Please tell me none of you are actually going to get the Switch version.
Please tell me none of you are actually going to get the Switch version
I am.
If I wanted to play in 720p at 30fps
I'd fire up my 10 year old PS3.
Probably. Never actually played a Dark Souls game.
It'll be in 1080p docked.
I am going to purchase the Switch version and play it. I will then post about it on Sup Forums and get glorious (You)s simply by I did so.
There's the answer you so obviously wanted.
If Dark Souls is anything like the port job of Doom or Rocket League, no thanks.
Doom was good
ill pick it up in 5 years when its in the bargain bin for $10
I want 720p FPS for the nostalgia. Portability is also a plus.
No. NO it wasn't. It's not in 4K 60fps like it was intended to be.
Either PC version or it's not DOOM.
Absolutely yes.
There's a PS4 port too right? And is PC getting a remaster too?
I am, I've already beaten it well over 15 times across PS3 and PC. I don't feel like I'd get anything out of the remaster on anything but the switch version.
Yes I am, day one.
It's an all platform release. PCbros have to pay even if they have the original game, though.
Is there anything I can do to ensure you don't get the Switch version?
>bought it four years ago for $5
>installed it
>never played it
What are the mods I'm supposed to install to make the game not a half-assed port?
I will get the switch version just out of spite. Fucking tired of sony shits. I have a ps4 and its alright but its not worth worshiping.
I am.
I already have the 4k 144fps PC version. I'll get the Switch version for handheld comfyness.
I will, and?
I am...i don't even own a switch... yet
But playing dark souls in my work truck is a dream come true.
pay me $60 in ethereum
What's your problem buddy? The concept of portable dark souls is so neat to me, I've been smiling all day.
it's the second best version so yes
>being this desperate
I'm going to and I will play it in my commute and there's nothing you can do.
Same . Gotta get that comfy Lordran shit mode
not even if I post an image deriding people and especially nintendo fans who play games in public with a crying wojak face?
nigger i played dark souls at 720p 15fps on the ps3, you think 30fps is going to stop me?
giant dad will be revived again.
Well that sucks for PC then. I hope there's at least a few changes that makes it worthwhile
I don't like grimdark games, but even if I did I get multiplats on PC.
I'm just hoping Blighttown doesn't make melt everyone's consoles.
original owners get the game for half off. so $20
oh no
Of course i will, the collector edition looks great, played it on the ps3, time to play it on the go
Why would I not get it when I already own a switch?
I’ve been meaning to replay it, but I gave away my 360, and I don’t want to buy it on PC
Plus, gitting gud on the go seems cool
And I’m chatting up this qt.14159 who’s a turbo casual, but she loves Nintendo stuffs, and I really want to walk someone through a soulsborne game. It’d be fun
So yeah I’m getting it
Holy shit, where did that come from?
I’m so sorry, user
At least find some other games you might be into if you’re gonna buy it. You can’t buy a console for one game.
It's 50% off on the best platform, why would anyone get the switch?
Fellow PCfag here, see
Dsfix, everything else is icing on the cake.
Because you can take it ANYWHERE user
It’s fucking dumb, but that’s the mindset shitch owners have. Have you ever been somewhere and thought, “This sucks. I wish I was at home, playing Dark Souls.” Switch owners don’t have to deal with that, all it costs is their dignity by playing with a child’s toy in public.
>Have a laptop for practical uses only
>Buy a Switch because why not
>DaS Remastered releases
>never played it
Explain why I shouldn't
if you can justify the extra cost go ahead I guess. I could never do that would feel like a complete waste
okay dude, thanks for your permission
Because you'd be supporting Nintendo and I don't like that.
Or you could just take it to your bed, or your living room. Who actually takes their shit outside?
>Have you ever been somewhere and thought, “This sucks. I wish I was at home, playing Dark Souls.”
Okay yeah maybe.
k, I won't buy it
If I had one I would.
Would be nice to get nice and snug with Dark Souls in bed.
I'm going to get it.
Honestly I thought about it since I never played darksouls, then I realized, I have a PS3, and just ordered it for that off amazon for 11$
Beware blighttown, it'll chug like a fratboy.
Door to the left, go up not skeletons, do not trust the master key
kek no need to be so passive aggressive, switch boy. this isn't your classroom
Do you wanna talk about why you don’t like Nintendo, user? You seem passionate about it.
Of course I'm gonna get it. Portable Dark Souls my nigger.
>PS3 is 10 years old
The Switch version is objectively the worst version. It won't run at 60 fps.
I wasn't but this thread compelled me to buy it so now I'm getting it day one. Thanks OP.
I'm buying the switch version.
Keep crying sonysoyboy