Best cod in years prove me wrong

Best cod in years prove me wrong

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I'd like to know what you think that, I don't see it. I only pirated it, so are you saying the multiplayer is the saving grace? I'll find a paid download to investigate. But man, like what in the fuck do you see in this? It's so white bread.

You're not wrong, but it's still shit. The other cods recently have just been even shittier.

Just took the best dump I've had in days.
Prove me wrong.

nothing better than a good shit.


did you get splash back?

Are the maps still senseless clusterfucks with areas nobody ever goes to?


>want it to feel like old cod
>it's just advanced warfare with ww2 skins and no jetpacks, still has floaty controls, no recoil etc..

I don't play MP, but the campaign was shit, even compared to CoD1.



Depends on what you consider senseless. From what I've been noticing the maps retain the three-lanes style of basic map formation, only instead of doung what Black Ops II did, several interconnecting paths, it's just open space after the spawn areas. What you end up with is "Spawn -> No Man's Land -> Spawn", and when you analyze the maps themselves there are just way too many areas to get shot from. Gustav Cannon has got to be the absolute worst CoD map I've ever played, and one of the worst I've played in an FPS. Most of the maps also have really long hallway-like areas that only really have cover at the very ends of them, making most attempts to push or flank basically a gamble as to weather or not there's a sniper waiting for you, which wouldn't be a problem in the older CoDs but WWII just makes them way too easy to use and way to powerful for their ease of use.

middle campaign was ok
>all those voice actors from Company of Heroes and Yuri from Red Alert 2

Played it the other day at a friends house. Didnt play the campaign but Zombies was weak and the multiplayer maps were hot garbage.

As I just recently played through the Battlefield 1 campaign, CoD:WW2 had a much more consistent campaign. But I would have preferred more time in Germany without Zuss to build the drive from camp to camp instead of an X months later time jump

t. nigger

More time with cutie french resistance leader please!

It's shit. Infinite Warfare is a lot better. Too bad they'll never go back to future shit since faggots shat on it.

>getting splashback
It's like you don't even toilet paper the bowl

Im lindybeige and she triggers me

I quit the campaign solely because I couldn't stand the other soldiers constantly yelling "daniels" at you

there never was a good cod lmao

*blocks your path*

excuse you


Literally the worst cod. Dont buy it


Fucking this. Infinite warfare was solid but niggers shat on it because

Forgot: everyone who disagrees is merely a faggot

MW2 was crap.

excuse YOU

You're crap!

It was though, easily the gateway for the rest of the series mistakes

it was broken but it was fun as hell. Black Ops 1 was the peak of COD multiplayer, and maybe even campaign. Black Ops 3 was pretty good even with the jetpack system, but jumping around and infinite sprint got old by the time Infinite Warfare came out.

>that generic fucking name "ww2"


If you hate jetpacks you're a faggot.

what exactly was bad about it?

listen here, moron. jetpacks were cool at first but they got old as fuck after the fifth game or so

No fuck you.

I didn't hate jetpacks but I am super glad to get back to the ground.

kill yourself, faggot

Enjoy your shitty slow ass game retard.


neck yourself, autist

Fixed that for you

*blocks you're path*

I'm happy that the Blops community is still very active. At least on the Xbox.


Ghosts had some pretty fun maps and actually interesting attachments (such as under barrel shotgun, ability to turn into semi auto, etc.)

It's good, but the best CoD is either AW or BO2.

look at all these underaged fags who never even played Blops 1

It wasn't even the jetpacks that made a difference. It had way more customization options. Bugs and missing features were at least implemented weeks after launch instead of months going by with no word or updates from the studio. Game play flowed well and was balanced fairly in multiplayer. More game types were available at launch. Options to buy the shit you wanted from time played. The campaign was military sci-fi kino. Hell the space setting is just cooler for a COD. People, especially the casual normal cod fags, just hated the fact that it was the third future game in a row which wasn't even the main devs fault. WW2 is garbage. Plain and simple.

Look at this stupid faggot that doesn't understand the thread is about current gen cod.

user OP specified recent Call of Duty games. Black Ops is 8 years old.

nowhere does it say that, niggy

>Comparing COD's when they're all virtually the same experience year after year

there is no other answer

Look at this underaged fag who thinks Blops 1 is a classic

>Infinite Warfare plays the same as WW2

BO1 > BO2 > BO3 > IW > MW3 > Ghosts > Human shit > Dog shit >>>>>>>>>> WW2 > AW

Sledgehammer just doesn't know how to develop call of duty.

i respectfully disagree with your list

I agree with everything except human shit being better than dog shit. Human shit smells way worse.

Black Ops 1 story was ass. The last great story was WaW. COD is at it's best when they put you in the shoes of an average Joe.

so WW2's campaign was good to you? it was half assed as fuck

Nigga I didn't even touch that shit.

I didn't wanna go through fucking DDay for the millionth fucking time. I've seen Saving Private Ryan before.

>BO2 not front and center

I think it's the best campaign of the current gen cods. IW is a close second.

Yes, they're basically the game game, but IW has a slightly different moveset based around maneuvering with rigs. You still need to sprint, ADS, and the the TTK is nearly the same. But if you've only played 10 FPS in your life(and 10 of them have been released over the last 10 years) then it might seem very different. But it's no quake, or Half Life, or Doom, those games play VERY differently.

It's like people saying that TF2 is some great revelation that nobody played, but it's the same basic gameplay we've seen since Modern Warfare, but faster.

>IW is a close second
Imagine having this shit of taste. It was generic and cliche brothers in arms story, user

AW is the ultimate pleb filter.

You haven't played shit if you think sliding, wallrunning and jetpacks doesn't change the game drastically.

Name one cod campaign that isn't generic and cliche

It was alright. War mode is fun but the lack of maps kill it. Plus reusing those maps for other modes suck because of how linear they are. Zombies was only interesting because of David Tennant.

Why would I have played any of these shitty games to be able to prove you wrong?

MW3 and Ghosts had the same kind of chaotic map design where you're constantly shot from behind. The lead map designer that worked on those games was famously adamant it was far better than MW1 or 2. Not a chance I'm validating terrible design like that by purchasing it.

Every COD since 2007 has very little recoil and quake-like running speed. It's the series signature. COD games prior sold terribly compared to 4 and onwards

>you will never play mw2 on launch night against mad 12 year olds
>who are now almost in their mid 20's

It’s weird that xbox live and psn is usually completely quiet. Nobody uses mics and shit. All the butthurt has gone to PC via Overwatch, Siege, and mobas

>You haven't played shit if you think sliding, wallrunning and jetpacks doesn't change the game drastically.

But it really doesn't, and I've played every COD

I really miss original xbox live. I still remember having to running that 25ft ethernet cable to my dads office everytime I wanted to play some halo 2 online. all the cool people I met online. best gaing years of my life.

Oh and this ungodly uncomfortable mic that my mom bought me when she sucked up my good one in the vacuum cleaner.

My xbox live experience started with Wolfenstein, and goddamn that was fun. Halo 2 was fun, but honestly I played Pandora Tomorrow and Counterstrike more than anything else.

>It’s weird that xbox live and psn is usually completely quiet.
Everyone uses party chat now.

Halo 2, Mechwarrior 2, and battlefield 2 were my go main games.

The maps are garbage. It's like they got a 12 year old to design the maps. You can get shot from literally 5 spots at any given time. The flow is complete shit. It's like they designed maps for if you had a jetpack then said fuck it real quick and left them as is.

holy shit i just got war flashbacks of that mic it was like shoving a dick in you ear that piece was so awkward

I don’t know about psn, but xbl usually has indicators to show when people are doing that and I rarely see those icons.

No PSN doesn't but I remember that XBL on 360 did do that for the later CoDs. I'm just talking from experience. My friends used to always use game chat and talk in the games to randoms. Now we couldn't care less about talking to randoms.

most randoms I run into these days with mics are just talking about how high they are so nothing is lost.

Expected. I used to actually make friends with random people on xbl before I jumped ship to PS4. Early Halo and CoD4 to MW2 days were an experience that we'll probably never get again.

Their insults have gotten lazy too. Probably all the weed. The worst I’ve heard lately was “Sell your game.”

these games are vomit tier

This is because you are allowed to use FUCKING PARTY CHAT.


I also miss the days of non stop shit talking

advanced warfare was great

I didn't play it because after gen 6 World War II is no longer interesting.

Also that honor goes to AW.

I mean, story wise, I'm gonna remember Zussman right alongside the likes of Soap and the others from back then so, yeah.