Working for japanese video games industry

>Working for japanese video games industry
>Moving to France from all places for better game development experience
Don't japs know that France sucks at video games development?

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Actually France is fantastic at video game development.

What they however suck at is video game releases.

Totally ruins my RinxKo shipping too. rest in pieces

Tell me a great game developed in France the latest years that isn't Mario x Rabbids.

Pretty sure Furi was


Furi had a very '80s cartoon feel. Didn't know it was made by froggies

Look it up yourself, you uneducated moron.

mario rabbits was by ubisoft milan though

Can't you name some yourself, faggot?

Oh shit, I forgot Arkane studios was based in France.
Prey was a pretty good one from just last year then.

she's gonna regret going to paris
like every fucking jap that goes to paris thinking its great

Have you seen the women in French media?

Loads of fantastic game development. Just look at Ubisoft, Wildlands and Division were fantastic development titles.

However their releases were shit.

post nene

Amplitude Studios is located in France.

I want to fuck that female in the picture

>never played EYE

That was made in 2011, before SJWs was a thing in western video games industry.

Since she works for lesbian Michel Ancel there she's probably on that monkey game, which may at least be funky to work on.

Oh hell yeah it's time

But braids is better.

Also the reason I got into this thread in the first place.

Nintendo has literally just been sucking Ubisoft cock for a while now. Rabbids is the most obvious example, but they've been bringing ubisoft devs over to help make big-boy games. The influence is obvious on BotW which is just a shitty, intensified Assassin's Creed.

>"B-B-But muh GMOD and elemental interactions...."
Nintenbro. No.

Paris really is the absolute shithole of France, with Marseille.
As a frog living near Germany, I was genuinely impressed by how bad Paris was when I first visited it. Full of unlikeable and/or angry, rude cunts and swarms of people with higher melanin percentage with very questionnable behavior and intentions.
There's large chunks of France where it's nice to live though, but those never get visited by tourists.
On a side note, if you want nice and friendly people, just go to the Netherlands.

You got your info wrong, nigga: It was Ubisoft that approached Nintendo to make a Mario x Rabbids crossover.

I know, but the only reason they even thought to approach nintendo was because of their prior exchanges.

clearly says best girl right here user

I can't really tell if that's a character from Wakfu/Dofus, but Ankama tends to design pretty hot females. And those are meant to be for a kid's show. I guess SJWs aren't as vocal here as they're in the US.
Hell, I even remember we had those fucking wierd, hypersexualized furry Orangina ads everywhere for some time.

I guess youre right, didnt the french make Totally spies? That shit is pure fetish fuel

Nene wrote that, you shoulnd't believe her.

SJWs are a ot less influent in france, but there's also the fact Ankama works outside of the traditional circuit. They can afford the sexualization because of that but they did have to tone down their stuff when they wanted to get it on TV (despite sneaking in some nip slips). More recently their boss got in hot water for implying Weinstein's victims were willing.

why not

Dofus, unironically

Dofus is a 2004 game though, not recent at all.

Just look at her, she would never lie. Nene on the other hand.

Technically it's from both since it's one of the goddesses of the franchise, but the picture has been taken from Krosmaga
>I guess SJWs aren't as vocal here as they're in the US
There's already a ton of serious controversies over things that would only have granted you rolled eyes a few years ago, they just don't care about videogames yet as much as they do in the US
Also Ankama is pretty much an indie company lead by a bunch of pervs so they pretty much do whatever they want
Feminists in the US can grab the development studios by the balls because most of them are owned by big corporations that hate bad publicity and thus enforce on them whatever ideological fad of the moment is

Yes, but still.
This thing is airing during kid's show hours, on a fucking public, state-owned channel. Tell me those guys give a fuck about crazy femminists or whatever social warrior.
I genuinely wonder how people would react to such a scene (Pic related, it actually is in the show) in the US. That, and there's recurrent implicit sexual connotations in the show.

i don't trust people with two left hands

You gotta understand the US are a super bad point of reference for that kinda stuff, only the middle east is as stuck up as you when it comes to tits.

I know right? Wtf

>but they've been bringing ubisoft devs over to help make big-boy games. The influence is obvious on BotW which is just a shitty, intensified Assassin's Creed.
What? There was a single gaijin in the BotW dev team who did wildlife programming.

>All the characters turn shit

the Japanese have a huge France fetish. They love that shit more than they love Disney

for some reason the god damn frogs have the best advertising campaign in the world. they fool everyone about how great it is

the Japanese have special services for people in France who have mental breakdowns because it's not as fantastic as they thought it would be.

>only the middle east is as stuck up as you when it comes to tits.
You know, when I was a kid, there were only goody-two-shoes kid shows on TV. You know, the kind that tried to give you a life lesson in the end. Even as a kid, I thought it was awful. You probably know what I'm talking about if you're from the early 90s.
Just take a look at the french Fist of the North Star dub version with english subtitles if you want to have a laugh.
But I'm glad there's studios like Ankama daring to do such things. I know I would have enjoyed the shit out of this show as a kid, and it wouldn't have turned me into some kind of half-daemon, like most assblasted parent tends to think.

source, i guess.

Paris is Japan's waifu


I'm waiting for the day a Japanese person is caught in France's new tradition of having terrorist attacks every other month

>degenerate weeb
>>>/cont/a/iment board