Angry/Rage messages you’ve received in vidya. Starting with everyone’s favourite

Angry/Rage messages you’ve received in vidya. Starting with everyone’s favourite

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does anyone have the igloo one?

Is there more e-celeb butthurt?

Who has the one with that faggot PeevePeverson getting butthurt when /dsg/ kept pushing his shit in on PS3/PC?

not funny whatsoever


this wasn't too long after sandy hook

>am radio stations
what was his end game?

this guy was never able to ban me
not sure what happened



this is actually from something, it's a joke.

i have dozens but they're not strong enough to post really. this one is kind of good though
this goes back to i think dark souls 2 on original xbox

>i poop on you kid.

Sad that nobody posts anything new


Knew as soon as I saw the title. A true classic.

>i poop on you kid




Sigh, this is the only thing i envied from console fags. I wanted so bad to get hatemail in steam. Public comments arent the same since everyone will see how salty the person is, thus, less messages

there was a point in "for honor" where the conqueror class had a move you could kind of chain if your opponent didn't know the fundamentals of the game and just dodge it

so if they didn't have that piece of info it felt like an infinite to them

alright im done. not going to flip these, fuck. sorry

try this one. should come in flipped

ok, real talk

has anyone received hate mail on EIGHTH GEN consoles yet? all this shit is like dawn of fucking XBL 360 days and PS3 shit from like 2010!

There's some I got via Bloodborne, didn't save them though.


The happy times are over, user. Thank political correctness for that

Got some from Dark Souls 3 when I invaded but I didn't save them because they were lame

>tfw too bad at vidya to receive rage messages

it's OK pupper, you will do good next time.

He's right you know

I laughed but mostly at the idea that he thought it would be funny.

You don’t need to be good to get rage messages. Find the cheapest, overpowered setup/character/etc and go to town.


legit keked



How does one get hate mail like this?

>3 inche


>havel's gear and 2 avelyns

really really old troll build

>Make level 1 Darkwraith in Dark Souls when it was still fairly new there were no sequels
>Invade people in Undead Berg twinked as fuck just steamrolling them

that is how, I got sooooooooo many butthurt messages but I lost them all.. truly some of the best times in my souls experience. lvl 1 darkwraith wasn't easy to get either since you had to kill the four kings at level 1, made it to where it wasn't really prevalent enough for lots of people to be doing it.

>my dad work at ps3 u going 2 jail

I had the same icon back when the 360 first came out
Patrician taste

shoulda replied to this guy with "Is that why all you know is how to be a total faggot?"


is that the shitty anime video guy

all you have to do to avoid flipping is screenshot it and then post the screenshot.
phone pictures have location data and Sup Forums wipes it, which consequently flips it.

I remember using the master key to bypass the burg, get pretty high leveled and some good gear, and sit in the burg to fuck with twinks. I loved just how much dickery you could do in that game, like not equipping the ring for 4kings and dying to make it harder for the host.

oh yeah dude i'd do it again
i probably had like a 500 kill streak going and im not kidding

lmao, damn that's a good one i never thought of doing that. dks1 was literally a trolls paradise if you were good enough to get certain things at lower levels

I'm guessing this is the kind of faggot that claims wifi warrior in Gundam Versus

It's a shame that twinks invaded Parish because of this.

What? Twinks were always there. The tribunal of low level dickery was burg, parish, and lower burg.



>cheapest, overpowered setup/character/etc
This guy sends rage messages. There is no cheap, there is only winning and losing.


>I would rip open your asshole to the size of the smallest city in Oregon

dayum, 400 a week huh

I don’t, and I agree with your philosophy. However communties based on perception will still label shit as cheap, and you want to capitalize on that if you want butthurt messages

Not very entertaining but I think this is from my SL22 Havel Monster invasions in DS3.

It was funny, ignore the constantly butthurt edgy contrarians

>$400 a week
man. to have a childs scope of money once more.

>400 in a week
Woah future Donald Trump over here

Someone post the "I bet you kiss girls faggot"



Well that sounds pretty cheesy

He wasn't wrong.

>*shitty 100% OJ streamer guy


too soon

it's been like over a year man i think it's okay now

Man I should invade ringed city more.

>subject: wheelchair balls




Almost 2 years now, actually.




haha fuck


>I download your punches faster
absolute gold

Well? Are you?

I remember the first time I got 40 hours at a minimum wage job too.

Just one from ToO on PS4, compared to 7th gen, which was frequent.

he's not wrong

I miss this so much

Those were better days.

>Demolition_D isn't just an anime subhuman, but a crying bitch

requesting the AM radio station msg

This. Everyone knows calling someone a "faggot" or a "nigger" or even a "bitch" will probably net you a suspension so no one does it. People probably take it out more on voice comms though but I might just be putting too much steak in Overwatch and its "toxic community"