What was your first Dark Souls playthrough like?

What was your first Dark Souls playthrough like?

gave up after undead burg
went back 3 years later to beat the game

I got to the burg with a friend then I didn't touch it for months, came back started fresh and now its my favorite game

not very good because i was using the piece of shit ps3 controller

will try again on Switch

Invaded and lagstabbed

but good nonetheless

I dropped it because I got stuck in the secret area in blight town. I couldn't find the way to climb back up

how about you guys actually play the game

Why would you "remaster" a game that's only like 4 year old and already has fan-fixes that you play 60fps 4k with update textures?

Terrible decision!

Couldn't get past the drake because I had no idea how armor worked.

i played with walkthrough

Game is piss easy once you get the Drake Sword. I cut through most of the game like hot butter. Havels ring also makes it really EZ too.

can you read nigger

It was okay. Nothing interesting to tell really, played DeS before it so I already knew what I was getting into.

Huh good joke friend

someone tell me the remaster isnt just going to be a higher resolution, higher framerate, improved lighting and thats it
please tell me theres more
give me a comforting lie

only fucking braindead masterace meme morons play it in 60fps. It's literally designed for 30fps, and breaking the game to switch it literally causes a ton of 'fake difficulty' glitches, like enemies backstabbing you form the front, and that one area that makes you fall off a bridge in londo.

Pretty much the only whimsical/magical experience I've had playing a modern game.

I've invested more hours into other games, but I think Dark Souls will be the last game to ever make me feel the way I did when I played games as a kid.

Haven't played it yet.

spend couple hours trying to get around drake in udead burg but I couldn't beat this knight just before path to Andre so I actually look up stuff in the internet
I didn't mind not going 100% blind but my worst regret was killing anor londo duo with summon, I didn't summon because it was too hard, it just was the moment in the game where I realized what humanity do

Ran it naked and only used the halberd. Souls game are more fun without armor.

I'm still on it. Just found Smough and co.

Is enjoyable so far, I was stuck at those damn silver knights until I mastered the parry.

I'm at level 54.

already knew what to expect having played demon souls, stuck with queelags sword and got through the game as average as possible

I used the knight sheild and uchikatana the whole playthrough. I got stuck on the archers at anor londo and quit playing for like a year. When I got havels set thats all I used and eventually beat the game with a really over leveled character.

Had a rogue character that i played till level 20 ( i make tons of new characters) and then played a big shield boy until 50 something, and then went back to the dagger gal and beat the game.

works fine on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Hey guys, the game is super easy if you go out of your way to get a ridiculously overpowered sword at the very beginning!

Cool, now play it with standard progression, try using weapons you'd never consider. It' makes the game even more fun.

Are you me? Naked Halberd runs are always what I do first time through souls games.

First playthrough was a fatrolling Bastard Sword build. Felt good. Killed Capra first try out of sheer luck and died a bunch of times to the vagina dragon.

Not to mention it totally screws up jumping/falling physics, making some trick jumps literally impossible. I used to have a button that switches back to 30fps while I was playing with 60fps just so I could physically make a jump.

troll harder

I remember levelling up DEX exclusively, using the scimitar and ricard's rapier because they had cool animations ( instead of the traditional kick, you get to do backflips and shit ), and abusing the fuck out of the ninja flip ring.

I ended up in th Tomb of the Giants before the Lordvessel and had to restart the game because I couldn't find my way back

I had no idea how the game worked. I didn't know scaling was a thing so I just used whatever used the most damage and never knew why. I also didn't know weapons had different movesets. I thought the reason you have greatswords on your shoulder was because my stats were too low and if I got enough STR I'd use it like a straight sword. I beat the game in full giants with a black knight halberd and level ~170.

I got fucking pissed coming from very fresh DeS playthroughs. Somehow the changes to the overworld got to me and I shelved the game for a time.

Decided to come back later and loved it all the way till Bed of Chaos

>unlocking the frame rates casus issues
either bait or just stupid
stop parroting what others spout for the love of jesus
the only thing that 60fps breaks is that jump you have to make when you try to go back to undead asylum, everything else works just fine

Hard. Eye opening. Rewarding. And kind of depressing. I felt really bad killing Lord Gwynn
Loadout was
>Zweihander (for that INSANE two handed heavy strike. Stagger for DAYS)
>Silver Knight Shield
>Full black Iron set
>Fat rolling because I didn't know what equip load was about
>Pure strength for attack
>25 endurance
>Then every single point into health

Trials and tribulations. I cannot wait for the remaster to release! I didn't even know it was coming out. I though the "remaster" was only for the Switch. But no I find it's coming out for all platforms with PC having 4k native and 2k textures.

I'm fucking pumped. I look forward to getting 100% achievements again.

the only real trouble i had with fps unlock was getting stuck at the bonfire from time to time.

Tell that to the multiple times I've fallen through the floor after sliding down a ladder.

I've fallen through the floor many times at 60fps.

It's still worth using 60fps IMO but stop pretending it's perfect.

i beat the boss at the start, found the sword in the graveyard and then wandered around for 20 minutes. got bored and never played it again. everything is too clunky and slow. i understand why people love it so much but i'd rather play DMC or something

Sounds like me, I also remember getting cursed in the depths made my life a living hell.

Lucked out on a Balder sword and did a 4:6 split on str and dex with that and a Silver Knight spear.
Wore light armor because muh roll and dabbled in magic like right at the end of the game because I thought I had more time to fuck around with shit like great magic weapon.

The first half of the game was really fun, and the 2nd half was still fun but some of those areas felt really shitty. I was a scrub who was too scared to parry and I suffered at Gwyn.

I keep dying to the graveyard skeletons, for the whole fucking day until I notice the hill stairs the next morning, then I dropped it at the 3 kings.
Only finished the game during the week of DS2 release.

You have no idea what you're talking about, 60 fps breaks every jump. It's just that some jumps become physically impossible and some jumps still sorta work. Some other examples would be the Blighttown jump to the Iaito and the drop to Vamos in the Catacombs.

>Friend gets on Xbox 360 one day and says "hey you should check out this cool fantasy game called Dark Souls. It's fun"
>Go pick it up a week later
>Having a lot of fun
>Have a hard time against Capra Demon dogs
>Friend stuck for week on O&S
>Beat O&S on first try in a miracle and he is salty as fuck
>We enjoy telling each other cool stuff we found
>Fun PvP

It was great to play the game before it got so crazy popular, it was comfy as fuck and still my favorite game to this day.

Looking forward to twinking new friends in the burg again.

I beat Biggie Smalls then call it quits. Anor Londo as a whole breaks the flow the game otherwise had and I couldn't drum up the means to finish it.

:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) me2

t. Retard

So what do you think we're looking at for the remaster? Just graphics/engine update? Or do you think they're going to redo certain fights/areas?

Think they're going to keep the twin greatbow knights of fury on the ramparts of Anor Londo?

Is the witch of Izaliath going to be reworked? How about the entire area? Think the lava will be fixed so it's not eye raping and drops the fps to 15?

Died a whole lot, got a Black Knight Sword on a lucky drop, died enough to get the souls to use it before gargoyles, got to Sen's before I started a new character. Was really fun. Played after that with a pure Faith build and beat the game that way.

All I remember from my first playthrough is that I used the Zweihander and some charcoal pine resin to wreck the 4 Kings, and I used Artorias' Greatshield to tank Gwyn.

I'm hoping for them to clean up Capra demon by clearing out the camera blocking trees a tiny bit, not even all the way, just enough to see. And maybe some tells on which sections of floor are going to fall away from Bed of Chaos. It's essentially a roulette as it is.

I got the black knight sword from the black knight in the burg it was pretty easy when I figured out how to use it cant wait till this comes out gonna rush through the game with sl1 and rape people

Yea I'm hoping for a complete rework of the Bed of Chaos fight. Like not a rework. Just completely different. I mean shit the devs even said that Bed of Chaos is their biggest regret.

There's something about DaS1's party timing that feels so natural. When I play DaS1 I run around parrying everything possible, but I've never been able to do that in 2 or 3.

What were the most difficult achievements to unlock in Dark Souls?

>Great Scythe
>Gold Hemmed Set
>Grass Crest Shield
>SL70 before Anor Londo
>Final destination

You know you can just press ONE button to dial it back to 30 FPS instantly, right?

The weapons one and getting all the sorceries/pyromancies/miracles.

The weapons required you to beat the game up to NG+2 or 3 I think because the same boss soul can be made into 2 or 3 weapons I'd you used a different catalyst. I.e. use a broken sword hilt vs a regular longsword to combine with the soul to make a boss weapon.

Then for the various spells and such, you needed to to character quest lines. As dark souls has always been, one fuck up can permanently ruin a certain NPC's quest line for the entire playthrough.

I think the last one I got was for getting all the miracles. IIRC you had to have a high rank in the Warriors of Sunlight and trade Gwyn's Soul in. Getting the medals was kind of difficult since the game was sparse on PC.

I went into the skeleton crypt place instead of towards undead burg
i spent literally about 15 hours fighting through to pinwheel and beyond
i had a college room mate come into my room while i was playing and asked what the fuck i was doing
fighting all those skeletons with extremely shit gear made me git gud though and i stomped my way through most of the rest of the game

After finally beating the Gaping Dragon, had to stop because Blight Town was unplayable for me. Was on 360 at the time. I plan on picking up Remastered to finally beat a Souls game.

I insisted on fighting Lortrec and learned all about partial shield ignoring curved swords and npc dagger blocks and parrying NPCs.
I now dual wield...

I just farmed for the medals. Kept killing the bug things in the Izalaith shortcut. Took forever but the online for PC was so bugged, it was way easier.

Parrying was too easy in Dark Souls 1 since it was instant. In 2 and 3 the timing isn't instant and in 2 it makes the most sense because your parry tool has to actually strike the weapon you're trying to parry.

Played a thief girl and ran around with a baldur side sword and black leather outfit. Used uchiganta sometimes. Had a bandits on my off hand for fat crits.

>Bought Dark Souls on midnight launch since I loved Demon's Souls
>Get the free special edition with the metal case and artbook
>Swing by McDonalds, get like 10 mcdoubles
>Get home, my mom was on the couch as usual
>She had clearly been drinking despite being "nine months sober."
>She didn't realize I was gone, so I sit with her and share the burgers
>We look through the artbook together and talk about the designs
>Talk about how we played Myst and Riven together when I was a kid
>We decide to play through it together sometime soon
>I go back to my room and play until 6 AM
>Play it off and on for a few weeks
>Get to Anor Londo right before I have to go on a trip for the weekend
>Cannot for the life of me get past the silver knights, accidentally corrupt my save in a ragequit
>Eh, fuck it, I'll start a new playthrough when I get back on Sunday
>While I'm on the trip mom has a seizure in a parking lot, no one knows until two days later since the hospital admitted her as a Jane Doe
>Am by her side a day later when she dies
>After a ton of grieving and nonstop visitors for a week+, finally start a new playthrough
>Play Warrior instead of Knight
>Get through the whole first half in record time
>Beat the whole thing in a week, since I'm basically excused from all my courses for the semester
>Decide "Fuck it, I'll get the plat," which I have never, ever done before
>Finally, at 3 AM on Christmas morning (I couldn't sleep, for obvious reasons), I get the platinum
>Have since beaten it about 20+ more times, done every build and challenge imaginable
>Will always hold a special place in my heart thanks to that last happy moment I had with my mom looking through the artbook
That said, Demon's Souls is more enjoyable. Fuck spending money on Dark Souls for a third time.

Playing dark souls for the first time blind was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever

I started as wander because I was an edgy teenager and I liked his coat. Struggled forever on first staircase out of firelink. Eventually pickup the halberd in undead burg and claw my way up to anor londo. Friend told me about the doll so I go to the painted world and get stuck there forever because of boonewheel skellies. Finally find my way to pricilla think she is cool as shit. When I get to the giant black smith I upgrade my halberd into the life hunt scythe and instantly regret it since the move set is so different than what I am use to. I beat OS but gave up that character right before fighting sif.

Make a new character start bandit and grab the zwei. catch up to where my first character was in a day. Have so much more fun. Have been a strfag ever since. I also remember getting stuck on seath because my friend want the tail cut but he was playing a mage so he wanted me to drop the moonlight greatsword for him. I ended up getting cursed. good times.

Med armor Warrior with straight swords and heater shield all the way through, solo, blind

>Took forever but the online for PC was so bugged, it was way easier.

What's wrong with it?

Finding all the rare weapons.
I'm retarded and never noticed the breakable boards in Painted World that lead to Velka's Rapier.

Got it for steam and did not have a games for windows live account (and i could not get one since is discontinued) so i could not save at the bonfires, though "wow this game really lives up to the meme of being super hard when i can't even save my progress" and by progress i mean trying and failing to kill all the skeletons at firelink with my wooden club.

Random disconnects. Being summoned forever or summoning someone else forever. Then it would say connection timed out out and boot you back to the title screen. I got sick of almost helping the host kill a boss for the sunlight medal I'd get, to be Disconnected at the end. This was at launch though.

It's since been fixed to way WAY better.

You don't save at bonfires, silly.

2 was bizarre because shields had comically slow parry animations, but also weapons like the painting guardian sword with fucking massive parry windows that you could just spam. 3 I don't remember trying it too much because I didn't have much success with shields in that game in general.

I think the other big change was DaS1 had partial parries, so it was less risky to boot. It was more of a reaction than a prediction. Or maybe now I'm just older and slower.

60 fps breaks 1(one) jump

In the entire fucking game

It takes literally sub 2 seconds to switch back and forth to make that jump

I really hope they fix it, since the remaster is getting 60 FPS.

What jump was that? To iaito?

pretty meh, it was smooth sailing for the most part but i got stuck in the part before pinwheel, the fucking wheel skeles kept fucking me over and over and i would fall into random holes in the ground and the dark knight would get on my ass and i was just tired of all the shit the game was throwing at me

took like a 3 months break then beat it, pretty much used zwei as soon as i had the stats for it and never stopped using it til i farmed for a dark halberd for my second playthrough

Really bad. I played on console launch and didn't look up anything.
>didn't choose master key
>was stuck in blighttown for hours upon hours
>stuck in sen's funhouse for even longer, didn't find the hidden bonfire my first time through, there was no messages there at the time like there always are now
>stuck on O&S for so long I gave up and explored and got all the way to the end of tomb of the giants only to find out I had to trek all the way back up after hitting the dead end
>discovered iron flesh and cheesed the rest of the bosses after finally beating O&S after having grinded to level fucking 80 something
>not a single message in crystal caves, I literally took a guess that there was an invisible platform due to seeing the falling sparkles breaking
>didn't know I could parry gwyn, even with iron flesh kept dying
I never summoned for anything. This is the stuff I remember most. First playthrough was 62 hours. Straight up DSP tier.

Also I got cursed in the depths and by Seath.

In every souls game the hardest achievements are usually collect every X item or learn every Y spell

The reason is that typically you cant get every single thing in a single playthrough mainly because some items straight up dont even exist until NG+ or NG+1 or like in Dark Souls 3 you have to choose an allegiance between Rosaria's Fingers questline (gets you Leonhards shit and a miracle if you cash in Rosarias soul) or Sirris and her questline (for Creighton and Hodrick's shit) but you cannot do both in one playthrough

>only like 4 year old
>try 7 years m8

>namco crap

naked dragon tooth.

Some jump in the Asylum i think

Honestly i forget but i remember that the distance is just right to where more FPS makes you descend just a tad faster, enough to not make it

>Game is piss easy once you get the Drake Sword.

How the fuck did this even become a meme? I mean who thinks "I should totally piss off this fucking dragon that can probably one shot me in order to get a weapon that's more powerful that what I can use until I finish the area right after".

Played it at like 800x600 25fps on my shitty toster, still had a blast and played it over 4 times. First run was a Thief-Knight merge, thief hood looks amazing on DaS1, and it was ruined on later entries, my weaponfu was the based Zweihander, along with the Black Knight Shield, good times.

literally anyone who played demons souls tried it

>triple dipping

Did anyone else fall for crystal weapons their first time through? I-it wasn't just me, was it?

>that story
it makes no sense at all, are lying an on?

All miracles.
You have to:
Reach rank 1 in Sunlight covenant on NG+ (and have to go to NG++ if you want all weapons, which you have to do anyway since you need to get three weapons from the soul of Sif)
Reach rank 1 in Darkmoon covenant
Reach rank 1 in Gravelord covenant
And also find the hidden miracle in Ash Lake that's really poorly telegraphed

It was the last one I got.

wiki is on the box, tips include drake sword cheese
it doesn't scale well though so its shit in the long run, just for noobs who have no idea what stats mean imo.

Lightning Claymore + Great Combustion Pyromancy

Played halfway through the game mostly 15-20 fps before finding out dsfix exists. Used dsfix and.... still played with mostly 15-20 fps until the end because i was a retard and didn't know how dsfix works. Still love the game to my very core though

oh the memories

I gave dark souls 1 30 hours, didn't even bother to finish it don't see the appeal in the games.

My only question is, does it include all 3 or just DaS1?

I got stuck on gargoyles, dropped the game for a month, then came back to it and full cleared it with barely any deaths.
One shot o&s which was kind of funny.
I did play ds2sotfs before ds1 though so i was used to 2v1 fights.
I also one shot blood starved beast and orphan on my first try (orphan was ng+) while having more difficulty with the fucking weird caster flower guys before maria i think it was.

Dam homie, I hope you enjoy the remaster