Steal a car

>Steal a car
That's terrible!
>Steal a TV
>Steal a wallet
>Steal an idea
>Rape a woman
That's not good!
>Steal a lunchbox
>Steal someone's mail
How dare you!
>Steal someone's identity
You monster!
>Steal a video game
It's okay, it's just piracy!

Not an argument

Theft you wont get arrested for.

That's because everything above has actual value and can fuck up the flow of society.
Games don't really hold value as you're pretty much just paying for the company's labor hours, not the actual game

Why do you care about pirating lol I'm a big Nintendo fanboy who buys all their consoles but I still don't give a shit if other people want to pirate their games

Fuck off jew

None of those listed acts are "stealing" though
They are crimes for other reasons, but they are not "theft" as written

I don't consider it theft if I don't need to leave my house to do it.

is that what you tell yourself every time you slip a twenty off your mum's wallet?

nigga games are not the only digital media