Sup Forums BTFO


Told you, retards.

Would anyone on Sup Forums shed a tear if one day VaatiVidya slits his wrists in his bathtub?

Ehh, all I really care about is that people start playing it again and so I can get invaded/invade people.

Ah well no reason to get it then.

member when he straight up stole his Bloodborne analysis from that famous essay and got chased out of the community?


The real question is how are the invasions handled.

Its the only Dark Souls game I managed to sink 700+ hours in because the invasions in 2 and 3 sucked ass.

>unironically linking to that faggot's twitter
Sure is reddit in here

I couldn't care less about Lost Izalith desu. I would love to have a proper Demon Ruins and a proper Ceaseless Discharge boss fight, though.

Its a remaster, not a remake, you fucking dumb idiots.

No fucking shit.


All they are going to do is upscale the resolution not overhaul the graphics.

What essay?

the teaser looked like DS3's graphical fidelity

so they could have fleshed out the game after lordvessel, added some areas and new content
plenty of game remakes add new content

lost izalith is a fucking joke

Teaser was a CGI trailer.

Will they ever port demon souls?

looked plausible to me

>implying that would run at 60 on modern consoles

So the pc version is literally going to be the pc version we already have?

I mean, some enhanced textures and lighting can go a long way, but the Firelink Shrine's lighting is completely different there. No way is that actually meant to be in-game.

Yes without the gravity bugs of 60fps and with matchmaking as opposed to P2P

fake news

yeah and this is why it's 50% off for current owners

>Dedicated servers
Who cares? They fixed the shit matchmaking.

Thank god. All I want in life is to be able to enjoy forest pvp again.

Oh boy, DS3 gank squads in DS1, my favorite.

This. I just want to be able to guide innocent hosts through the ocean of black phantoms in Anor Londo again. It's never been the same in future games because From keeps feeling the need to repeatedly neuter invaders and make them a joke to deal with.

Neck oneself and take him with you.

>No way is that actually meant to be in-game.
You never know user. Maybe it'll be nothing but black and grey monotone puke like dark souls 3.

>new assets based on the Dark Souls 3 engine

Why is this phrased so poorly? Does it mean they aren't importing the Dark Souls assets into the Dark Souls 3 engine and starting from there? Are they simply upscaling the resolutions and textures from the old engine?

Will be fun because you can twink with pretty much no limitations

No shit. 60 fps on ps4? More like 40-55 like scholar. Ps4 runs das3 at 20-30

Gank squads were always in DS1. At least there's no preferential matchmaking, so you can invade something OTHER than gank squads as well.

Unless they add DS3's weapon memory.

Im happy its the same game but higher res.

Remasters should not alter the content of the original. Remakes should. and this does not warrant a remake yet

Dark Souls 3 wasn't completely black and grey. There was some orange too.

Somehow I don't feel like they're going to shoehorn those kinds of things into the game. It's just a remaster. If they do, I'm just not going to buy it.

That would cause a massive shitstorm

But they're shoehorning in multiple allied summons.

>Dark Souls PVP with real time menuing on switch

definitive version

combat is same so what was the last balance patch like? I only played at launch with lightning weapons meta

It's a shade of brown, which isn't that great either.

They should have clarified this explicitly. I see a lot of people getting hype over incorrect information.

They're just removing limitations. If more people can be summoned, more people can also invade

Is there even any proof they're doing that?

>remaster cucks literally pay money for literally the same game

propably paleblood hunt its 100 pages explaining lore, its really good.

Yes, they're making a big deal in their marketing about "1-6 players" in MP instead of the original "1-4".

wow epic only $30 for a physics engine update what a bargain

Dark wood grain ring is at 25% equip load instead of 50%, fog ring lets you lock on at any range, gold hemmed skirt was nerfed into the ground, crystal ring shield nerfed. Might be other things but those were the main balance changes that happened other than elemental weapons being nerfed.


There's a chart that compares the remaster to the previous version, and one of the differences is the number of players per invasion.

I honestly fucking hope they don't ruin it with the stupid fucking invasion shenanigans in 2 and 3. That'd put me off buying it entirely. Nothing kills the drive to actual invade when you know you're going to be fighting at a handicap all the fucking time.

>play with separate joycons
>dark souls prepare to waggle edition
The silliest shit. Here’s hoping they include it for shits and giggles


you faggots are the cancer enabling creatively bankrupt ccompanies to dump the same game over and over with incremental updates. please kill yourselves in the most painful way possible.

I unironically think this is the deepest and best pvp in the series and anyone who thinks otherwise must in turn think dark souls 2 is unironically good.


This shit better be free that's fucking crazy.

Wat, people were expecting more?

it's crazy to think a publisher would do anything with their breakout title than charge money

>>>Dark Souls Remastered will not include new assets based on the Dark Souls 3 engine
What does that even mean, it just sounds like there saying it wont have any ds3 textures/models

This, I'm not paying until I see a comparison with modded regular DS1.

I will fucking kill myself if they do this, I'm hyped for portable souls but the number 1 reason I will buy this by far is new blood and lively Dark Souls 1 multiplayer. Every souls after 1 completely fucked invaders in the ass and encouraged faggy "honor" duels, Souls PvP is not fucking competitive, the fun comes from invading someone that is just trying to go through the game and fighting them. The fact that people buy these games primarily for PvP and level entire characters just for the PvP meta is fucking astonishing to me.

Everything in the game being punishable by backstabbing is not good design. Imagine if a fighting game's meta had throwing be the solution for every situation and you have top-level DS1 PVP.

DS2 PVP is never good at any level of play and is always worse thanks to bad controls, bad netcode, Soul Memory, and no soft cap on stamina.

an active online with less shit netcode

Fextralife said that the game would be remade in the Dark Souls 3 engine which wasn't sourced at all and is completely false.

>Ruining game balance to cater to DaS3fags
>But also the forest

arent fextra life working with the port team to make sure most of the former bugs get fixed though?

Yeah how dare I enjoy videogames! Fuck me for playing something I like.
Name 5(five) videogames that you have played and think is creative.

I don't get why people take DS pvp seriously. All the concepts are there but better in fighting games.

So does this mean the Switch version is literally the same PS3 version that's existed for the past 7 years?

Alright- so the following
>Lip Sync Files added back in
>Lost Izalith Bosses Lip synch files back
>Noted evidence of Demon civilization highlighted more
>Some Redone lines closer to the Japanese meaning
>Ability to FUCKING HUG PRISCILLA ADDED BACK IN (Yes, this was found in the game files)
>No more floating Tarkus, is now just Big
>Manus being directly shown as the first pygmy as DS3 confirmed

I am conflicted.

For one, the game is left untouched for all of history. We won't have "The remake is better" discussions and whatnot ever.

In the other hand, it'd be kinda like a new game.

none of these are happening

Good. I don't want any of the 2 and 3 mechanical downgrades.

No fucking shit.
REMASTERED is in the damn title.

Honor dueling is indeed for fagets.

Co-oping and regular invading are so much better because there's context for the fighting and the fact that 90% of the time it's not fair

Meh Dropped.

>Wat, people were expecting more?
a couple of morons were shilling Vaati's bullshit. nothing more.

>What does that even mean
it means jack shit. it's psuedo tech talk by people who don't understand a thing about game engines or game development.

you can now summon 4 phantoms and that completely ruins the spirit of the online.

Damn, I was really hoping for some kind of graphical upgrade. DS1 is starting to show its age.

I've played since demon's souls and not even I know, the only good pvp is random invasions.

>Everything in the game being punishable by backstabbing is not good design

It is when backstabbing itself is easily punished by backstabbing and everything boils down to predicting what your opponent is going to do next, like any other actual fighting game.

What are you talking about? The argument all day has been "HOLY FUCK NINTENDIES BTFO PS4 AND PC UPDATED GRAFIX DARK SOULS 3 ENGINE"
>26 results found for filename 1459114884221
Spamming is against the rules.


I just hope it doesn't end up like DaS2 where you can invade someone with a white/gold phantom (or both) and end up summong a third blue phantom.

To this day, over the 200 hours I put into DaS2 I can count the number of times I was invaded by a Red Phantom on one hand.

So have I and it was fun to fuck around with, but people put a lot of time into it and treat it like a ghetto ass fighting game.
Yeah I agree.

Please fix Gravelords

I'll still buy it if it means playing with the same amount of people as 6 years ago.

already working as intended

Especially when the netcode is as fucking garbage as it is. Fuck 2 for making invasions happen even if you weren't human desu.

>plenty of game remakes add new content
And this is not a remake.

Where exactly were these colors pulled from?
DS3's colors unironically look the best btw

well there was no red eye orb in DS2

I got it off Google images sweetie

>all the concepts are there but better in fighting games
The minute-to-minute combat of Dark Souls PvP is not very good but there is no other game where you can raise up and highly customize your character in a single-player game and then fight other players in real-time action combat. The only vaguely comparable thing is MMO PvP but that doesn't involve a fun single-player experience and the combat is usually even worse and hardly ever real-time action based. There just isn't anything similar so DaS PvP is extremely popular despite being extremely rough, it's the same reason Pokemon PvP is still such a huge success despite being an absolute mess.

Well apparently they're fucking with phantom numbers, so who knows what's going to happen.

The best thing is that they'll probably fix the netcode and/or lots of new players will come in and invasions and summons will be possible again

What build are we all running lads?

But that's the thing.

What's the point of invading if you're going to end up in 2/3 v 1 situations when you can just sit in Arena and 1v1?

>Manus being directly shown as the first pygmy as DS3 confirmed
what? If anything The Ringed City added the first evidence AGAINST Manus being the Pygmy.