Why won’t people be honest about this game? It’s not that great, or even that good

Why won’t people be honest about this game? It’s not that great, or even that good

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wtf? i hate dark souls now

Starts out great, after Anor Londo it plummets to mediocre.

I’ll be honest, sometimes I fight for games I know aren’t that good. This isn’t one of those. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game. It’s my personal favorite. I’ll be playing this game until I die.

I could care less what Sup Forums thinks either. It’s irrelevant. I have what I want and I cannot wait for it to release. I’m so fucking ready.

stop acting like Dark Souls is a perfect game without flaws

I’m not, I’m just saying it’s the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game, I’ll continue playing forever, and I’m super fucking excited for the remaster.

Stop being a faggot, faggot.

>people have different opinions about a game than I do
>somehow this means they are being dishonest

He never said that, just that it’s a good game

I think you’re likely mentally challenged, so you’d be better off not commenting on something when your betters are talking

>I’ll continue playing forever
how? the game isnt even good
do you need a safe space where no can ever criticize dark souls?

So what's bad about it? You're just being contrarian.

dark souls 1 is objectively good

you mean other than being only a half finished piece of shit with no balance, no interesting enemies, no soundtrack, enemies just stand around and wait for you to attack them, awful bosses ....


Ah, so you’ve never played it. Great thread.

You didn't criticize the game at all though, you just said that people who say they like it are lying and the game is actually shit.
If you had made an actual argument in your op instead of just saying "no this game you like is bad" then maybe people would take you seriously.

I've been playing games for 25 years and I don't know a better game.

If Dark Souls isn't good what game is good?

>Half finished
>No balance
Bad excuse for sucking at pvp
>no interesting enemies
Did you just skip 95% of encounters?
>no soundtrack
Now come on nigger. Just because there's not music all the time doesn't mean there's no soundtrack, every boss has a unique theme
>enemies just stand around
I'll give you that one but it's still untrue for most enemies.
>awful bosses.
Again come the fuck on.

OP is probabbly a cocksucking shitter that died to a hollow in the Asylum.

Nigga. Did you just bad mouth the Dark Souls score?

>h-h-he didnt even play it
you children are so predictable. why do you kids always assume anyone who criticizes dark souls hasnt even played it. Youre so delusional you cant even understand why it might not be good.

But man it’s like so hard I’m such an elite gamer because I completed it

You played it on the PC? Shit user...

>idling in dark souls so you can make a thread to bash it

Bait but I'll bite anyway
In terms of what? PvP? PvE? Be more specific with your critique. If it's PvP, the system is about as balanced as it can get for being a side feature.
>No Interesting Enemies
There are plenty, feels like you just added this to bloat your argument.
>No soundtrack
You've never played the game, this right here says that clearly. Because every single boss has a song.
>Enemies just stand around and wait for you to attack them
The main idea of the gameplay is to take advantage of and learn the attack patterns of your enemies. This wouldn't be possible if the enemies just stood there and let you hit them. Again, it's clear you've never played the game and have no clue what you're talking about
>Awful bosses
Give an example. You give nothing but broad points with no specifics. I'm actually shocked someone like you doesn't forget to breathe

two people
one person likes something
the other person doesn't like people liking something

the never ending shit eating saga

I never played it before

>>Half finished
>>No balance
>Bad excuse for sucking at pvp
oh let me just roll around until i magnet lockonto his back
>>no interesting enemies
>Did you just skip 95% of encounters?
oh look, another zombie human in tattered armor
>>no soundtrack
>Now come on nigger. Just because there's not music all the time doesn't mean there's no soundtrack, every boss has a unique theme
>>enemies just stand around
>I'll give you that one but it's still untrue for most enemies.
>>awful bosses.
>Again come the fuck on.
Capra demon, ceaseless discharge, centipede, gaping dragon, moonlight butterfly, and the bed of chaos are all awful in some way or another

>console kids doing mental backflips as to why a game isnt bad
>even if I played it in high def and 60 fps
enjoy your PS3souls you nerd

>press up
>quarter-second delay for the character to move
>quarter-second delay for the animation to kick in
>press attack
>half-second delay for the animation to kick in
>try to cancel out of attack
>game queues up any button presses you make so you attack, attack, attack, then roll/move
>each animation has end-lag
>entire game revolves around estimating the amount of lag behind every character's movement and attack and buying an engagement ring for each button press

Atrocious. And that's all offline, I can't imagine how fucky peoples' movements must get if they're invading.

>comprehension skills of a feminazi
>reading only triggering "hashtags" without context and REEEEEE immediately
numale in a nutshell

I understand what you mean. Don't believe this board. If you this game is That Game, then that's it. They are here just ti have fun telling you otherwise. Enjoy what you enjoy.

>If you this game
> here just ti
nice. dark souls fans, everyone

Get a more responsive monitor or controller.

Yes, completely wrong.
>Oh let me just roll around until I magnet lock onto his back
That isn't PvP balance though. You're an idiot.
>Oh look, another zombie human in tattered armor
Anywhere that isn't the fucking first three areas of the game doesn't even have those enemies.
Nice rebuttal, really. The game has a soundtrack and I don't really get what you're trying to say here.
>Capra Demon
Overblown casual filter.
>Ceaseless Discharge
Yes, he's awful.
Nope, very fun and involved fight.
>Gaping Dragon
He's easy, doesn't make him awful though.
>Moonlight Butterfly
What? Pretty fun fight all things considered.
>Bed of Chaos
Yes, this one is awful.

m8 it's a built-in problem, same with Monster Hunter. You need Stockholm Syndrome to put up with this shit

>t-t-the game is perfect. it has no flaws. the game is perfect the game is perfect the game is perfect

You're six years late to the dark souls is bad shitposting party op

for some reason it is always salty casuls who blames >lags and delays
for others (who are not dean takahashi retarded siblings) these features somehow doesn't exist

oh no. Im just in time to save all the soytendo-kids from making a huge mistake

The problem is you. Learn how to play video games you dumb casualfag.
That goes for you too, stupid ass.

>please give me a safe space where no one criticizes my favorite game please

All you're doing is shitposting and not arguing any of the arguments put in front of you. You just want an echo chamber that reinforces your terrible opinion.

Your criticism is laughable. Nobody cares that you suck enough to complain that the game doesn't somehow have instant attacks with zero animation because you're too dumb to learn timing.

NeoGAF army hyping it and good marketing.

Why is there always a retard making this exact pointless shitty filler post in every single thread on Sup Forums?

>be a fanboy
>dont agree with criticisms
>y-youre just shit posting

accept it. Dark Souls was a shit game with crap enemies, half of the bosses are shit, and all the tracks are a choir in a can and sound the same. You just cant accept it. You cant stand someone not liking dark souls so you rush to defend it. I knew it. All dark souls fans are actually nintentoddlers who have been waiting for a nintendo rehash

Thread over, everyone go home. Good job OP you really had us going.

I'm so mad right now grrr. There you go. You're a couple years late on the entry level shitposting against Dark Souls. Nobody is going to take your blatant shitposting seriously.

Fuck this gay thread, let's ROLL

rolling out

I just want people to admit that maybe dark souls isnt perfect and stop acting like its the best game ever. because it isnt. There are lots of games that are better. Also Dark Souls does nothing new or interesting that you couldnt already do in other games.

guess ive won this argument. Youre just gonna step out of the ring after being btfo without even trying are you? If im just a shitposter, how am i wrong?


rolling for good

g... git gud?

There's a difference between trying to get people to admit that a game they like isn't perfect and calling it straight trash. You're so scatterbrained and retarded it fucking hurts. First it was the game had no soundtrack at all, then you had to backpedal and say the soundtrack sucks. Then your enemy variety critique was refuted and you dropped it because it was yet another weak ass point. You also said that half of the bosses are shit. But if you are that's 6 out of 26, hardly half.

you're just mad bloodybum isn't getting a remaster


Fuck off with your shittaste cuck


You're objectively wrong. I've played a fuck ton of games, and put off playing dark souls for a long fucking time, and it's still easily in my top 5 games I've ever plays.

This. Exactly this.

>no balance
>no interesting enemies
>no soundtrack
>awful bosses
Yeah maybe bed of chaos.

Thanks OP, now I understand that I should hate Dark Souls.

Nah it's pretty good, it just isn't about what you probably think it's about (which is fighting enemies).

It's more about exploration and learning the gameplay and design rules that govern the world. Lordran is easily the most interesting world to explore in modern gaming.

rose tinted spectacles
das has more poor levels than good ones, demon's ruins and lost izalith being one of the worst ones in a game
many bosses were fairly average
but since its the first game for many, their experience it kinda sticks and hold a special place
ds3 and bb are better

i started playing dark souls not long ago and im having fun

im at the darkwood forest now

>remaster gets announced.
>shitposters go on the contrarian rampage.
I mean, I know that you kids feel the physical need to go batshit insane every time something gets announced, but being so contrarian because or a fucking remaster? What kind of of rabid dogs are you becoming, you are barely human at this point.

>game with near universal praise loved by millions
aka shitposting magnet

Literally no one ever says that ever

Yes OP, people don't actually disagree with you, they're just "not being honest". Fucking kill yourself.

rolling for succubus

>being anywhere near the other games in terms of quality
user, this meme has been slapped down repeatedly on this board. If you've never played a Dark Souls before and you tried 3 and then had your memory erased then played 1, you would definitely find 1 much more memorable. Let's move on now.