Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate this game

Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate this game

Explain the appeal of musou games to me. I tried playing the game in your pic, and I didn't find wiping out crowds of enemies standing around very fun.

I don't, but I enjoyed SW4 better.

I like the story mode.

Its a really niche genre

Post your husbandos or waifus

Beating 1000+ dudes and doing long ass combos with timing without them being able to touch the ground is satisfying. The story is pretty decent and the music is fucking awesome.

The characters honestly. Most fans agree that they like DW and not other musous because the ROTK characters have grown on them.

For example, I have soft spot for DW, but dont give a shit for Hyrule Warriors or FE Heroes.

Do all DW games share the same plot

Yes. The only difference between games is they keep adding characters so the story gets a little bit different on perspective every time.

For hyrule warriors, i only gave a shit about the characters for their weapons. However in DW you can equip any weapon, so the characters do grow on you

Reminder that Lore-telling wise DW5 is King.
Reminder that Gameplay-wise DW4 is King.
Reminder that Orochi3 is fucking awesome because insane possible trios.

Is the PC version decent? I am considering getting into Dynasty Warriors and reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, figured I'd start with this since it's on PC.

Whos the hottest slut in DW8

I hate the new art direction and about 90% of the new characters they added since DW5. Loved me some DW3-4-5, SW2, WO1-2 era musou. These newer ones are just embarrassing.

We don't.

There's your answer. We're not leddit.

Lu Bu's daughter.

I'm kind of in the same boat but the games are actually really engaging on higher difficulties.

Has anyone played Dragon Quest Heroes? I'm thinking bout picking it up once it's on Switch, it looks pretty cool.

The PC version has shitty KBM controls so I'd recommend using a pad. It also has no online multiplayer which kind of blows but isn't a huge loss. The game doesn't run that well but if you have a decent PC it shouldn't be an issue.It's kind of ridiculous that they're still charging $50 for it considering how much DLC it has and that DW9 is on the horizon. If I were you, I'd emulate 3 or 4 and play 9 when it comes out.

Gameplay wise DW8 is the best. DW4 has aged like dogshit.

Sup Forums has never liked Dynasty Warriors what the fuck are you on

Lu lingqi.

It genuinely has one of the worst fanbases imaginable.

I was a Total War fan who was minding my own business, then a fucking tsunami of Dynasty Warrior cancer invaded us.


In short, if you like DD, you should hang yourself

The guy in the OP's daughter. I know Lu Bu would fucking pulverize me for trying to be his son-in-law but proposing to Lingqi would be fucking worth it

I'd definitely be using a pad either way. I guess I'll pirate it and see how it runs and then see if I can get it on a key site for a decent price.

What game would you recommend starting with? I've heard 3,4 and 5 as recommendations. I have no experience with the series and as I understand it the story is the same and just retold, so I'm just looking to start with the best overall experience.

Then why the fuck are you invading our thread you fucking hypocrite

Are you samefagging or something?

>mfw when /twg/ has literally become /eagg/ 1.5

>this guy

>muh leddit said it was bad so everyone hates it!
>total war cocksuckers hate rotk so everyone hates it
fuck off

/twg/ fags are utter shit, and blatant hypocrites considering how you fucking insist on invading /gsg/ where nobody has ever fucking wanted you and where you never had any place to begin with


>Are you samefagging or something?
Not really, Lingqi is pretty cute.

The series peaked with DW5.

>being this new
Every DWfag has a crush on Lingqi man.

Begin in 5.
Then try out Samurai Warriors 1, shit is really good even today.
Then Orochi 1 or 3, and finally get into 4 until 9 comes out.

It's genuinely fucking gay as shit that you autismos can't separate the actual historical Three Kingdoms period from what amounts to Japanese homosexual twink fanfiction.

Sort yourself out, please.

musoushit is bad.

Enemies don't just stand around unless you're playing on easy difficulty. Good job outing yourself as a fucking casual.

Reddit is the other way champ.

> Japanese homosexual twink fanfiction.

Pick one
Kill yourself amerimongoloid

>/twg/ has literally become 3 "kingdoms" with histfags,fantasyfags, and chinkfags

What a time to be alive

You're not actually that fucking stupid, that you think I implied the three kingdoms were Japanese, do you?

Amerimutt IQ I suppose

>Three Kingdom


*sigh*....Who makes Dynasty Warriors, mongoloid?

I'm waiting.

Dragon Quest Heroes is a bit more interesting than your average Musou since it focuses on defense rather than offense

also there's a couple dozen different types of enemies as well, keeps things interesting

DQH2 is a legit action rpg with musou combat, I haven't played the full thing but the demo is worth checking out


This is the ideal Chinese man. You may not like it, but this is what peak benevolence looks like.

Lu Lingqi

I'd dom the shit out of his twink butthole. Chinese Bieber

Liu Bei honestly looks great in DW9.

kill yourself retard

5E was pure kino

You posted the wrong image

Musoushit is reddit supreme, kiddo.

>newfag knows nothing but to screech reddit at anyone who disagrees with him
Sup Forums never liked Dynasty Warriors or its spin offs you fucking retard.

3 was the best and the rest are trash

We have threads about benevolence vs Cao Cao daily, there is a good chunk of people on Sup Forums that likes musou.
I personally played a bit of them and really liked 4 and 8XL, but 6 was underwheilming.

i wonder whats worse Resident evil discussions or musou threads

no one likes 6

>not maining tuberculosis-sama

What the fuck are you nerds doing?

Well I certainly don't. It's a great entry. Samurai Warriors 4 and Spirit of Sanada were both better in my opinion, however.

>So illiterate that you can't even comprehend a simple sentence

Maybe try rereading the post again and perhaps this time try to remind yourself how to breath every 10 seconds or so you don't accidentally kill yourself for being so fucking retarded. I know it's going to be difficult for you, but I have faith.

And with good reason.
What the fuck were they thinking?

they pursued lu bu when they were warned not to.

I thought it was agreed that DW7 was the best in terms of stuff other than gameplay? I vividly remember people applauding DW7's story presentation.