Just a reminder, the actual tier list of 3D Zeldas:
God tier - Skyward Sword, Oot
great tier - Wind waker
Meh tier - Majoras mask, BOTW
absolute trash tier - TP
This list is factual and cannot be debated
Just a reminder, the actual tier list of 3D Zeldas:
God tier - Skyward Sword, Oot
great tier - Wind waker
Meh tier - Majoras mask, BOTW
absolute trash tier - TP
This list is factual and cannot be debated
Other urls found in this thread:
>This list is factual and cannot be debated
Okay then, see ya in another thread I guess.
I unironically agree with this
This /thread
Skyward Sword is honestly an amazing game, I can't really understand the criticism like "THERE'S TOO MUCH HANDHOLDING!", not only because I don't feel like there is, but because OoT also had a lot of handholding and nobody complained.
Gameplay wise, it's the best Zelda, also the first Zelda after OoT that attempted to do something original.
>I'm a faggot and this cannot be debated
We know OP, fucking shit taste
Meh tier master race reporting in.
Swap BOTW with WW and OoT with MM, and you'd be correct.
>Gameplay wise, it's the best Zelda
If only the other Zelda games had tadtones, dowsing, empty corridors between points of interest with nothing to do in them other than fight the simon says enemies, and Fi. Now that's REAL content.
>absolute trash tier - TP
Well at least you got one thing right.
>I only like side content: the post
Skyward Sword is trash, fuck off. Zelda is my favorite game series and SS isn't just a bad Zelda game, it's a bad game all around. Only Zelda I don't replay yearly.
You can't understand how a game that interrupts itself every ten seconds (not exaggeration) to tell you the answers to the already easy puzzle in non-optional forced, slow, dialogue gets criticized for "TOO MUCH HANHOLDING!"? You're retarded, then
>simon says enemies
Still a massive improvement over literally any other Zelda, which is literally mash sword to win.
The rest is cherry picking stuff from an otherwise great game. For every problem SS has, it does a dozen things better than any other 3d Zelda.
Switch meh tier and great tier, and put SS with wind waker and it's correct
>likes Skayward Sword but Not twilight Princess
How? Both are equally good.
>absolute trash tier - TP
this is the only one you got right
Don't forget the dumbass mole digging sections, the stealth sections, the tears of light, etc.
SS has more interesting dungeons but both games share the same problems. Padding, annoying NPC that talks tok much, way too easy.
>You can't understand how a game that interrupts itself every ten seconds (not exaggeration)
>(not exaggeration)
It's the padding that fucked me off.
Weird, because I can't think of a single thing I genuinely think it did better than any of them. It ruined what made Zelda games good in almost every facet.
SS absolutely does not have more interesting dungeons than TP. If you think this, you are the exact reason why we have shrines instead of proper dungeons now, so fuck you.
>absolute trash tier - TP
I agree with this
SS factually has the best level design, best combat in the series (ya'll niggas acting like Zelda ever had good combat before). Your complaints are non arguments, especially Fi, we all fucking know that every single time Zelda has introduced living companions, they are nothing but absolutely annoying cunt rags (don't fucking dare say this doesn't apply to Midna either because you're a furryfag who wants to fuck her), literally the only thing midna fanboys can say about her is "I want to le fuck le midna xd" meme.
TP repeats way too much and has literal slide block puzzles. It's boring and derivative. At least SS had focused designs that didn't overstay their welcome.
That's TP
>Introduces Stamina meter
>Literally the best dungeons of any Zelda, without question
>Best soundtrack
>Combat actually requires effort now
>Anything involving the desert area
>Best story
>Fixes tears by making them fucking terrifying
Probably more but this is already long enough.
No, it's SS. Two of the 15 minute dungeons were entirely about the stupid ass mole gloves. Guess you just blocked it out of your mind. I can see why you can like SS if you ignore literally all of the gimmick shit for five year olds.
I honestly don't remember this happening, wasn't that Wind Waker?
All of these, except the desert area one, are fucking hilariously wrong.
windwaker was so bad I never played another zelda after that. In fact, it was so bad I never bought another nintendo console.
I mostly dwell on /vr/
Required watching for this thread if you still think Skyward Sword is anything other than the best 3D Zelda for dungeons:
Yes side content is extremely important in a game with free exploration and tools for further exploration in your inventory in large worlds where the entire story is "save the princess"
Though that user suggested games with shitty side content so I don't know what made you respond like that unless you're so deprived for content by the gutter trash that is wind Waker that you think that's the main difference between it and the games he suggested.
The list can't be factual if Majora's Mask isn't at the bottom of the list and if Ocarina of time is at the top of the list.
can we all agree that 2d>3d though?
I immensely enjoyed SS dungeons and overworld sections, the combat was also a welcome addition. I don't think I've ever died in a Zelda game outside of OoT but I liked the dynamics of the combat.
TP in contrast has the dullest dungeons in the entire franchise, even BOTW dungeons are better, I remember I knew how bad things were going to get in TP when everyone kept telling me that the Fire dungeon was the best dungeon in the game, I cleared the fire dungeon like "shit, this fucking sucked".
It also has the most barren overworld save for OoT, and in OoT it's understandable since it was the first of its kind.
>inb4 the sky in SS
Yes kids, I know that the sky in SS sucked, but that was like 10% of the overworld.
Also, that horrible murky bloom filter really ended up shitting in the pie
he's a massive faggot that's really reaching for content these days.
Honestly, Navi, Tatl, and Midna just don't compare to Fi. Most of the former you can easily skip through their speech. It doesn't let you do that as much with Fi.
What killed TP for me was realizing that the entire concept was literally a rehash of ALTTP, straight up to brunette zelda.
And yes, introducing Ganon was a fucking mistake.
"Hey guys, we have this interesting, intimidating new villain for you! oh but he's not the real big bad, the real big bad is Ganondorf of course :3"
I think he's got side content confused with games where the main content is made up of lots of smaller tasks.
>SS factually has the best level design
It factually has the worst level design in the entire series. There's nothing inherently or automatically good about linearity if it doesn't actually achieve anything with its so-called "structured" map and instead pads your playtime out with stupid shit that doesn't even involve basic puzzle solving.
Seriously, what do you actually even DO in the Faron and Eldin sections of the game? Go on a Kikwi fetchquest where you find retarded birds that aren't even integrated well into the environment? Collect tadtones? Use the Mogma Mitts? Use that godawful dowsing mechanic to find key shards that don't benefit you as a player in any tangible way beyond just allowing you to progress to the next area?
There's a reason the Lanayru area was the only good region in the game -- it had content, and even that was fairly sparse.
This but swap OOT with spirit tracks