busco Ashley

Just because it's fiction doesn't mean details like that should be fucked up. Unless there is a lore explanation for why they sound like they are from Mexico, it's just a blatant fuckup by the game devs. What a stupid argument


This is exactly how we Brazilians feel about Max Payne 3.

Resident Evil takes place in a world where Spanish people and Spain exist. Using the "fictional setting" excuse to justify changing that is identical to justifying the inclusion of magical powers for the main character, who has been pre-established to have no magical powers, not to mention the game universe not having magic as an element.
"Just because hyperdrive engines actually transport you through an alternate dimension and it's impossible to hit real space objects while traveling doesn't mean that a hyperdrive jump couldn't be used as a massively powerful ramming rod in real space. It's a fictional setting, so it's okay."

They speak Portuguese Portuguese in MP3?

They try very hard, there are even some Brazilian voice actors in it, but it's still terrible. The guy who voices the corrupt Police commander from the DUP is a cable TV announcer over here.

>still unconfirmed weather the game took place in Spain despite having Spanish policemen and Spanish villagers.

Red9 or Blacktail?

>what are some good games with crafting recipes

Why would anyone choose anything other than red9?

they don't use Vosotros or its conjugations

I just finished a no-upgrade run of the game and in that category the Red9 doesn's stand a chance. All of starting stats of the blacktail are on par or better.

Quem fez a voz do tira?


and spanish currency


>yuropoors trying to derail a video game thread with their absolute OBSESSION

help me guys
>live in valencia (spain)
>love rain, but fucking never rains here
>planning on going outside spain for holidays
where should I go
I want a rainy place around europe
maybe northern UK, germany, ireland?

Everybody knows that Mexico > Spain
Spaniards are fucking retarded, obnoxious, arrogant and should be bombed. Hey gringos, be thankful you're next to Mexico instead of that shithole. I really feel bad for France and Portugal.

I don't care
2 pieces of shit from the same pile

>Onda Vital
>El Tio Golpetazo
>A Todo Gas
>La Jungla de Cristal
>Don Pepe y los Globos
>Madre Mia Willy
>Joder jolines joder tio macho joder que estoy flipando en colores tio joder macho
Fuck off.

no u 4 u

>thread doing fine
>literal youtube coment monkey steps
pack it up, it's over

as a spanish guy I hate the horrible translations our country does, they pander to fucking retards
but you pulled some of these out of your ass, so get fucked

From what I understand they speak an older dialect of Castilian Spanish. sounds like mexican, but is actually not

>older dialect
we went from latin to spanish
only retards went from spanish to mexican

Fitting that those things you mentioned are from shows, animes, phrases and things attractive to children, fitting of your mental retardation.

>arguing over your irritating taco language when we could be having a comfy RE thread


We discussed RE4 for decades now, what's left to discuss?

if you have the money, southern Chile. It rains all year, even in the summer, but cities are designed to handle it so you can enjoy being outside anyway.

>Brainlet doesn't have the IQ enought to understand more than 1 language

Still more fun to talk about RE4 than to discuss one of the least pleasant sounding languages in existence.


I want to go to a place where spanish os not the main language so I can keep practicing my english
I've heard good things about chile and i'ts one place I want to go someday, I didn't even know it was a rainy place
thanks user

As an spic I loved the European Spanish dubs of Grim Fandango and The Nightmare Before Christmas (stupidly re-named here as "Jack's Bizarre World")

Top Tier dubs.

Mi negro. Don't let the fucking Spaniards get in your country, brother. We made that mistake 500 years ago and look what happened.

Plus Blacktail is just sexy as fuck.

Just head to Galicia or Asturias; you'll like it there.

Blacktail is so smooth

I was willing to discuss Resident Evil 4 with you, but clearly you're a huge clueless imbecile like the others here, so now I will talk about anything but video games.

yeah want to go there sometime too, but now I want to get out of spain for a while

>We made that mistake 500 years ago and look what happened.
Your ancestors had sex with the natives and started the bloodline you now belong to?

Wow, dude, I just wanted to ask for directions wtf xD

Whatever man. Spanish sounds dreadful to the ear across the board.

And it's still pretty powerful. I've gotten to where I don't use a shotgun and just use blacktail and punisher to deal with shields. I'm super stingy with grenades so I always have at least one for groups.

its not mexican spanish. They havent spoken latin in 1000 years. You dont think think spanish has gone unchanged in dialect over the millennia?

That's cool. You could try out Scotland or England (as far as I know they're still European). Lithuania is pretty green too, and last time I was there women looked like models. So did guys if that's what you're into


South America: Centuries of daddy issues

The choice of an avid gun collecta. It's a nice gun, stranga.

Literally how

Is this the kind of shit that Sup Forums talks about all day? What a terrible board.

Last time a guy was executed by terrorist organization here over a decade ago it was big news that are still remembered to this day. In Mexico that would be called a Monday.