Will be playing this very soon. Anything I should know?

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it sucks

Malak is the only difficult part of the game if you don't build your character properly.

male nigger is the only true Revan

it's good
if you haven't been spoiled on it get out
the second one is better, but not as much as people like to say
pretty much this, my recommendation is to go through the game light side your first time through, and the only dark side power worth getting is lightning, the other ones are complete wastes.

2 is better

Skip it for the sequel

I already plan on playing 2 with the restored content mod.

Speaking of mods, are there any must-haves for the first game?

Enjoy it.

If on PC, fix it so the game can do widescreen. You’ll want to kys otherwise.

>the second one is better

Already done, no worries.

Taris drags too long but it gets better.

you should know the combat is fucking terrible and makes the game a dreadful slog

you'll want to kys trying to get """""flawless""""" widescreen to work prperly

I enjoy the characters of 2 more and the dialogue was more memorable, to each his own.

Nah, that shit's stupid. The other method works jst fine and I've done multiple playthroughs using it. The only bad part about it is it's harder to use alongside windowed mode.

You are Jade Empire.

>you should know the combat is fucking terrible and makes the game a dreadful slog

do not level up until you get off of the first planet
save all level up skill and attribute points until after you leave taris
prepare for an excellent star wars experience, user. i envy you, as i will never again play it for the first time. now get out of here before someone spoils it for you

sure it's not for everyone but it's not "terrible", it's typical RPG combat. perhaps Jedi Academy is more your speed.

you pretty much can't fuck up your build, you don't even need the best items or the highest level to play through it.
otherwise, pretty fun times

it's shit just like the game and every other bioware game, kys

Fella if you ain't spoiled LEAVE

Remember when people bitched about the UI and inventory systems of Mass Effect?

Well that was actually Bioware nailing it down and improving on themselves, Kotor is even worse than ME1. Have fun!

this. always played as the bald black dude in 1, but in 2 i was always the obi-wan dude
kotor 1 had a restoration project too, but i have no clue if they ever finished it.
really? best characters of kotors are jolee and hk-35 or whatever his name was, both at least originally in 1.

No mods, go vanilla for first game. Don't level up till you become a Jedi

Hello newfriend. Don't try so hard to fit in, it will just make you look like an idiot.

lol star wars fanboys are so autistic

bet you love the last jedi too faggot, KYS

Don't bother it isn't canon.

why wouldn't you level up until becoming jedi?

play it without party members. Its the only way to make the game a challenge and it makes it a lot of fun

You don't get retroactive force points/powers, so those levels are pretty much wasted.

Start with this one.

It's my favorite of the two KOTOR games. The only real thing that 2 has over 1 is the story.

Unironically kys yourself

Just finished playing Kotor2. Can someone explain to me why the old lady whos your teacher fights you at the end?

let us observe a moment of silence for the wasted time, talent, and resources that were devoted to this insulting excuse for a game in lieu of making several proper kotor games

force powers are a waste, 3 force powers is enough and dem feats are more useful, especially if you're going for scoundrel

Did you talk to her, at all?

You class change when you become a jedi and if you hold off on leveling until you change classes you can level as that class. It's generally more useful to have more jedi levels so you get more force powers and shit, and since the level cap is only 20 and you can make it to level 8 by the end of taris that's quite a bit of potential lost out on.

Now, contrary to what people are memeing here you shouln't not level your initial class AT ALL if only because it makes Taris way harder than it needs to be and you get some free feats in your non-jedi class worth getting. Generally you want to stop around level 4 or 5.

Star Wars is objectively mediocre but d20 is objectively good

because she's an unsufferable cunt who is against you no matter what you do or say

That guy is fucking stupid. The only reason to do that if you want to min max a space wizard. If you the slightest understanding of the game mechanics the game will be easy as fuck

How about a moment of brap?

Because you cut yourself off from the force because you were a coward. You failed her completely and utterly

Yes, her motivatoins are kind of retarded (dude force is bad lmao). But wtf is her problem with you?

im tired, should go to bed
i don't remember the exact levels for maxing but base class should be somewhere between 4-8 iirc so not leveling on taris is pointless.

Avoid any skill that isn't applicable to lightsabers. You're a force user no matter what

i lol'd

That's still not near as bad as some of the EU books

HK-47 is a party member in both games

Kreia ~= Jolee
HK-47 in 2 > HK-47 in 1
T3-M4 in 2 >> Computer Spike Dispenser in 1
Atton > Carth
Mandalore < Canderous
Hanharr >> Zalbaar
Visas > Juhani
Handmaiden ~= Bastila
Out of the other characters in 2, Bao-Dur, Mira, G0-T0, and Mission are on the lower end quality-wise. I remember bits from G0-T0, the others are mostly forgettable, but it has been years since I've played either.
Disciple does not exist because I'm not a fag who stares at women's butts while playing a video game

Ranged is generally always worse than melee


yeah, i never remember the numbers,apart from c-3p0,r2-d2 and t3-m4


If you're retarded, maybe.

She thought you were some super special person for living free of the force. When she found out the how and the why you cut yourself off she realised you were nothing and useless to her, all that was left was to try and get you to fall

That's a good thing. If you aren't a pleb faggot you use ranged.

Go blaster Jedi, use dual pistols until you get access to the baragwin weapons from yavin station. Far better than saber wagglin.

Kotor 2 has a serious lack of atmosphere, especially because of the sidequest and soundtrack.
However the waifus are better.
So i don't know which one is the best.

HK-47 is easy to remember because of the AK-47.

Bastila is Revan.

Dude spoilers

My first playthrough was an absolute compound fracture. Scoundrel-guardian with poorly allocated stats and mandalorian armor against Malak.

Meh thats a pretty weak motivation.
Also last question : The jedis used you as a bait for the siths, with the bitch in white revealing your id, etc. But then why the fuck did she order to steal your spaceship so that you can meet her and reunite the jedis?

Meant to make the distinction that Mission is only in 1, but anyone discussing this should know that

Install Reshade to get more interesting visuals. It helps with sharpness and enabling ambient occlusion makes the game more interesting. Without ambient occlusion I could have never finished the game. Save often and always save before entering new area and save second one when entering the new area. Game's buggy.

She wanted your BJC and hoped you would be different now and help her rebuild the jedi order in her image. She didn't just use you as bait but the entire jedi council, she was the one that let Nihlus know about the miraluka meeting.

If you had gotten your lightsaber back you would have noticed it smelled like fish

Kreia is a bitter old lady that got cucked out of power by Nihlus and Sion. So she blamed the force for her problems and wanted to end it

And what was the "true" siths that Revan went to fight after Kotor1?

The Empire (Not that Empire a different one)


Play Star Wars: The Old Republic (only $15 a month) to discover the answer.

The Empire for TOR, the Exile went to help him fight them and dies to some nobody. Just in case you want to know how her story ends

Oh yea thats the mega sith lord who went to the past and shit, and EU fags can't stop to barg about how he is more powerful than palpatine?

>He has Nihilus' planet eating powers with non of the drawbacks
>He is immortal
>can beat Revan without breaking a sweat

But can he beat Good Revan and Evil Revan at the same time?

>Good Revan and Evil Revan
Wait, is Revan two people now?

He's also perfect at everything, and everyone in school thinks he's the coolest, and all the girls want to date him.

yeah right, kike. You're out of your element, fuck off

You poor soul, stay away from TOR

And his dick is gigantic

You're in the wrong place. Leave.

yes even if they have help from the Exile

and I'm not talking about "just woke up on Peragus" Exile not even "Gathered all the Jedi master together" Exile. I'm talking about "killed Kreia and learned everything there is to know in the Malachor Academy with ALL force powers including master speed and force storms, master flurry, critcal strike and power strike, and finesse in lightsabers with a maxed out dexterity" Exile

I hate this kind of "DBZ" level of power. One thing i liked in SW lore, especially in the prelogy, was that force users weren't too much OP, both in their powers and in their resistance. Sure Ep2 where the brainless jedi die against some fucking droids is a little bit too much but you get the idea.

I'm scared now. What the fuck did they do to Revan?

For only 15 dollars a month you can find out!

I don't give a shit about Star Wars but I really like the Kotor games. They're fun to play and it's fun to get angry at the moronic jedi council. It feels good to hunt them down in 2. Especially morons like Vrook. Jesus fucking christ.

KOTOR at least has a good setting

>Star Wars
>good setting

>good setting

>Exile goes to break Revan out of prison
>She teams up with a sith lord to do so
>They break Revan out and go to face the Emperor
>The Emperor effortlessly BTFO's Revan
>The Sith lord betrays the Exile
>Exile never saw it coming and dies
>Revan manages to escape
>he now has multiple personalities and switches between Darth Revan And Ligth Revan when the plot needs it

Go out Jorge Lugas, Last Yoda was garbage.

>hiring "professional writers" coming from (((university))) was a mistake.

>dark side characters in kotor

Do they even get anything good in 2 besides a more spammable Storm?

>my autistic opinions are objective

Why do people praise these two games so much? They look like generic RPGs to me.

Because Star Wars