Will you be picking this masterpiece up again on Switch?
Will you be picking this masterpiece up again on Switch?
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I didn't play it on Wii U, so it wouldn't be "again" but yes. I think the Retro Studios DK series is better than Rare's and wouldn't want to miss it.
but i don't own a switch and probably won't be able to afford one in the near future so fuck me i guess
why would I get it again just for easy mode?
Yes, yes and yes.
Games this good deserve another chance at life.
Yeah, it's my second favorite Wii U game and top 5 in all time platformers.
Nah I didn't like it that much
Was thinking of getting it on Wii u after all the praise, so I'm glad I can get it on the switch instead
Nope. Fuck DKC.
What's your top 5?
No, but I will be picking it up for the first time.
I own it, why would I pay 60 dollars to play it again with Nabbit Kong and no dpad?
Mario Bros 3
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Dong Freeze
Rayman Oranges
Dust Force
>Mario Bros 3
Just wanted to make sure you had this over SMW, you passed. What do you think about Super Meat Boy?
Too 5 platformers of all time coming through
1. Dong Freeze
2. Dong Returns
3. DKC2
4. Yoshi's Island
5. VB Wario Land
Have you owned a non-nintendo console?
Maybe? Depends on the price and if I end up making time for it. Really enjoyed it on Wii U but not really itching for a second playthrough.
rayman origins is good
Legends was better.
We'll see. I will if it's not full price.
Didn't like it the first time, won't be double dipping.
I never played it the first time, and have no interest in using my Wii U ever again.
I wasn't massive on it either. I absolutely get it, but not for me.
my man
Fuck yeah I will, even they ruined any enjoyment I might've had playing as Funky.
Yes, i dont give a shit this was the one WiiU game i swore id rebuy and im glad its getting the attention it deserves.
I won't, because it seems like nothing of value was added.
They could have made the secret world longer like the others and fix the copypasted bonus rooms and turn it into a 10/10 game, but instead they just added a super babby easy mode. Lame.
Yes, I wanted to play it on Wii U but that was a lost cause.
I dont know why but platformerfags on Sup Forums always have very solid taste
>Rayman Oranges
I hate you because I laughed at that.
This, but I already have a Switch because I'm not a worthless poorfag.
Didn't have WiiU but I'm not so fond of platformers, how good is this?
I have pretty good things about it but I'm still not sure.
>Implying it's not already a 10/10
Just play it on CEMU?
Bretty gud. I'm curious as to why you're putting Oranges over Leg Ends, though, since one basically contains the entirety of the other iirc.
I hate how badly I'm getting burned for Nintendo's fuckups. If I want to see more DKC games on par with Tropical Freeze and not with half the budget, I've got to fork over the cash to buy it again. What a fucking load.
Its the best game of all time
I would if they had doublepacked it with Returns but they did not so fuck em
This amazing game is getting a 2nd chance to grab Nintendo's attention and let Retro know that there is an audience for a 3rd game in their trilogy.
If you fucking faggots dont support this game, I swear to God
Good Taste, user. Would probably take off Dustforce for something like Oddworld or something though. Not saying it's bad, no sir. It's great.
Not that user, but I do not like Super Meat Boy
wtf is wrong with me I only got excited about Hyrule Warriors
>wouldn't want to miss it
>already missed it
>will miss it again
It it has flaws it can't be a 10/10.
Even if I don't play much platform games?
No, then it's not
And honestly? It's not the best platform ever either. It's really damn good, but not the best ever
You are now remembering the absolute 10/10 soundtrack this game had.
I mean... Nintendo is just about the only AAA developer still making platformers.
Already pirated it on wii u, no need
It's okay, but I lost interest after a while.
I didn't care for the Murphy stuff and Origins has a much better difficulty curve.
Since it, y'know, has one.
Tropical Freeze music is GOAT
Have you played Ristar?
It's a good game.
Is Legends difficult?
>not posting the best one
They should package it with a HD remaster of Returns using Tropic Freezes non-waggle controls.
No, Legends is honestly far too easy compared to Origins.
Doesn't make it bad though, not at all. Neither game is particularly hard, but Origins really pushes the player if you go for the medals which I appreciate.
If only they made more 2d games
Thanks for pointing out my tragedy, user... :(
I was asking because I'm looking for something not crazy hard. I just finished Slime-san and while it's good, that game is brutal, especially if you're getting all the collectables. I need something more relaxing.
I got this game for free when Club Nintendo shut down and it ended up being one of my favorite 2D platformers.
I feel bad for not buying it before so fuck yeah they're getting my money this time.
Is Legends better on Wii U or Switch?
Origins may be up your alley honestly. I don't think it's too hard if you're not going for the medals, it hits a perfect difficulty and even the bonus level isn't that bad.
Legends does have the bulk of content though, I just think the Murphy stuff isn't very fun, especially going single player.
>ftw you love Funky Kong, but don't want to play on super baby mode
I might pick it up. I already got it on Wii U, but being portable sounds nice.
I heard the Switch port was a rush job that had issues in performance.
Ubisoft also did one like 5 years ago and Activision did the remaster of Crash.
Yeah, Nintendo is the only one still doing platformers.
I prefer Legends, although as says the Murphy segments aren't always that great.
That being said they're not so common place as to detract from the rest of the game, which is quite a lot of fun and also has the vast majority of Origin's levels within itself, anyways.
>He didn't see through the Wii U scam and actually bought one
>Getting to play it four years ago is bad
>no option to just have Funky replace DK in regular mode
not him but does legends have those water levels with the annoying singing like in origins?
It has them, yes, although they aren't mandatory to play the new content in the game. The Water levels unique to Legends don't have the singing, from what I recall. The levels are spy-themed so the music is mostly subdued with a strong bass-line.
No, I'll be picking it up for the first time on Switch.
Guess I should play the first Returns on my 3DS.
And now we all now will play it without that system.
You overestimate the amount of people that bought a WiiiU, but yeah, I will probably give it a try, I have heard nothing but wonders about it.
Now I just need W101 and I will have missed nothing of the WiiU.
Good taste! It’s too bad for the Yoshi series there won’t be any games that are as good as YI. YWW is close and I have a soft spot for Story and YIDS.
Mah nigga.
>Freeze dong
>Bayonetta 2, the 2nd salt edition
>Smash 4
After that Wii U library has noting worth left.
>2/3 of those game series are dead
Except Pikmin 3, XenoX and #FE.
If they re-release anything that was on WiiU I'll buy it because I didn't buy that dumpster fire of a console. Still want Mario 3D Land, Wind Waker remaster, Captain Toad and Mario Maker. Wonderful 101 as well but I feel like it was too dependent on the touchscreen to get a port.
Who even likes these games, it's just a boring ass 2D platformer.
You want the games but not the console? Really makes you think.
>Pikmin 3
Pikmin 4 will be a Switch game.
>Xeno X
This'll probably be the next port.
The Switch is getting the proper SMT and FE games, so it doesn't need #FE.
Your mother when she's being spit roasted by my niggas DK and Funky Kong.
You'd think Mario Maker would be a no-brainer. Hope they port it. 3DS version is ass.
It was a badly designed system. It was launched out of desperation. Switch is what it should have been.
No taste
No style
This user...
Not that user, but the Wii U was a mess. I'm in the same boat as him, thinking seriously geting a switch after NMH 2.5 is released.
This is a personal opinion but I'm not that interested in any of those. Never played Pikmin, XenoX is completely different from 1 and #FE is just not for me.
Holy fuck, I forgot that SMTV is already confirmed. It's amazing that not even a year out and the Switch is already guaranteed to have a better library than the Wii U, what a fucking disgrace.
yes, why the fuck not
>Pikmin 4 will be a Switch game.
Ok? You'll still miss out on 3.
>The Switch is getting the proper SMT and FE games, so it doesn't need #FE.
#FE plays nothing like FE and is closer to SJ and DDS than mainline.
Nintendo seems to be pretty iffy on the touch screen functionality if the Switch. I wouldn't be surprised if we never see another Mario Maker.
>release DK Country Tropical Freeze on Switch but no Donkey Kong Country Returns
>release Bayonetta 1+2 on Switch but only Bayo 2 with a physical cartridge while Bayo 1 is just a shitty digital jew download code
I fucking hate this retarded as fuck company with its head up its own ass.
Nigga, a year has passed and the Switch already has a better library than WiiU.
10/10 doesn't mean flawless.
Not sure yet. I was really hoping they would do a DKC Collection that included Returns + Tropical Freeeze, but this is good as well.
I'll probably pick it up later on when there are more sales if it is a full $60 bucks. That and it is coming out close to Dark Souls, so eh.
Take into account that desired list is the consoles' ENTIRE lifespan. Then you see why the Wii U was garbage.
Sad but true.