Why do worst players in online games come from these two shitholes...

Why do worst players in online games come from these two shitholes? Id gladly pay a monthly fee not to get matched with these morons

what's wrong with roaches?

Don't know English,stupid

everyone sucks
not just one or two countries

dont play shitty games

They scream, they cheat, they smell.

French, South American, and for some reason Southern American players are a lot worse than both of those, at least in the shit I play.

You can through internet?

Ive never played any game with Turkish, Russia is another story though fuck Russia (and China)

Smell I mean.

this,i bet op is a moba faggot 100%

Not through the internet, but in general, turks smell.

Rainbow 6 is not a shitty game you stupid Nintendo virgin

Russians > Brazilians (and SA players generally)

>Why do worst players in online games come from these two shitholes?
>No Brazil
The brazilians are by far worst

How do you guys end up playing with people from all over the world like this?

In all my years of online multiplayer games I've never played with anyone outside of North America.

what about the br?

china is 100% the worst and i think being racist towards chinese shouldn't just be tolerated, it should be encouraged

World exists outside of your trailer

>Russia and Turkey
>No brazil
t. Macaco

depends what games you play.

I'm aussie and some of the most fun i had on Eve Online was flying through Russian space with friends from Finland spamming local chat with "cyka blyat" and "fuck chechnya".

Should have just listened to the Armenians.