How good are you at Fighting Games

How good are you at Fighting Games

Really fucking bad, I can't win a single time against the AI in the Arcade version of Street Fighter 2 Turbo.

1000 LP from being Diamond ranked

I am the “I bully everyone irl but get bullied online” scrub

Worse than dsp.

p. average

This'll never be discussed publicly (and it'll be a shithole discussion anyway), but I'm pretty sure there's racial biases to skill in vidya and I'm a white dude. Black and asian dudes seem to be much better than the average white dude.

Why do you keep making this thread
At least you post different pictures

I'm kinda decent when I put enough time into them but my problem is I usually end dropping one when another fighting grabs my interest, so I never really dedicate enough time to them to actually get gud. Latest one I got into is 3rd strike, fuck it's been really fun but I don't know how long I'll last with it.

no im white lol

I cheese people at the top ranks and they hate me for it.

Perpetually stuck in Ultra Silver

Damn good.
if you think I'm not go on KoF 98 in fightcade and challenge the person named spooktoque and say "soy" in chat

I'll wait

I don't have the attention span for anything with too much hitsparks or if the characters kick up too much dust when they fight, Street fighter II is really the most complicated game I can play

Imagine having an ego this huge lmao

So I haven’t played SFV in a month because of work. Is it worth going back into practice mode or should I just wait until AE?

i only did it for attention, lol
sorry desu~

I hit Ultra Bronze and stopped playing ranked because I didnt want my rank to go down anymore. It was a struggle just getting there.

I know I shouldnt care and I wont get better if I dont play but fuck it.

Not a KoF player or I would, you seem like you'd be fun to play against.

im pretty good at guilty gear and uniel (which no one fucking plays) and pretty shit at stuff like tekken and SF but they dont interest me enough to study the framedata autistically and practice a lot i guess

Wreck casuals and scrubs, get wrecked by people that actually put in time to learn and practice, gatekeeper tier I guess
You must defeat me to stand a chance

Better than you

i can play sf3 too, if you do play fightcade come to the kof lobby and say hi

Not as good as I want to be

Was 3300pp in SF4 e.ryu.
Barely Super Gold in SFV.
Currently learning Abigail
Go figure.

Try Street Fighter Alpha 2. You'll feel like you went asleep and woke up good at fighting games.

Terrible. Maybe actually the worst ever.

I have a black friend I play with all the time and constantly bring this up just to fuck with him.

I have no idea why black dudes are so good at fighting games. Boggles my goddamn mind honestly.

Better than yesterday,
Worse than tomorrow,

Alright post fighting games you play along with your mains
>SFIII 3rd Strike
>GG Xrd
I also plan on getting DBFZ but I still have no idea who I'm going to main