Nintendo prohibited the use of "Prepare to Die" slogan in the Dark Souls Remastered marketing material on Nintendo...

Nintendo prohibited the use of "Prepare to Die" slogan in the Dark Souls Remastered marketing material on Nintendo social media accounts, eShop, videos and website.

They're now using "Prepare for tough challenges" instead on Nintendo pages.

Is this a sign that Dark Souls Remastered could get censored on Nintendo Switch, friends?

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I think it's more likely they explicitly want people to know it's very hard because Nintendo has never had a Souls game before.

Nintendo is literally for kids, obviously they can't have the word 'die' in one of their games

Or perhaps Nintendo being a family-friendly company doesn't want to use the word 'die' on their media/storefront?

>tittymonster, quelaag, and trap get removed/censored

Nintendo is weird. They pose themselves as a family friendly company, but then they go out and fund shit like Bayonetta that has tons of cursing and violence.

Nintendo is releasing child porn there is no point to censor dark souls

Don't wanna trigger the soywitch owners here

Inb4 they add save states and you don’t lose your souls upon death

Look at what happened to Tropical Freeze.
I can see why.

Blame cartoons banning the word.

Nintendo is fucking gay and you're gay if you buy their games.



Prepare to Dab hahahhahahahahaha

because soccer moms that buy Nintendo for their kids might actually be dumb enough to think the game cartridge will literally kill them

NoA =/= NoJ

Doom and Dark Souls are definitely family friendly titles for children.

Sounds like NoA being NoA.

I just find it so bizarre that they've been releasing all this explicitly sexual stuff and yet they censor "prepare to die".

Is this the dark souls of switch games?

Yes op, yes yes yes. I'm so glad you brought this up! it is definitely only a sign of things to come. My guess is that someone from nintendo request there be no blood, no backstab animations as theyd be too brutal for the kiddies, and most likely, theyll replace swords and other sharp things with anime girls personified as swords. Oh god, the horror. Enjoy your watered down souls, nintenbabies.

I would have chosen "prepare to struggle"

that reminds me, how are invasions/messages going to work on the portable mode? won't that drain the switch battery constantly using wi-fi like that?

Normies and moral fags lurk in social media, i can respect them putting a facade in social networks so those fucks don't bitch. Look xenoblade 2, all the western promotion was carefully done to hide all the lewd, but in the actual game all the lewd is intact.

probably because europe and australia doesn't like the word die on video games/cartoons

Dank Souls: Prepare to Dab

I hope this doesn't contribute to the stereotype of video games being "kids toys", which is helping prevent it from becoming respected as the fourth branch of media on the same level as movies, music and books.

Japan doesn't have hang-ups on sexuality.

NoA still published the games in America and are the ones who announced shit like Bayonetta 3

what happened to it?

it is a sign that nintendo still sees underages as their main target audience.


How would the switch constantly use wifi

It would need wifi connection first

You fucking dip

But then why death? Are they fucking pussies theyre scared of death in fictional media?

>Prepare to Die was too gritty for the Nintendo audience

Sounds accurate.

Right, that's why they published Bayonetta 2 and now Bayo 3, one of the least family friendly games ever

prepare for problems

I'd rather it be seen as kids toys, it keeps normalfags and moralfags at bay to a certain extent. The problems would be so much worse if those """"people"""" actually respected vidya as a legitimate form of media.

Dark souls:

Pathetic. This is the company that nu/v/ loves to shill?

>Nintendo of Japan is the one responsible for weak hardware, bad online, and poor third party support in previous gens.

>Sup Forums berates NoA instead for censorship of minor things and pretends that Japan is le based.

>that pic
Literally me

>mfw the game doesn't sell at all because it's too hard and too videogamey and doesn't have enough story and cutscene, when the game isn't even that hard.

Prepare to lose life.
Prepare to lose Marios

reviewers directed their asshurt into shitting on the game scores because it was too hard.

They aren't allowed to talk about the lewd aspects in Bayonetta on the store page or social media pages. Also, one example doesn't break a rule. Exceptions are just that. Exceptions.

But reviewers would never do that. They're logical people whose reviews are always fair. See: BOTW and Mario Odyssey.

Kotaku is literally /ourguys/.

Are you speaking in general or just on switch?

>NoA still published the games in America and are the ones who announced shit like Bayonetta 3

Not like they have many choice to begin with.
If NoJ told them to bring any title over then they pretty much forced to do it.

Prepare Uranus

Prepare to die is a dumb edgy "LE GAEM HARD!!!! XD" slogan anyway, but this is no better. Switch got DOOM, I doubt they'd censor Dark Souls. Why is it even M rated anyway? Just because the hollowed guys look like dried up corpses and not green people? DS2 is T for teen.

A little of column A, little of column B.

That’s gone completely out the window after XB2’s release

>scared of death

nigga u dumb

>Is this a sign that Dark Souls Remastered could get censored on Nintendo Switch, friends?

L.A. Noire still shows naked dead bodies.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is full of titty-monsters
Bayonetta trilogy exists

I'm gonna say no.


Having a game that you can't pause on a portable console sounds like a terrible fucking idea

All bosses are gonna die in three hits, all summons are Mario, current level design is scrapped in favor of platforming. Bing Bing Wahoo, faggots.

Wii Fit Remastered for Nintendo Switch
Prepare to Diet

Prepare for trouble and make it double

Press the home button?

Stop posting this.

But they're not, unless you consider the soy people underage.

>give people games theyre clamoring for
>censor the shit
lol ok

What problems are you talking about?

Nintendo hasn't censor third-party games since the fucking early 90s.

is that way

bruh i'm scared of dying


That's not wax or shatter

>Which should be addressed
By making games which cater to your majority market, right? Right?

>that “thing”
user if find that shit arousing then you’re a fucking degeneratr

This is definitely NoA fault you fucking idiot.
Just look at SNK Heroin trailer in Japanese direct vs English direct.

Japanese direct Trailer

NA direct

Guaranteed Hylian Shield and Master Sword. Link, Mario, FE Character, Samus maybe? armor sets. Sneak in various Nintendo bosses.

But the perception of video games as "kids toys" is exactly the reason politicians and so-called "family advocacy" groups have been trying to ban games with mature themes.


they havent had any 3rd party games since the 90s

Good for you, I'm scared of living.

When you die in Dark Souls on Switch, the message that appears says "YOU FACED A TOUGH CHALLENGE"

Can anyone photoshop this and add a 1-UP counter near the life bar, where Humanity is?

Splatoon 2's localization isn't a faithful one, and all of the splatfests bar the first one had different topics in different regions anyway.

easy solution for that, kys

Japs are superstitious and putting "die" in a video game would affect sales, at least in japan. Like how sometimes we don't have a 13th floor, imagine if you put a ladder directly over your store entrance, that kind of shit. For fuck's sake, their rpg-stat-shit includes blood-type, most of the western world leaves shit like that (your birthsign/zodiac-thing) to astrologists and their retard customers.

>company currently licensing Bayonetta
>"No, but you can't say "die", the kids might be scared off!"


That's a trailer. The actual game won't be censored by NoA because they aren't publishing it.

did you bother reading the words in the image?


Just because something is sexual doesn't mean i get aroused by it. Also the guy was referring to the line of dialogue not the character

They'll reduce Gwynevere's boob sizes or add a cover.

>im fucking plying
I mean it's a different kind of hang up we have here but damn dude

The Virgin tough time

The Chad death

>Game is M-rated and about death

As a Switch owner, this is pathetic. I'll buy the PS4 version so that they lose third party support again.

I forgot Dark Souls is a western franchise that only now is going to Japan, with the Switch.

Go back to pol

Death is way more serious than sexual content. Sexual content is something that is common in real life and encouraged so you can express yourself freely.

Death is just like...Urm, no....
Its a horrid thing

Nigga were talking in context of promotional material here faggot and who is making all these stupid decision like not using the word 'Die'.
NoA is fucking things up like usual in other to preserve their previous family friendly image whilst NoJ just being their usual self.

You're retarded. Nintendo = soda companies of the 70s. Catering to chicks = bottled water.

why not "Prepare to Cry" then?

Filthy acts at a reasonable price

>Prepare for tough exercises

Diet is too problematic for Nintendo of Soymerica.