How would you balance her?

How would you balance her?

Abandon res.

With my dick lmao



heal ray cooldown

Remove her entirely

How and when will blizard fix their server CPU lag problem, game is un playable.

Take away GA speedboost
Take away the massive boost to her self heal during valk.
Slow her flight speed.

let her keep her two rezzes during valk but keep half the cast time instead of instant.

Should have said "on" goddammit.

Thread ruined everyone get out.


came here to post this

Stop pretending resurrect works in a moba and give her something else like an overheal

Remove her clothes entirely

Kys dogposter

I want her to try to keep balance standing on my face with her pantyhose covered feet or sitting on my face if you know hat I mean

How about you shitters quit crying because you suck?

Why pantyhose and not bare tho?

Replace Res with something like Shallow Grave from Dota.

>character has a large payoff for little effort
>"dude get better lmao"

It's as easy as reverting her to how she was before her retarded Valkyrie ult and making her res ult line of sight. Blizzard doesn't know how to ballance shit, and anything fun is removed from the game, Just look at Doomfist in PTR and then look at him now.

It's the patrician way

> 2018
> Having sex with women


Remove res as an ability, keep her 2 res with no cooldown as valk. Reduce her speed while in valk.

Remove Guardian Angel ability

It is an artifact from her beta kit that makes no sense in her current form.

remove rez, make her heal better

she need a buff, instant rez or something.


by playing tf2 instead

>How would you balance her?
Replace ressurection with Shallow Grave

Mercy is one of the most attractive characters ever made


>first answer was not "on my dick"

What a shit thread.

>as long as Mercy is connected to a hero, either healing or damage buffing, they cannot be killed

And people were complaining about Pharmercy before. Enjoy your unkillable flying turret of 160 damage rockets.

Change her ultimate back to the old ultimate but instead of a full 5 man rez, limit the ultimate to only 2 rez's.

that would just be the ult

dude just kill the mercy first ;))))

How would you control who you rez when there's an entire team dead within reach, though?

Which would last for how long? 20s like the current one? Still pretty fucking long. Also, she could just damage buff a or Rein and not even look at their health as they mow down anything. And don't get me started on how cancerous this would be comboed with Bastion.

which girl has best feet?

No ability to res.

Doesn't heal, just reduces damage.

>massive boost to her self heal

There's no massive boost, it just no longer gets disabled after she takes damage

Can you autists keep your dick in your pants so we can discuss hero balance?

Thank you.

tfw this image doesn't have feet

Mercy is one of those unfortunate characters that the developers thought would be cool without realizing it would result in a balancing nightmare. They probably developed her thinking "Wouldn't it be cool if there was a character who could resurrect her allies? Think of the big plays!" The problem is this game is balanced around a knife's edge where just one death could mean the difference between a failed defense or a successful push.

Now they're stuck with the fact that her rez is too iconic to remove so they try to find ways to balance it, but there isn't. It's too strong.

Remove her from the game, or accept that she has to lose the ability to rez people. It doesn't fit into a fps, regardless of moba elements.

who's the dude above bastion?

on my dick

Battlefield has been doing resurrections long before Overwatch was a twinkle in Blizzard's dick. It has a place, just that Mercy's style of resurrection doesn't.

make res 1 sec
make guardian angel 1 sec


I can. Can you?

anyone got the full pic?

Give her the old ult but with 3 people rez

Make her OP as fuck.
Make everyone else OP as fuck.
Give everyone more tools, more abilities, a second weapon, more gimmicks. Make them fucking versatile and fun instead of these crippled retard-tier niche "roles" that instantly makes most of them useless for whatever the hot new meta is.

why is she so perfect?