Next room is boss room and all characters have 80% health

>next room is boss room and all characters have 80% health
>Might's well camp
>Get attacked during the night
>Leper of all chars suffers a fucking heart attack and other char are now at 50%

God fucking damnit should I just never camp?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just use a skill that prevents ambush, bro

Is it a quirk? Or a camping skill? Which class has it?

camping skill
highwayman, vestal, houndmaster, crusader and occultist have skills that prevent ambush


Can someone upload the Darkest Dungeon with pro-tips image?

If you have a leper in your party, before you camp, move him so he (hopefully) moves from 3 or 4 back to 1 or 2 if you are ambushed. That said, don't bring a leper.


serious question
how would you go about adding multiplayer to this game, there is a pvp mod that is terribly balanced and being honest isnt a good idea with so little classes and on top the game being all about exploiting the mechanics of the game in order to avoid getting fucked with the RNG
would a cooperative mod be better? how would you go on about it?
or do you think this game is just not compatible with multiplayer

>Might's well


i want to fuck the plague doctor

>4 players, each controlling a different party member
>2 parties traversing huge dungeons competing to achieve a goal before the other - loser fights a boss or something
>2 parties traversing huge dungeons in an attempt to find one another and duke it out

thanks user!

Oh, and 1 player controlling a party and the other player controlling the monsters.

Co-op could be ok. Two players could handle two characters each.

Four players would be a stretch unless the game is radically changed, because I doubt it would be fun to be the character that heals or buffs every round. Maybe give each character multiple attacks in a row and adjust enemy health accordingly it could remain fun and challenging

i wouldn't.


I don't think she's actually a virgin

Why not? He seems like the most OP unit to me so far

sorry guys I'm very new to this game

she can still do buttstuff user

did you say butt stuff?

But I don't she's ready for the Darkest Dungeon

is the plot in this game anything good?

>noxious blast.jpg

Reynauld is killed by heartattack, Dismas dies defending the rest to escape the Darkest Dungeon.

>Bandage wedgie

Speed is an important stat to wipe enemy parties, and he has low speed. He also can hit the back line, and that sucks. Even though he is a tank, he can do little to help teammates like a Man of war or crusader can, aside from taking out trash mobs. But even then, his attacks have such terrible accuracy.

I just did the first two darkest dungeon quests and for some reason the counter for my roster isn't full anymore. It was a full 31 heros and after it said 27, i didn't notice it then but after the second dd quest it was 24. Then i noticed it and went back in my recording. What the fuck is happening, no one died i have only lost two characters in this save and they were both a while ago.

learn how to stress heal

Why would she even need to run the bandages up that far? Why not just wear pants?

Vestal, Crusader, doggo, Occultist and HwM all have camp skills that prevent them. Always a good investment on these classes at any level.

i know that when a character goes to the DD he cant go back again, maybe it has something to do with that, the game just letting you more free space since you cant use those character there anymore
its just a shot in the dark tho


Since they can't go back into the DD their roster spot gets freed up so you don't end up with half your roster unable to take on the final dungeon.

should i take this as a no?

Ok thanks. I was panicking so fucking hard. i thought some of them just disappeared, i started making a list and everything.

So instead of a new class they add new skills to current classes: what new abilities would you give each class?

It's barebones and mostly given through some of the best narration in vidya and a bit of lore in items. Journal entries you find are backer written content. But the atmosphere and aforementioned narration is god tier.

>someone gets Nymphomania
>90% of the time it's Vestal

does this happen to anyone else

Cease this faggotry at once

its good enough but its nothing out of this world ignore the irony
you are gonna play the game because of the challenge and artstyle and gonna get pissed at diary notes because they take space in your inventory

>Still no vestal comic
>One of her CC trinkets is salacious diary

What do you think?

>Shuffles a targeted ally back to their default position
>+25% Move Resist
>+2 Speed

erotic dungeon fiction


Occultist full enemy aoe tentacle rape. Significant -dmg, debuff to speed, chance to randomly hit your own front 2 positions

>writes erotic fanfiction
>other trinket is atonement beads
>"I fear the whispers of my mind!"

She's definitely done something

will you still get the reynauld and dismas achievement if reynauld is level 1 when he enters DD4, or will i have to actually level him up? my reynauld is god awful and i don't want to waste the time or the money on him if i don't have to (dismas on the other hand is a killing machine)

Who’s the shittiest boss in your opinion
>Garden Sentinel
>special snowflake unique type
>can’t dot or debuff severely restricting comps
>burden of info difficulty worse than Swine God because you have no way of knowing about not breaking shield
>one you realize this the fight becomes a boring joke where you just obliterate the spear and then spend a bunch of fucking turns whittling him down
>this is the boss they force you to fight over and over just to get the trinkets

I had most of the trinkets I wanted by the time I got to him. I like the mechanics outside of the special type. If there was an extra incentive for killing the shield instead of a gg you lose it'd be cooler.

For me it's the collector. A speed buff or guaranteed summoning at the start might be enough since even at champion level all my best comps can kill him in 1-2 rounds.

Countess was also lame

>burden of info difficulty worse than Swine God because you have no way of knowing about not breaking shield
You should suspect something as the head doesn't even do anything and the shield and spear do all the fighting.

Use a Shieldbreaker with that special trinket.

I just want Dazzling Light and/or Illumination to break stealth.

>Take Shieldbreaker on a medium dungeon
>Mandatory ambush

Just downloaded this morning. The nightmare sequence is just to obnoxious.

you could suspect that the head doesn’t have an attack
it doesn’t even get an extra turn to fire off a beam when the shield is in the air.

It’s just such a boring fight.

it only happens 7 times, dont be a baby

To be able to play the game at a high level you need
>1 - Stress healers
>2 - people that can hit rows 3 & 4 and thereby kill stress dealers

The Leper can’t do either. For number 1 slots, the Crusader can stress heal, secondary heal, and hit back rows if he gets shuffled.

The Leper is absolute garbage in the endgame dungeons. He is a major liability in DD1 and DD2 because of heavy shuffling, and has a hard time in DD3 and DD4 cause he can’t hit back ranks super well.

Generally, if you need a tank, take a Crusader. And also you should be grooming a couple Barbarians and a MaA in the 1/2 slot for the endgame as well

I'm right there with ya, buddy
>Collect 3 holy relics, 2/3
>Only 1 room left
>Square right before the door, surprise encounter
>Vestal and Hellion die from heart attack/not listening due to hopelessness on death's door
>Still win the fight
>Might as well check the last room to finish the quest
>Enemy Encounter

the secondary heal (the one that doesnt decreases stress) is it usefull? its just seems to me that they ran out of ideas for skills and slap that on top of him,

There is no heavy shuffling in DD2. The worst you will get is the dogs doing fetch to bring a person from the back to the front which would screw a Leper up but that is a single fight. Otherwise at most there would be a knock back and the Leper has good move resist that it won't be an issue.

Having extra heals is never a bad idea. The thing that kills heroes by the truckloads is a dot that hits someone’s on DD at the beginning of their turn. Having more potential heals in the turn order helps for pinches like that, or RNJESUS fuck you crits.
I’d say it comes down to if you need his stun or not, and since I run a Houndmaster with his a lot, I don’t.

Between the polyps and the hounds that’s two fights where he can fuck you.

Plus the best combos for 1/2 in DD2 are
MaA/Houndmaster or Barbarian/MaA

FUCK the Baron. I've lost four people to that asshole.

Can i get an art dump?



He really doesn't get screwed over due to his move resist. Most of the time what hurts the Leper is pulling other characters into his spot or shuffling an entire party.

Something like this?

>black flag

The plot is meh, but the presentation is top tier


Yes, perfect.
I started playing last week, and I fucking love art direction.

ty, user

I swear Hellion has a sub 50% to hit, is there something behind all those hit chances?

>artist sig

maa's shield is upside down

he’s ok in DD3 but he needs a Plague.
3 people can just focus the stalk while leper buffs his resists and crit to just slam through the mammoth.

Why would you even run him in DD2 though? You need Man at Arms in one of his slots, and a Houndmaster with a second guard, a bleed, and a stun would have infinitely more utility?

I’ll concede he’s okay against some bosses like the Swine God, but for the endgame he’s totally outgunned

I need to organize my phone pictures

Anyways here's a nice pic from Kingdom Death, a table top game with some similarities to what I love about DD. Recommend for anyone not scared off by the price.

I could see that working but I’d rather have a Barbarian with Iron Swan and Bleed Out in the #1

And again there are tons of hounds in the dungeon proper which can shuffle the order and fuck you


And one more that I found.

Yeah if you get ambushed while camping and you're not in some low level dungeon where you can just camp 2 shitty monsters to heal and reduce stress you might as well abandon the mission if it's fighting a boss. The chances are super high your party's going to get fucked up and you won't be able to recover reasonably before the boss.

I don't think this is ever gonna get updated.


Should you keep kleptomaniac/compulsive lvl 0s or just toss/ignore them? Also, what level is the best for starting to upgrade their skills and such?


Literally never bother picking up a journal entry, you're just going to throw it away later for something actually valuable.

hit them on the ass with the door on their way out

all your money and heirlooms should be going to skill and weapon building upgrades
stress/health healers a best

I'd toss them if you're just starting out cuz it's not worth the cost to fix, otherwise I'd keep them around if it's a class you need. Shit that makes them grab curios is a great way for them to go insane and then make the rest of the party insane, and kleptomania is fucking abysmal because you don't even get the shit.

I upgrade stuff as soon as I can if it's someone I'm going to be using, but I don't bother keeping level 1 shitters around if they're stressed out and have a lot of bad quirks.

don't post this

If I say “take a bard and a priest”, you know the classes I mean

There are a lot worse negative quirks you can get over kleptomaniac. I’d take Kleptomania over a stat debuff anyday.

I say put in money as soon as you think you’ve got a good diceroll. If you find a Vestal with a speed and crit quirk buff, invest. Lock in good traits before they become more expensive or get replaced by random quirk assignment.

At the same time, if you find a DPS with a damage quirk debuff, don’t be afraid to dump him after a no light grinding run


>first level 5 run
>first battle
>stun resist, blight resist, blight resist, blight resist, resist, resist, resist, resist
>one guy on death's door, everyone stressed, fucker reviving his skeleton pals and won't die
>retreat and abandon
Stressful as fuck.


i know this is a stupid idea, but what if we create our own hero, like a community proyect?, something like the librarian.
we can use the thematic of the crimson court, like for example, an afflicted duke that survived the frenzy of the courtyard, and in his search for the cure, he found out that the ancestor blood lineage needs help killing the very thing that can destroy the crimson.
one of his main attacks would be that regains health by sucking the blood out of the enemie, and a damage buff by drinking the blood of the allie,and lastly, offering a guard shield, but in monster form it can be as deadly as abomination, flying to attack the 4 position and using fis fangs to eat the enemy alive
i would be amaizing if all of us work on this proyect.

The obnoxious part is that it has no music.

>get vulf quest
>think it's like the shrieker and just a boss room, don't bother getting supplies, forgot that shrieker didn't have standard supplies listed
>team gets stressed out from all the obstacles, PD gets afflicted + 1 heart attack, basically useless after a couple fights
>try to abandon quest, figure I'll just choose the PD to be left behind since she's the most fucked up
>it's rng pick, my first vestal is chosen
>get mad but realize she has nymphomania quirk
>realize she stayed behind to get gangbanged by a horde of bandits
>later she's chosen for resurrection
>lore-wise consider it her finally coming back from the bandit fuckfest, with her armor gone and skills as a healer degraded from her time spent as a sleeve
>lock in nymphomania

Does she have any negative quirks?

Take her to the warrens next