Dragon Ball Fighterz

daily reminder:
as if anyone was, but just leaving a friendly warning
PS4 is the preferred platform for fightan

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would I get that trash game at all? It will be dead on all platforms in 2 weeks.

We already know this OP
What games do you play weeb?

i'm getting it on pc and you can't stop me
fuck psn and fuck xbl (not that anyone plays on that platform anyway)

More people play on XBL than they do on PC lol

t. Dark Souls baby

show me some non-doctored statistics proving that a fighting game has ever been played on an xbox
it don't exist

What makes you think so?

I play skyrim.

Dragon Ball fans will def be on PS4 over PC. Xenoverse 2 has a lot more people on PS4 than PC.

Why exactly would you want to play this with Dragon Ball fans? Fighting game fans will definitely buy this on PC.

DBZ was never good


I play on PC but am getting it on PS4, not taking any chances

>battlefield tracker
>buying arcsys games to begin with
good goy

>he says as he watches marvel movies like a manchild and netflix trash

Fighting game fans still pick up more on PS4 over PC.

autistic Sup Forumssheep goy

"fighting game fans"

Go ahead and concisely explain why you think that.
inb4 i don't need to state the obvious xDD

i already know this, nigger

Not him, but I could never get into DBZ because it's too slow paced. It seems cool, but the pacing is so bad that I get bored long before getting invested. I just watch TFS if I want DBZ shit.

It was the Naruto of its time

skip to 31:02 and watch for like 2 minutes

See you guys on pc in 15 days

>see you guys
You mean just guy, right?


>spics like ps4

>a poll on Sup Forums, who are mainly PC users
Who the fuck cares?

>Sup Forums



lol there's so many more but i'm 2 lazy

>why are casuals casual


Nice backpedaling.

My friends are getting it on PS4, pretty hyped for the 13th. Weird how PC doesn't get beta though.

Why is so much console faggotry entering FighterZ threads lately? Fuck I'd rather have Cellfag return.

More like PCautists salty.
Oh man the beta period will be gold, the crying you will produce will be limitless

Dragon Ball Super is garbage you manchild scum.
Post your face, I wanna see how uggo you are user

Every non smash game at Evo last year was played on a PS4.

Killer Instinct

Who cares about Killer Instinct?

it's literally only consoletards who shitpost about having the game earlier than pc that care

most pc people im pretty sure are gonna look forward to what comes out of the beta regardless of if they can play it or not

>buying fighting games without crossplay on PC
why waste 60 dollars?

It's pcbros who got angry PS4 has more and better players on fighting games so they tried too say PC had more players with no proof so the sonyblacks got angry and butthurt and tried too prove the pcbros wrong but they actually had proof of PS4 having more players

>battlefield tracker

>this thread proves the opposite once more

>PC has more players at the top ranks
Is PS4 even trying?

>paying $60 for games on PC
more like $39
>not having at least 3 friends buying the game also
I think we'll be fine

>it's literally only consoletards who shitpost
It isn't. It's back and forth. I hope this shit disappears when the game comes out

In my region i have to buy on PS4. in a perfect world i would rather play on PC. but its okay.

Nah it's literally just the insecurest of consolefags trying to prove something

Stop being delusional man. Or is the consolefag the one saying sony is the devil for not having crossplay every thread? Seriously shut the fuck up. Both of them are shitting up these threads.

Once more, who the hell cares about crossplay? I'm not the one delusional here, I believe you're the only one defending them and keeping this shit up. Go to hell, you wont even be buying the game anyway

It's you pcbros and consolefags doing it
I go too every dbfz thread I see and it's always pcbros saying PC will have more or equal the amount of players PS4 has and then consolefags come out and then it's just both sides saying no and wrong until someone posts the pictures
Plus you pcbros always complain about Sony being the most evil company ever because of no crossplay when that's ArcSys problem
Stop being retarded
It's very easy to know when someone is buttblasted
They will start using buzzwords and calling the other person names

No need to get mad user. I'll be here shitting on you day one before you drop the game in a week.

Gee who could be behind this post once more

i'm gonna pirate it anyway since all i ever do in fighting games is grind out combos in training mode.

a user
Who hates you faggots who doesn't even watch or read DragonBall and probably isn't gonna buy the game

Nobody's saying PS4 is going to have less players than PC in general, it's a fucking popular Japanese IP on a Japanese platform
Seems like someone's grasping on straws here
This game isn't even getting crossplay on X1 or PC
We all know who you are now

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my ranks in the FGC and I’ve been involved in numerous tournaments , and I have over 300 confirmed KOs.
You are nothing to me but just another ez win. I will perfect you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my /fgg/ bros across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you little fucking scrub. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call a competitive career. You’re fucking done you little fucking button masher.
If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking done kiddo.

Of course
I'm a user who hates faggots like you
Who wouldn't know who I am

*doesn't buy the game*

I buy every single dragonball game that comes out
Unlike you who can only insult people and use memes


I don't know fag
This boards.fireden.net/v/thread/403022324/#403024875 thread has alot of pcbros saying PC will have way more players
I can find you some older threads with the same stuff happening if you want but I chose one of the newest threads just so you don't complain

Fuck off, I'm not paying for PSN and I want to mod Hikari No Willpower into the game soundtrack

Guess you fell for an obvious bait then. Couldn't find such post by the way.

you need to play a game for hundreds of hours before meeting a thousand different people, 17000 is fine, pc will be full of elites

I can still get games for fucking SFIVAE on Xbone

Maybe you might be retarded and can't read
Have fun playing with a playerbase under 3000 after 3 months but wait you weren't going too buy the game anyway so it doesn't even matter
So goodbye it's time for me to look at the other dbfz thread
Instead of this dead one
Also go back too Mexico
None of the other types of Hispanics like you guys


*Last year

Buying on PC. Shut the fuck up and play the game you bored ass niggas.

KoF XIV is dead as shit on the PS4 AND the PC, so I figure that unpopular games will have no playerbase no matter the platform. A shame that the game doesn't have crossplay though, maybe it'd be the tiniest bit better for both platforms if it did.

Talking about dead playerbases, I also commited the mistake of getting Marvel Vs Capcom 3 during this last steam sale. Is that game alive in any other platform? I know it's old, but so is SF4 and I can get a match instantly in that game, even on PC. I wish fighting games were more popular in general.

Sup Forums memed me into Tekken 7 for PC and I couldn't play with anyone nearly a month in

>lying on the internet
Actually, depends on your region. Works great for me here in Europe, even at 4am.

NA and no it made me drop the game. Worked really hard to learn things for around 20 hours as you can see and could barely get any matches.

That sucks, but I think that shouldn't be happening as there's usually 2000 players online
Try enabling a DMZ on your router for your local IP, that disables everything like port protection and NAT and try again sometime

The FGC is pretty much exclusively PS4