Did Sony miss its chance to cash in on the 3D platformer revival last year with a brand new, unique title of its own...

Did Sony miss its chance to cash in on the 3D platformer revival last year with a brand new, unique title of its own? We saw a Crash remake, Yooka, a new filly 3D Mario, a Hat in Time and others. Crash was okay but a brand new entry in an existing or new property could have been just what they needed to get an interesting game out for the holiday.

Crash was enough

It never works to shoehorn two hundred anthro animal toon plataformers.

Also niggers are shit

I wonder if we'll ever get AE4 at this point...

They missed out on the chance to cash in on that ass


Crash was a remake and Yooka was disappointing.

>Crash was a remake

Thank you for this new and exciting information.

I would suck on Yumi's cunny and never stop

rori thread? rori thread

That is a complex question.
That is all I have to say.

Idiot pedophile

So, another disguised loli thread, huh?

Those are just the faggots that started the series with AE3. Don't mind them, no one actually likes them.

Why are spats so damn good.

Damn you OP, every time I see a Ape Escape thread. I have the urge to do villainous acts on these images

>play a game because of lust over a little girl
Nobody actually does that, right?

you have to go back

Cag is for marrying and impregnation

>there will never be another Ape Escape

totally, who would do that haha

check out this fucking normie

Yesterday I flapped to hat girl by shadman. I needed hat girl real bad.

3D Playstation platformers were mostly garbage.

>letting your dick make decisions for you
Get a grasp on yourselves, holy shit.

Mating Press this loli


it's not the one making ALL the decisions
and sometimes it just happens to be right
Should you NOT play a game just because your dick tells you to play it?

Fuck outta here, normie scum.

>Get a grasp on yourselves

Let me guess, you let your wife make decisions for you too?

>being proud that you can't control your urges
Enjoy your ruined lives.

his wife and his wife's son

Oh I gotta grasp on myself alright

Sweaty inkling bellies should be licked clean after every match


Who's saying they can't control what urges? Why are you pulling shit out of your ass trying to present it as something that actually happened?
I hope you're just trying to bait because I don't believe someone as stupid as you could possibly exist, not in a million years... right?

oh wait there is no /l/ get BTFO you pedo faggots

Perhaps if you weren't dense and reply with shit like "LOL U CANT BE SRS BRO XD?" you would know what I'm talking about.

This is my cute daughter. Say something nice about her

Cute little thing.

>Fapping to bug eyed drawings means you actually want to fuck real kids
And they say we're the ones doing mental gymnastics

i would snuggle

Sause? Google gives nothing

I'm not saying that means you'll act on it. For an analogy, it's like getting a boner over killing prostitutes in GTA. You might not do that in reality but you obviously have some sort of snuff fetish.

artist is yukiu con, dont know what doujin it is

thats a 2d drawing mate

Why is she covering her butt? Does she think non-lolicons, like myself, will find her 9 year old butt attractive?

maybe shes ashamed of it

>can't never have a proper ape escape thread without loli shit

I guess. Compared to a grown woman's ass, no one finds little girl butts attractive.

>did Sony
No. No. No. Stop right there. SONY does not make games you fucking retard. It's not Sony's job to capitalize on ideas, it's the videogame companies under them.

AE3 was a mistake.

I popped a boner to an underage girl yesterday

Do I turn myself in?

How underage?


That's normal my man. If she was below 13 then you should be worried

I dont know dude, by 16 I stop considering women underage.

Pedo be gone

>That's normal my man

Not according to society. You let people know you're even slightly attracted to someone under the magic age of 18 and you are shunned. Especially by women, they HATE that shit

SCE, you retard. Not even giving out a (you). Deal with it.

3 is the best one.
Pedos are just disgusting, vile, garbage pieces of shit.
You all know loli stuff is illegal right?

Bah. That's normie tier.
Come back when you get turned on by diapersor pacifiers

Society is a fuck. They're the ones creating these child molesters and rapists

Where the fuck is Sly 5!?


Some of these are really reaching desu.

If she was post pubescent and/or able to pass off as 18, its normal. Just don't make a habit out of it.

>tfw your close friend is in jail for a very long time because he dated a 14 year old when he was 19
>tfw his life is over
>tfw the 14 year old's SJW friend was the one who reported it to the police and fucked both of them over

You can't go to jail for dating.

society also doesn't want you playing video games for hours or on Sup Forums either. Yet here we are

Only in Canada, land of the cucks

Well obviously they were having sex, my dude

people who date have sex

They're also not real and there's no evidence to suggest that 2D kinks have any correlation to 3D ones.

Why would you WANT to date a 14 year old? They're so damn annoying

dating a minor makes him sound innocent
statutory doesn't

Then maybe he shouldn't have fucked a 14 year old and got himself in trouble. He put it on himself. If he waited 2-4 years he would be fine.

>You all know loli stuff is illegal right?

Dated is a nice way to say fucked.

>The state of Ape Escapefags
Fucking disgusting.

So he was the victim by fucking a 14 year old girl and knowing the consequences?

That doesn't sound very clean at all...

Thanks feminism

Those are the exact ages my great grandfather and great grandmother were.

Pedofags ruin communities AND societies, who knew?

How so?

14 is prime my dude.

The PewDiePie one and Shadman one don't really cite specific examples. Like if women actually killed themselves over that shit he wouldn't still be on youtube, and >shadman draws fucked up shit but doesn't hold any evidence of owning pedoshit.

Sounds like the gays

Because the 13 year old audience of sony is very, VERY annoying and will stop buying the platform if there is anything too "kiddy" on it.

I don't know the context of this any more than you do, but consider the following:

If I am 17, and you are 15, and we fuck each other, that's okay. But the following year, when I'm 18 and you are 16, even though the age difference isn't any different, and both of us had already been in a sexual relationship prior to me turning 18, and it was clearly consensual, now I can go to jail for that.

On top of that, because the law considers sex with a minor to be rape, I'm going to jail for a LONG time because of it, AND getting put on the sexual predator list, which means I'll never get hired by any company that runs a proper background check, I can't live anywhere near a school, I have to go door to door telling all my neighbors when I move in that I had sex with a minor, and if I ever decide to have children it would take only one phone call, from anyone - not even just my wife - to get me separated from the child.

This is why it's silly not to consider age difference and context when making age-of-consent laws.

Actually Romeo and Juliet laws forbid you to going to jail if you are both underage then one becomes not
But I understand what you're saying

Not that user by the way

For once I gotta defend the guy, just because he drew porn of real life kids (photos from google I guess) doesn't make him a child molester. Fuck off.
>nooooo these lines and colors are suggesting this is a REAL girl being raped oh noooooo

>both of us had already been in a sexual relationship prior to me turning 18, and it was clearly consensual, now I can go to jail for that.

this is precisely why we don't equate "dating" to "statutory rape" because people know this and it is assumed you will now wait until both parties are legal

I think you are referring to Romeo and Juliet laws which protect what you are saying. That varies from state to state. I also don't think 17 on 15 is protected in most states either.
This is why I stick to 18. It feels like you need a lawyer present on shit like this and its not worth the trouble.

What are anti-loli fags trying to do? Protect imaginary Japanese drawings of girls? Feel good about themselves?
Maybe in a shithole like Australia.

i fucking lol'd

That doesn't happen and you know it. And like other anons said, the idea is pretty stupid that suddenly a legal relationship becomes massively illegal for no reason other than both parties got *older*.

When the game is fun I see no problem.

I honestly doubt 2D is as safe as everyone make it out to be. You need reference to draw. Even adults. I've heard of some lolicon artists who trace or done some other pedo shit too

The "romeo and juliet" laws are bullshit, though. The thing is, in 90% of cases, the parents of the underage party are going to insist that no relationship existed prior to you becoming 18. In many of those cases, they're going to convince the minor to go along with it. All it takes is one "no" uttered from their mouth, or a simple refusal to speak, and you're toast.

You could even provide evidence, photographs and videos, etc, of you being in a relationship with them - they can just claim it was a non-sexual relationship. You'd have to have photo and/or video evidence of the sex actually occuring - which would then get you hit with child pornography laws, which are so strict that actual minors have been tried as adults and sent to jail for possession of pornography they made themselves, OF themselves.

regardless of it actually happening or not you should still avoid letting it be known you are doing it. You shouldn't break the law if you can't even properly hide it

The edit is better.

Young people are dumb, news at 11.