Just when I thought I was getting good at monster hunter, mark of a hero slaps me...

just when I thought I was getting good at monster hunter, mark of a hero slaps me. how do people deal with G rank when this I Lagi kills me in 2 hits?

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I generally just don't get hit.

Have you considered not getting hit? Man you'll fucking LOVE The Brilliant Darkness if you can't deal with Mark of a Hero.

Easiest quest in the game if you just don't get hit.

You do know the Lagi is just the first part of the quest, right?

>"just don't get hit lol"
>doesn't give any useful info at all
This is why you guys are still vigins.

alright lemme unzip something that may change your entire view of life


3rd gen was a mistake.

Also lagiacrus is ez just don't get hit dude and hit it afterwards.

It's a G rank quest made for an end-game challenge for single player, it's just disguised under the high rank list. Get some G gear before you go after those fuckers

>how do people deal with G rank when this I Lagi kills me in 2 hits?
By not getting hit.

>be ranged
>don't het hit
Too fucking easy

>he thinks we're joking

Have you tried not letting it hit you?

How fucking pathetic can one man be?

I love these sorts of guides

that fucking charge




He's comin for ya boi
Better dolphin dive

>dolphin dive
>not superman jump

>Superman jump
>Not panic dive

No, that's literally what you do in Monster Hunter. You get to High Rank and no armor rating is high enough to survive more than one hit from most big monster attacks. It's mostly all about which Skills a particular armor set offers to you that is important in the endgame, because the armor sure as fuck isn't going to be protecting you.

>panic dive
>not oshit slam

Why does that monster look so sexy?

Git gud

>panic dive
>Not clutch dodge

All the thunder element monsters are lewd.

Mark of a hero is a meme quest. It's shit in every game.

Just keep trying until the last two monsters then run around in a circle and let them hit each other for 20 minutes until it dies.

I tried to play 3u emulated but that shit is just impossible to solo yo. We needs brave and adept in every game now or it's just not doable or fun.

>Clutch dodge
>Not Hunter hop

>hunter hop
>not spear tackle

Is this a joke? What weapons were you using? Ranged?

When you don't get hit he can't kill you, its a trick that speed runners do, shhh don't tell anyone.

>Spear tackle
>Not skooks swooce

>Don't go for the weakest part
Do people actually play MH like this? Serious question.

You don't stand in front of Teostra in G Rank. You just dont.

You likely need better armor. Preferably armor with Thunder Resistance.

Actually, I do, it's the best way to fight him.

Teostra's back legs are a 45 cutting hitzone, not as weak as its head but still weak enough to qualify for weakness exploit and vastly safer and easier to hit in comparison

You can go for the horns all you want if you need them but if you're just slaughtering teostras en masse for large elder dragon gems it's less stressful to just to hack off his legs

Welp you sure are braver than I am. How do you avoid his insta charge?

why the fuck would you risk that

In Monster Hunter Generations do I need 10+ for
Elemental Resistances to count?

I use hammer, I live on the face, no exceptions.
Not even Gravios, Diablos or Plesioth
I'm being 100% serious

Obviously? Why would it work differently?

I was going to wait until Nintendo detailed the online service before getting XX on switch.

Should I just go ahead and fucking get it?

but that quest is not underwater user

If you can get arround niponese yes
It fixes all the problems with gen, and is kind of fun

From one hammer main to another, I like your style kid.

Stay close and a little to the side, being close to teostra is somewhat important since it makes him that little bit less likely to charge or jump around and gives you a better window to dodge if he does

If you've got enough damage output to semi-consistently stagger his head it's a pretty feasible way to fight him, his G rank version can actually end up being easier since he's more prone to using his big stupid powder attacks that leave him wide open instead of charging more frequently

But you have to do a ton of underwater shit to reach that quest user.

*blocks your path*

yeah but is not hard
real bullshit start in G rank
ejem ejem G lagi in flooded forest ejem ejem golden ceadeus in general.

>Be lance main
>Block charges
>Block fire
>Block claws
>Block tail
>Block Michael bay
>Block supernova

>Be lance main

>Make set with over 1000lbs of defense and ass
>Fire res +20
>Teo Supernova can't even come close to one hitting
Heh.. Nuthin' personnel...

>Be lance main
compensating for somethin?

>using defensive skills other than evade dist
fucking embarrassing

*screeching and swooping intensifies*

Guard lancing is love guard lancing is life.

>tfw SnS with engineer skill
who stylish bombing here


My man, there's nothing quite like walking in to a lobby with over 1000 defense and watching cuckies like you flip their shit because they think I'm bad at the game.
Then I never get hit unintentionally, like by a fat 140 Apex Rajang slam or a Teo supernova

Skills are a cruch desu tbf

You literally are bad at the game. Wasting space over defensive skills means you won't have room for offensive skills, which in turn makes you contribute way less than other players.

>needing def at all
The moment you enter G rank you're supposed to understand every monster's pattern and act accordingly so you don't ever get hit. Skills are there so you finish hunts faster and minimize the chance you get hit.
If you come in my room with 1000 def and no skills then protip : get kicked

i fucking love his scream

Garuga is unironically my favorite monster despite him being built on bullshit alone.
his armors are disgusting though

If you're using any kind of offensive skills you might as well be running Heroics, if you're not, you're sub-optimal.

>hurr durr play the game the way I play it
Let him be, if he wants to have a shit ton of defense that is absolutely fine.

this is true too

>not 3 HBG + 1 LBG

Maybe in SP, definitely not in MP. You're literally just wasting everyone else's time.

>3 HBG + 1 LBG
>Not just 1 LBG solo

duo bug stick/bow

>this I Lagi kills me in 2 hits?
get hit less than twice

>You can never do anything for fun

Efficiency is fun.

he's right though, if you're going to play online with other people, why waste a slot on another target that will contribute next to nothing to the fight ?
I'd rather have another player that actually knows how to dodge shit and have actual skills.

uhhhhh I guess that if attack is all that matters then everyone should be using the gravios memecannon HBG set.

Which is what everyone ended up doing after the "muh fun" meme died down.

Efficiency is fun solo, what's the point of it in multi loma.

>You can't dodge without evade+
Really? Shit I wish I knew that before I dodged every attack without evade+

his G armor is top tier doe

Jokes on you I used a LBG with evade +3, and I never died in a 140 quest.

>those feathers on the helmet
best looking armor is still female golden lune though

>evade +3


Man worlds online is going to be another shitterfest even worse than 4th gen. Guess I'm going to be a /lonehunter/ again.

I might be casul but I'm also virtually untouchable.

That's the only true way of hunting.

You are at the caravan and this guy comes up and slaps your guildmarm's as ass.
What do you do?

>tfw 8 months
at least only people who know how to play will play on PC

Look's like crab's on the menu tonight, boys.

>pfffffff a crab
>get my shit pushed in by the crab
I wasn't ready

That's a good joke. PC is just going to have the twitch bait kids that drop the game when it doesn't get mad epic views.

*attacks 3 times in one turn*
*burns you*
*poisons you*

>they'll bring him back for world at some point
>current antidote drinking speed in world

>garuga monster fights all boil down to garuga pecking and screaming at other monsters until they run away

*roars at you*
*tailspin you while recovering*
*charges at you*

>release my peanus weenus
Khezu was ridiculously strong for an early game monster.

Khezu is easy, be it from low high or even g rank.
It's just the most boring fight ever and him roaring every 2 seconds doesn't make it better.

Fighting 2 khezu at once is a whole other story though

Disregard Blanche, it's Yusuf the real deal.
