What will you think of Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

What will you think of Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

Nothing. I'll wait for the Bannerlord.

witcher 3 without monsters and mutants

Good joke

I already KNOW it's shit.

i will avoid all combat and become a smith just like my father


Kingdom looks mediocre. There is no weight or impact in the combat, the HP bar is just wide


>...That means clothes and armor degrade, weapons degrade, your food rots, and you get hungry and sleepy like any other person

>we want the minecraft audience.

I'm not feeling it. the game does not feel polished or something. a shame, i wanted to like it.

Yeah I was kinda excited about it until I found out it will be yet another game with survival elements which are fucking boring after 2 hours

combat looks atrocious. they can attempt to explain it as being dynamic all they want but it just straight up looks dull and goofy as hell

If its good Ill like it

If its shit I won't like it

who gives a shit
we all know there will be cheats/trainers/mods etc to disable that shit. this is the same as when people bitch about timers in dead rising games even though you can us a trainer to freeze/unfreeze time and go crazy killing zombies and play/explore at your own pace. in the end everyone has good time playing video games.

It still isn't released? lmao

It looks fun, though the combat seems odd.
I'll definitely pick it up after the price drops

No people of color? No thanks.

>What will you think
how am I supposed to know that?

what if it's in between

he wo like it