Whats with this game
Whats with this game
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Its vote kick simulator
pills here
Its actually a spawn 2 miles behind the survivors as boomer and get kicked simulator.
versus is a waste of time.
>attack as infected
>do 2 dmg to a a team of 4 bullet sponges
>have to wait 30 seconds to respawn again
i have probably wasted weeks just staring at that fucking respawn timer
>kick user, hes useless
how do you react?
VS is great.
Its a very arcade style type of game. So you have to pour hours into it to be decent.
Like street fighter It takes around 500 hours or more to start getting the hang of things.
i have over 1500 hours, i used to play that shit all day for 2-3 years when it was out, but joining a game now is nauseating because of the imbalance and respawn times
Confogl is still a thing you know.
Its only fun if you have dedicated groups/Teams to play with.
Realism VS spawn times are a bit better but, no ones playing.
More like barely a thing
one of my favorite games. i play on expert (not realism). its not hard to find a good team and completing a campaign in 45 minutes with no resets is a rewarding and fun video game experience
Worth picking up?
When its $1.99 yes.
It always goes on sale for $1.99
Only good Valve game in my opinion. Okay and pre-Jew TF2.
What are your hopes for l4d3?
>removal of kick vote and versus
Who cares. I stopped playing it anyway. Killing Floor 2 is a much better choice anyway if you want a zombie FPS.
>yeah, let's do it. fuck that guy.
then just prepare to find another game, no votekick ever fails.
Hey you guys want a new game?
Haha no
It's a fantastic game, great setpieces, characters, tons of variation, I only dislike that it was steered a bit too much towards parody in some segments. But you also get L4D1 campaign I believe. It's a perfect example of a game where adding content over the years would make it an enduring classic. Even if they only put out one map and one new character per year, today it would be an immense infection epic.
Is it okay playing solo? I have no steam friends.
>mfw always pick shotgun when playing expert so i can massacre my whole team before the kick vote passes
Killing floor solo is better.
i hope i will one day exists
World merger, all maps, characters, campaign together from the start and then connecting everything into one big mesh. L4D doesn't need numbered sequels, it needs to be one game, one world.
I'd add human gangs (AI) in the third iteration, and since it's based in America I'd put the setting in Canada so there can be snow.
Yeah, no problem. Just play with humans (I think people still play it). If not, apply in some L4D group and mic enhances the game a lot. It's mandatory for highest diff. I once had a German who got snared by smoker zombie, was screaming hilfe until he died, was hilarious.
why do people vote kick a lot?
Nothing makes me more nostalgic than TF2 pre-hats. Twas a simpler time
I don't remember ever being vote kicked from a campaign.
I booted up the first game the other day (like it more plus the uncensored version of 2 STILL hasn't been released over here yet like you said you were going to when the R rating got in, Valve thanks for that) and even though there was barely anyone playing vote kicking STILL happened every two seconds. Gotta laugh, i guess.
L4D2 has been dead for quite some time now. The player base is steadily decreasing, there are no new maps, just security fixes in updates. Competitive play never got out of LAN parties and had no chance of taking off like CS GO. The game now is just a decomposing corpse. I think the official dedicated servers will be switch off in about 5 years from now.
>Competitive play
Fuck that
I played KF2 on PS4 but going to get the humble bundle. Have KF1 though. Which is better out of all of them?
kf1, but its dead, some people like kf2 more but its infested with cancerous cosmetics, bland characters and uglier graphics
Realism was a blast.
>harder to kill common infected
>no outlines, only sound and coms can help you
>which is instakill and so actually a threat
>shorter respawn timer for infected players
Shame none of the casual fucks still playing are on this mode.
It's trully the best, and actually more balanced.
but you have to accept the fact you won't get to run to the safehouse every time... (fucking idiots, dying is part of the VS game)
>tfw had a group of a dozen friends and played realism vs every night for 3 years
I miss you, buddies.
what's your favorite map Sup Forums
who's your favorite character?
>Killing Floor 2 on PS4
EVERY TIME I try and boot up Survival VS the game freezes. Not once have I been able to get a game without this happening and apparently I'm not the only one. I am absolutely astounded at the incompetence of some devs.
>works fine for me :)
Fuck off.
It's almost 10 years old now, let it die and bring L4D3.
Not him but the L4D "Comp" scene is a horrendous hugbox of raging babies and angry faggots. No one can ever get good because everyone expects you to know every intricacy of competitive play, so when new people join they get insta pushed out because of how volatile players act.
I personally don't care about peoples feelings, but when you attack people when they want to fucking learn your game, you're essentially putting your community in a coffin and burying it when its that small. If you really want more players, try not calling them pussy next time.
Nick, his lines are hilarious.
>going to LAN parties
It's like saying you're a sperg or a homoerotic dudebro (for cs parties)
l4d is much better than kf even though kf 1 is nice. kf 2 is one of the worst fps games ever
The Parish
I'm a Louisiana boy.
>I'd put the setting in Canada
Its gotta be the west coast
Maybe the survivor go from Colorado,Nevada,CommieFornia then Canada
coach but i will agree nick is better as a character
doing parish on expert realism so many times made me appreciate how much they put into it
I never said I went to a LAN party, that's simply how competitive matches used to be played back in the day, son.
If you get pushed out, you get pushed out for a reason. Anyway, competitive is pretty much dead now, so not sure what in the fuck your point is.
Most people playing it today are autismos who get absolutely mad when someone doesn’t manage to progress as fast through the maps as they do. No more fun and games, only perfected running routes at lightning speed.
ive wanted to try it but it has 0 active games everytime while versus has at least 10
blood harvest, dead air and parish finale
bill and coach youtube.com
>I'm a Louisiana boy.
is ingame new orleans actually like irl nawlins
Sorry to hear that. I really enjoyed playing KF2 - it's one of my favorite games on console. The humble bundle looks really awesome and primarily getting it to have KF2 and Red Orchestra 2. Been meaning to play that for a good year now.
Man, realism was trully the best.
The only absence of outlines makes it so much better to play infected.
Pulling someone out of sight is actually rewarded, instead of people sniping you through a wall to free their team mate. That alone is less frustrating for the infecteds.
Also no medkit spawning on the map so incapping someone is an absolute progress towards their team's death.
So many changes that makes it balanced and fun to play for both team.
And personnally I loved the challenge and navigating by sound to find allies.
Thats like saying a bad MMA fighter couldn't make it in the UFC got pushed out and UFC will die now.
>Cricket bats
I know they were going for le epic Shaun of the Dead reference but could they at least get something at least semi-realistic for Americans? At least set it in a state where it was once popular like Philadelphia or something.
Fuck all the shitters that play VS MODE without learning the basics first.
My advice to you shitters is to shut the fuck up and listen. Don't get surprised and bitch in these threads when you get votekicked for not playing as a team.
10K hours + solely LFD2
Dude, you could only find the bat in the swamps... not really out of place IMO.
Git gud or kys, faggot
>Call people niggers and fags
>Votekick bad players
Literally only baddies that need a safe space and the ability to report players in garbage like Overwatch have moved on.
If L4D3 comes out (probably never) but, if it does what new Infected could there be?
Buy another game you cuck
This. L4D2 community is one of the best there is, all the cucks have been pushed out.
make the common infected more interesting and hard to fight against, remove melee shove or nerf it so you can only stumble a guy once and melee weapons shouldnt kill more than 1 infected each swing, more enemies like the witch
If I was a dev of a popular game I'd take particular pleasure into pushing patches meant to rile up the competitive crowd.
I quit playing in 2011/2012. Great concept for a competitive game, but Valve never understood it or gave a shit about it and most people still think it's a co-op game.
Why leave the most passionate group of players? The game is perfect and I say that unironically.
wouldnt really matter much for l4d since the competitive crowd has always used their own configs that change game balance.
>what new Infected could there be?
>common infected that drops a puddle of acid when shot (spitter effect)
>common infected that smears bile on you if you get hit (boomer effect)
>common infected that can push you (jockey effect)
>common infected that can slash quickly (hunter effect)
>common infected that just does more hitting damage (charger effect)
>common infected that can entangle with their tongue and become dead weight when killed (smoker effect, shoot tongue to separate dead weight)
maybe even go as far to include witch and tank
>common infected that can pick up environmental objects like cinder blocks and hurl them at you
>common infected that becomes enraged if melee'd and gains a pseudo-armor while attacking you
Sounds like shit unless you remove versus from the game. AI shouldn't be able to do what players can do. The point of special infected abilities is that the infected team is supposed to use them TOGETHER in coordination to attack the survivors.
>versus mode
>make a small mistake
So this is the power of the PC masterrace
>expecting patience from people playing a 9 year old game with no matchmaking
How can versus fags be so competitive on a old as dirt casual game like this is beyond me.
I only log in to see how many retarded mods i can pump into it and play a match or two
There isn't really anywhere else to go for that type of game because it doesn't exist. Natural Selection 1/2 is as close as it gets to L4D and those games are deader than dead.
what if... What if the player in a versus match as a special infected... Could give their ability to a group of common infected?
say scratching them gives them a part of your power
Its a real shame.
guess we will just have to endure getting votekicked on a 3v2 match because some argie could only afford one game for his steam account
it is a fucking co-op game, asshole
all the modes are fucking co-op!
I would imagine the people kicking you are doing so specifically to be mean and because they think you're shit at the game. I havent played l4d2 in 6 or 7 years but it was a great game to abuse people on
This is not a joke,change your avatar to a default one if you want to play survival vs. I don't know why. The incompetence of tripwire amazes me to this day.
No, it's a versus game that Valve added a co-op mode to. no, being on a team doesn't mean "co-op".
>playing quick match normal mode No Mercy after playing Expert almost every day
>me and host suddenly decide to just speed run everything, 2 other guys left behind and getting fucked in every map
>always activate shit without them, shoot alarm cars as we pass by them
>2 guys try to kick me several times through the campaign, host votes against it everytime
>get to the end, incap them right before they get on the helicopter, charger takes me with him off the building, only host survives
that was fun
you are being mean to game valve work very hard stop being mean i hate you stop mean thats not nice valve is good company you should stop this hate over the greatest video game company in all of the world if you disagree you should kick yourself in the nut and you should very well be ashamed of yourself before your reputation here is destroyed you big fat ugly Sup Forums ppl
My friends call me Coach.
votekick this user
its easy to get whores from the uk to send nudes who play this game so its worth it
needs a sequel
dont you guys know that left or dead two got a 9.0 on ign so that means that is is a good game you guys should know which games are the best because this is the video game place of Sup Forums, are you all hardcore gamers like me or are you all still playing the wii which is for little girls lolololololol and dont argue with me because im am 25 years old and i go to the university of oxford which makes me way more smart than all of you will every be i bet all of you go to smelly community colleges like my brother (btw hes really gay not like me) i am not gay please stop calling me gay
This was probably my worst game purchase I've ever made. I bought it on release and just lost all interest after a few rounds and I'm not still sure why. I played the living hell out of the first one but two never clicked with me. Might of been how awful playing with randoms was, or the new environments and characters. Anyone else have the same problem with 2?
Same bro. Fav campaign because of bias of home state.
Unless you can find three friends to play these games with, who also have never played the game before either, I can't imagine playing them NOW is a good idea.
I played L4D1 and 2 back when they came out and back then it was so new that nobody knew the game. Everything was a surprise and nobody has strats figured out. Now, I have to imagine you'll only play with people who have played through the game a million times and will cheese everything to the fullest
Yes, I really like the French Quarter level. I used to go there all the time, before I had to move to Texas for my new job.
I hate Canada so much
Hard Rain
>*joins your game*
>*incaps your team*
>play versus
>it's usually fine
>join a game with a guy who trash talks
>say some shitposty stuff back to him in chat
>he beats us
>after the game get 20 invites to groups like "LOL UR SO FUCKING BAD" and "UNINSTALL FAGGOT"
Dark Carnival
Possibilty to "invade" people playing Campaign
Like Agent Hunt in RE6
Dead Air
No Mercy