What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

>15m in 10 months
>95+ score
nothing consolewar fag fuck off

Quantity over quality style game design
Ignoring series staples/traditions in favor of appeasing mainstream preferences
>open world with no progression over somewhat nonlinear with decent progression
>Banjo-Kazooie style collectathons over hub world 3D platforming
They're good games but a bad direction for both series to go in, they work as one-offs and nothing more

I'm worried about how Prime 4 will turn out

I feel the same. What the fuck is up with Nintendo's excess shit?

trying to appeal to western open world meme

>Prime is a Mass Effect 2 clone without the RPG elements/characters
>The gunplay is worse than Prey (2017)
>The level design is worse than Prey (2017)
>The story is a reboot

How the hell is Odyssey a new direction, it is 64 without a hubworld. You are retard fear monger who just wants to act like a Nintenbro so you can shove negative opinions onto others with the "I-I-I'm literally shaking bros" BS.

Your mom didn't abort.

[spoilers]its working[/spoiler]

>it is 64 without a hubworld
only in how Mario controls

>You are retard fear monger
Quit it with the victim complex, I bought a Switch for Odyssey and although the game is soundly made I wouldn't want a sequel to play exactly like it with a gorillion moons to trip over

Except 64 had good levels.
Not looking to replay Odyssey any time soon.

>2 of the most critically acclaimed games ever
>What went wrong

I don't know Op, you tell us.

Except it's the same way in how worlds are treated too.
>Muh moons
Argument discarded.

Nintendo bonus
both are 8/10 games

Banjo Kazooie is literally Mario 64 but better though

You got older and stopped enjoying games.

Literally nothing.
Double 97, best games of 2017 by far.

>slow-ass Banjo
>having to unlock basic movement gradually

To be more accurate, it's Mario 64 with the level design of a Rare game.
And there's nothing wrong with that.

gamers became assholes


Huge scale made the moment-to-moment content very tiresome and protracted.

You're a faggot.

Three months later, still having a blast with Mario. Amazing game which just keeps on giving. All those 10/10 scored were spot on.

>moment-to-moment content

fucking meme buzzword of the day right here

haven't played zelda but odyssey is easy casual trash. can't believe such a garbage game got such high scores

I fear for Prime 4. Especially since its a new team