*blocks your interest in playing through the remaster*
*blocks your interest in playing through the remaster*
*blocks your interest in playing through the remaster*
Oh, I assumed it was gunna be full price.
What are they remastering? the only issue with that game were the lag on the controls and some of the lag through blighttown. Other than that, it was a near perfect game for its time.
It should be. It'll keep the nintards away. Plus they deserve 60 dollars for how good this game is.
nah, it's immediately after them that I lose interest
if they spruce up the game's unfinished second half then it's a day 1 buy for me
DaS1 is a pretty awful game after O&S. If anything they're the very last bit of greatness before the game falls into mediocrity.
Everything up to and including O&S: 10/10
Once you factor in post-Anor Londo that score drops to a 7/10
*blocks your interest in playing through the remaster*
What? Ballerstein and smough were fun.
so are they going to fix lost izalith or is this just a cash grab
>run around the arena for 10 minutes until you can safely wack away at Ornstein (who does ten damage anyways): the boss
Why do people have trouble with these two again? You don't even to memorize their tells, they're all extremely obvious and straightforward. Did people genuinely try to fight them simultaneously?
I wonder if they'll bother fixing ornstein's dash
they better be toned down in the remaster
is anyone on this website pathetic enough to play videogames on mcdonalds free wifi
>muh Dark Souls Adventure 2 Battle
I can't believe people are going to buy this shit
the remaster is going to let you summon 4 phantoms
four fucking phantoms
O&S is going to be a fucking joke
Anor Londo itself is big, empty and boring, but it had Painted World and O&S
Undead Parish and Sen's Fortress is where it peaked
It's only $20 on Steam if you own DaS already.
O&S are fine, it's everything after them that makes me not want to replay it.
$20 on PC if you own the original game.
I'm more concerned about this.
Really? Wouldn't it be cheaper just to buy the steam version now and the remaster later then?
>he didn't kill Smough first for that sweet Leo ring
Just use a shitlord build like I did.
>yes goyim, it's ONLY 20 dollars! It's not like you already own the game!
if you need 4 phantoms, you're most likely not going to last very long as the host anyway
*Becomes the only deaths you'll encounter without it being an enemy behind a corner for the entire series*
>not getting hyped as fuck for that
if you wanna lose interest, I got your back
What helmet is that?
You mean a game I bought 6 years ago? It gets 3's engine and netcode. Worth $20.
what the fuck I uploaded a picture
>we get the shitty sell out half assed series because they couldn't port DeS to Switch
Thanks Nintendo. Fuck you.
Mask of the Mother.
I wonder if this fight is gonna be any different. And if it will, how?
Thanks, I thought it was one of Pinwheel's masks but I wasn't sure.
Can I get a source on that please my dude?
They should add like 10 painting guardians to the fight to piss everyone off
While I have no proof of anyone using McDonald's wifi to play online, the answer to:
>Is anyone here pathetic enough to...
Is always yes
>best boss in the series
Oh wait scratch that I just found it, that's pretty neat I guess.
Every part of this level hurts my fucking eyes
Toned down? They were pretty simple to begin with. You just need to not be a retard. I've had much harder fights in games before and since.
These shits are just one fight. I can just summon Solaire and breeze through it. The real "that part" is Lost Izalith. Not even Blighttown, because you can rush through it really fast.
DaS is even easier than DeS, though. A literal retard could beat it.
Yeah thanks, that's nice then I was expecting to be paying full price but only $20, decent of From to not be too jewish about it.
DeS gives you unlimited healing and that AoE fire spell melts every boss but Tower Knight.
and people say dark souls 2 had bad textures, lmao.
Lost Izalith is shorter than Blightown if you take the shortcut.
I consider rosencrantz and guildenstern to be the final boss, because it is the last good part of day. Dooks is fine too, but seath is piss easy, so it is a lame way to finish a run.
It probably will be full price in Canada. Fucking syrup bucks...
at least it didn't fuck your framerate up.
>Motionless gif of young Rogan
I am confused.
The part that is "that part" is definitely
>Lost izalith
Like other anons already said
Until you get to the ruins part with BoC it looks horrid, has dumb progression with really uneven bonfire placements and no real shortcuts to make it at least bad but a breeze to run through.
Its really badly designed and I hate getting through it every single time I replayed DaS1
Lost Izalith is very cool visually.
Textures are fine too.
Wrong. The second half of DS1 is great and its a meme to hate it.
Summoning more than 2 phantoms should cause the game to uninstall itself.
I have no idea what is this image trying to prove, yeah lava is bright.
Well not having shitty controls will make the fight a joke, and it's the only semi interesting boss in the game, so maybe.
I'm not going to say it looks good, but it never really bothered me that much. I think you guys just like to exaggerate.
holy fuck dude, git gud. Christ, you’ve had seven years to learn how to play this game, it’s not even hard.
Quelaag, Artorias and Manus are all better than O&S.
The problem with DS2 textures is that the tiling is way too obvious, while user's image is really good in that aspect compared to the abomination in pic related
Is it going to be 60 fps on switch tho
They're literally just dodge to the side and hit them. There's nothing interesting about them. Hell, Artorias and Manus might just be two of the worst bosses in the series imo.
Blighttown is a buggy piece of shit.
The game is more like a rollercoaster ride of good/bad before flatlining at lost izalith
And you would not know about any of those things on your first playthrough. In DaS you can be absolutely clueless and waltz through the game.
>caring about bosses in a dungeon crawler
You are why the franchise went to shit.
>Artorias and Manus might just be two of the worst bosses in the series imo.
Not when Micolash, Bed of Chaos, Dragon God and Ancient Wyvern exist.
yeah it's bland and the tiling is obvious but at least it's not going to give make you go blind from overly bright lava and seeing fire attacks in like 10fps.
>450+ hrs in DaS
>dozens of Anor Londo Summons
>last run of the game was a perma-gravelord NG+8 run with the Agression Mod
>have literally never died to Kenan and Kel
Why do people say they are hard? I didn't even come close to dying the first time. It's patently obvious you just kite them around the gigantic arena until you have an opening and just don't let yourself get surrounded.
It's 30 on the switch. 60 on ps4 and xbox.
also this actually looks very smooth, despite looking boring
git gud
Only thing I care about is being able to flip my way to freedom with the DWGR and blighttown isnt going to make frames go up and down like a roller coaster ride
>It gets 3's engine and netcode. Worth $20.
Do you mean they will actively break a already functional netcode and charge 20 bucks? Because 3 had the worst netcode of any souls game to date
The second half isn't nearly as cool because it suddenly splits into multiple paths of which two are actually fun. The second half feels more like a chore because of it. I would have liked it better if you could get to all of the lords without having to go to Anal Rodeo first, and then for the path to Gwyn to be behind BigE Smalls and the illusion of Gwynevere.
I can't wait for the biggie smalls memes to return
Are you fucking serious? Can't wait to get steam rolled in PvP again like Dark Souls 3 because the host has 6 gorgillion advantages.
Why make a hard game then allow you steamroll it with no reprocussions? Wasn't that the whole point of the fucking invasion system?
This fight wasn't even hard. I don't know why people hate it so much. Just don't stop moving and take pot shots.
Multiplayer in first game barely worked. In 3 it works always.
>Lost Izalith
>Framerate problems
What kind of hunk of junk are you playing your games on, user?
This. The whole dark area to gravelord Neto is fun and he is an interesting boss. Dukes archives is eye candy and fun crystal caves is cool just a little empty though. 4kings would be improved by allowing parry and lost izalith is just too short. If they added more to see and do on lost izalith Itd make the game perfect there already is cool lore from there and I don't understand the hate for bed of chaos other than it might be too easy. Also remove dragon butts and put in proper demons.
I like this
I love to play with friends and make "rpg" comp parties where one of us is a healer, mage, tank, dps kind of deal by overspeccing into specific stats. I'm unironically looking forward to this.
git gud
>I don't understand the hate for bed of chaos
>I didn't played the PS3 or 360 version
>I don't understand the hate for bed of chaos
It's not a boss fight, it's a poorly-implemented platforming challenge.
yeah, I didn't because I grew out of consoles over 10 years ago.
No please tell me. Bed of chaos looks cool as fuck and has cool lore behind it. It's only flaw is that it's too easy to just jump down and kill the maggot. Maybe add some fight sequence with the witch and it'd be as good as any other boss fight. I mean I never hear complaints about Wolnir from DS3 and he is essentially the same boss.
>people think this is hard
lol. You can almost pick a game at random from the NES library and it'll be harder.
Never understood the hate for 2nd half DS, Lost Izalith is fucking garbage but the rest is good. Really like Duke's archives.
It's a pseudo platforming boss, in a game without a dedicated jump button, that can one hit you at a moment's notice and you can't do anything about it. The run back to it is also among the longest, probably only second to 4K, if you didn't find the hidden bonfire.
People complain about Wolnir, and all gimmick bosses, all the time.
Dark Souls was easily my favorite game of the trilogy. Hoping they don't fuck it up I'm really looking forward to the revitalized PvP community
Bonfire warp from the start?
Running back and forth gets tiring after XXth playthrough.