ITT: Newcomers that are inevitable for the next Smash game.
ITT: Newcomers that are inevitable for the next Smash game
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Dixie, Funky, K.Rool. Who will come first?
hopefully Dixie, TF was her time to shine
K. Rool (legacy character/villain) > Dixie (different enough and cute) > Funky (babymode)
Rex+Pyra as a duo
Captain Toad
Spring Man
The MC of Fire Emblem 2018
Retro rep(I'm gonna say Mach Rider)
Third Parties
Hopefully Rayman, but it'll probably be a Rabbid instead.
They should really add Sonic, it's been long overdue. He should've been in Melee or at least one game since then
>DK wears a tie
>Diddy wears a shirt
Why only Funky wear pants??
>Rex+Pyra as a duo
They would have to make it a Pokemon Trainer type thing. Wouldn't make much sense for her to be on the foreground, nor would it make sense for the blade to not be with the driver.
Then on top of that to keep with the essence of Xenoblade in smash, he would probably have to bounce between Mythra and Pyra
>captain toad
I feel like Nabbit has a bigger chance as the mario rep. Wither that or Kamek
I'm willing to bet either Decidueye or Lycanroc for Pokemon rep, since we don't have a Grass Type, Ghost type, or Rock type yet, Decidueye would complete the starter trio and Lycanroc is one of the mons being pushed this gen
This is honest to god the only proper response to the OP.
That and spring man.
I would prefer Mòrag over Rex, but she doesn't have much of a chance.
Captain Toad actually has his own game, and even appeared in Odyssey.
The Funkiest Kong is here
DKfags are delusional. Can’t wait to see the reactions when’s Diddy gets axed
Anyways, Rex and Pyra are practically shoe-ins. Would be nice to see some new FE reps too
You already have 5 fucking reps with FE.
if sakurai is real, cranky kong. Most potential for a fun moveset in him.
And more than half of them share the same fucking moveset
Toad has been around since SMB, he's been playable in a lot of games since SMB2, and he has his own game. Toad won't get in, because he's not very important, but he definitely has a better chance than the Wii U era character.
So? It’s an incredibly prominent and beloved series. It’s better than fucking Earthbound or DKC at least
I could see DK not getting a new rep, much as it annoys me.
I do want K. Rool or Dixie though.
It's not prominent or beloved as an entire series. People only love Awakening and everything released afterwards.
Nobody cares about Splatoon anymore.
>Fire Emblem
>better than Earthbound or DKC
>wanting EVEN MORE Fire Emblem characters
vomit and die
he can't hide is massive dong like the others
it's reached god status in Japan
there's no way they'd turn it down
Are you dumb? Nabbit was just some shitty NSMB character, he wasn't even in Odyssey
>mfw DKC on switch is being turned into flappy bird
is funky kong the strongest Nintendo character ever?
>Best in mario kart Wii
>Banned from Mario kart 8 to avoid destroying th roster.
>Back in a new game with a broken mode.
Have fun being on the wrong side of gaming history nostalgiafags
Holy shit, the salt during Smash 5’s hype period will be AMAZING
Wow, Poochie has aged badly.
>Fire Emblem better than DKC
I'm a fan of both series but you're full of cock if you believe that
First mobile rep yada yada
>It's better than fucking Earthbound or DKC
FE has like 3 good entries out of 10+ games. Every DKC game is good and Mother 1-3 are all solid RPGs. FE sucks dick.
Japan does. Guess who Nintendo caters to first and foremost?
With how popular BoTW was, I would expect some rep like a champ or this guy.
At least it's a polearm user
Nah, this is just like people thinking Zoroark will get in the Sm4sh, it would be too late by then. You don't know what new Pokemon will get in the next Smash, it doesn't even exist yet.
it's not that it won't happen
it's that you want more Fire Emblem characters. HOW ARE YOU NOT SATISFIED
Splatoon 2 barely broke 1m and its merch isn't selling. It was a hit on Wii U (ha) but everything afterward is a flop. It was a fad.
I'm a K. Rool fag but i'm A-okay with Funky getting into Smash
Anything to appropriately rep the best platformer series of all time
>Splatoon 2 barely broke 1m
It sold like 1.2m just on Japan
>Every DKC game is good and Mother 1-3 are all solid RPGs
Holy shit, this delusion. DKC are mediocre platformers with dated graphics. Earthbound rightfully died off because of that ugly-ass western art style and shitty SNES music.
>DKC are mediocre platformers
What? They're like the pinnacle of their genre.
>Funky getting into Smash
I imagine he'd just be a semi-clone to Donkey Kong (like Fox/Falco), in which case I'd rather he just be a alternate costume.
To the victor belongs the spoils
also most of the new FE characters happen to be waifus, which is pretty awesome
>Hopefully Rayman, but it'll probably be a Rabbid instead.
I feel strongly that the Rabbids will be an assist trophy. They don't make sense as a character. For a western third party, I think Skyrim guy is more likely than anyone else. Skyrim is extremely popular, even in Japan and Skyrim has launched on the system. By including Skyrim guy it would encourage more Switch owners to buy Skyrim on the Switch.
nigga Splatoon is 9 million times more popular in Japan than anywhere else
>DKC are mediocre platformers with dated graphics
Where's your evidence? Just because you say they are doesn't mean it's true, user. I can understand not LIKING the games but saying they're outright bad is just plain false.
And the graphics are fine. They hold up better than a lot of games made to push graphical fidelity during those times.
Morag is the best girl, but we all know that the best possible XC2 character(s) are these two.
Rex+Pyra would be boring from a gameplay perspective.
He was playable in 3 games and appears in 6
I have to say that a newer pokemon is very likely. Either one from the Switch game or maybe an Ultra beast. Could also be Decidueye considering he was the most picked starter by most people if I remember.
Knuckles (thx to Ugandan Knuckles for the next Ballot poll popularity)
XB2 Characters (Rex with Pyra/Myrthra)
New Fire Emblem character from the Switch Opus
Only per capita
There is less than zero chance of knuckles getting in over Shadow.
But I've wanted the assist trophy playable for a long while, I didn't want the other guys but here we are
what's that supposed to mean
how can Sonybros even compete?
Spring Man
Funky Kong
Rex and Pyra
Rabbid (with Rabbid Peach skin)
Character from the next FE game
Travis Touchdown
Shovel Knight
Captain Toad
>The only eshop icon to get a third game 5 years later
None of the above. Lanky will be next.
Were his games any good?
cappy would be a new move rather than a separate character
what dark souls character should join the fight?
nameless Dark Souls 1 poster knight?
A Dk clon would get in before a Diddy clon and I think Funky'd be more exciting so I agree with op there
Once From brings the new Tenchu game to the Switch....
Fucking plz
I was thinking more like cappy mario, like how doc has a different slot.
have fun
Cranky. or Funky.
Dixie is a close second but I feel like they'll just make her a Diddy clone.
It’s an acquired taste
It’s a tower defense in the desert where you can roll around and attack enemies yourself
Second game was pretty much the same game with new additions but the soon to come third game will actually be a full blown sequel
A Bravely Default character would be a better fit than the dancer from Octopath. I'd like Tiz or Edea, but I doubt any would get in.
I would actually put my mobey on Mimikyu
He would have no knockback at all for the first 25% to 35% of damage of each stock (what it takes to break the disguise)
Sakurai isn't going to put in a side character of a game before the main character, regardless of gameplay potential.
>But Robin!
Robin basically shared the main character spot with Chrom, not really comparable.
Splatoon 2 has sold 2 million in Japan alone. Toppest tier numbers
Cappy would definitely be an
>assist trophy
In that order before he becomes an actual playable character.
literally just make a tag team character as classic sonic and classic tails, to replace ice climbers. also give sonic a metal sonic costume.
I really hate that the first 2 games are extremely underrated that I can’t find any Fucking guide outside “5 Star”
Fuck whoever made this game for making an entire map filled with mud
But Rosalina
>Cappy as an item
>lets you take over another player momentarily
Leave Diddy Kong to me.
Definitely making it in now
You're alone on this, faggot
Sure thing. Ask the millions of FE fans overseas what they think of your autistic kid's games
Are you saying the main character from Mario Galaxy isn't already in Smash?
I guarantee there are more DKC fans than FE fans