>tfw no Franklin-Lamar single player DLC
The first missions in GTA were the best in the game ffs, what was rockstar thinking
>tfw no Franklin-Lamar single player DLC
The first missions in GTA were the best in the game ffs, what was rockstar thinking
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>What was rockstar thinking
"Holy shit this GTA Online is making us a killing"
Was lamar truly the only likable character in the game?
Pretty much.
He's likable for the first few missions then gets really annoying.
he's more likable than franklin but gets annoying fast.
>tfw your homie thinks he's too good for the hood so he becomes a total siz-ellout and starts dickriding a washed-up old white dude so hard that his dumb bitch of a girlfriend has to devote thirty of her forty seconds of screentime in the whole game to nag him into reluctantly saving your life after you've done nothing but try to make him some money and even given him your fucking dog
Franklin was a disloyal, opportunistic cunt.
When this game was coming out, I was expecting three loosely connected stories that merge at the end, not all 3 getting together at the beginning, so I was excited for the hood missions with Franklin. The first few missions of this game were great, and then most of the heists were good, I can't remember any of the others.
I remember the story theory/prediction threads here leading up to the release, lots of anons were excited about Franklin's adventures in the hood, myself included.
He had the best character introduction trailer out of the three of them and I was hoping his part of the story would be more like that as opposed to spending time as Michael's little assistant bitch boy.
You can say the same about any other GTA. 95% of the missions are unmemorable because they're mostly the same.
>what was rockstar thinking
nothing, they ran out of ideas
Fuck, man. He's my favorite character in the fucking game.
There's Agent 14 but he's Online only
>Franklin was a disloyal, opportunistic cunt.
So pretty much your average hoodrat
GTA Online is a lot of fun and is constantly being updated with new missions, modes, vehicles, and weapons 5 years after being released. Sup Forums is just being contrarian by not liking it.
>tfw GTA: Snatch never ever
All of the missions feel the same and half of the cool vehicles are locked behind huge grinding or paywalls.
I feel like in other GTA games good and memorable missions were more evenly spread throughout the game
GTA V missions just stop being fun at some point
Nah, I disagree. They all turn boring very quickly. Go there and kill x people. Go here and steal that car. Take this car, drive there, take the thing, drive there. Oh a mission that wasn't copypas- oh it's over. Take this car and follow this other car, but don't get too close while he is turning. They're all like that, especially 4. I don't remember a single fucking mission from 4. Not. One. I can remember at least a handful from 5 or SA.
There wasn't a GTA game yet where I didn't have to force myself through the missions, just to unlock the map and shit.
I remember hoping he wouldn't end up as CJ-lite
Now I wish he was at least CJ-lite
I wish there was a better way to create our own missions or some shit. Hell, look at those fucking mod missions for SA and you dont create them in a program, you have to confusingly create and script a mission while in game running around.
I agree about IV. In San Andreas i think I liked late game areas more, so I probably didn't care the missions were boring and copypasted.
But I think I prefer later missions in Vice City over those at the beginnning.
I think my main gripe with the mission design in GTA games is that they're so heavily scripted. If you fail a mission a lot (which is bound to happen at some point) you notice how same it feels. It's down to the fucking traffic and the colors of cars.
From a development standpoint it's easy to understand. Following a strict script is easier to develop and to test against. After all, the parameters are known. But it just infuriates me when I'm retrying this mission for the 6th time, and the same car/truck keeps blocking me from the left or whatever. Not even an enemy, just random traffic and shit. It destroys a lot of the illusion for me.
Do you think he'll show up in VI?
fuck off nig
He's that way irl too
but the problem you're having is with the unscripted portion, why do you want more unscriptedness
How can it be unscripted when it happens every fucking time?
Next GTA will be MP only, so get used to it