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>proprietary hardware

>pc meme


>thinks higher fps means better graphics

It does according to square who made the game. thanks for beta testing cuck

fuck yea more Fran threads

I'm still upset Square Enix is incapable of making one remaster that is a COMPLETE improvement over the original releases.

Was it that hard to increase the resolution, revamp the UI so that it is no longer blurry, fix the poor quality voice acting and call it a fucking day?


But... that's exact;y what they did?

They added blur, bloom, and shitty filtered textures EVERYWHERE. And cropped cutscenes too.

Fuck. I just bought the game too.

I might finally play this fucking game.

>tfw based PCfags will have mods addressing this within the month

That was one of my thoughts, but I don't know how "easy" it will be to replace all textures, remove blur AND bloom. Let us hope at least the latter two are toggleable.

>fans who purchase the game within the first week of Steam launch will receive a 20% discount [as well as some other goodies]
Holy shit, why is PC gaming so superior?

>tfw pc gaming and ps4 masterrace

I'm confused because this is exactly what the zodiac age does, among other things. High quality bait.

Motion blur should hopefully be changeable as most games are moving towards that no. Both it and bloom are numbers that wouldn't be a huge issue to mod. Textures, I agree, aren't as simple and we may not even see proper mods to replace them considering that this game isn't as popular as other FF entries.

That being said, people are overlooking the gameplay overhauls that have been added. Even if you have played IZJS, you can now double up jobs on the license board, which is huge, imo.

why do they always fucking phrase it like that, its not fucking candy

>in brackets
>not a direct quote
Go back to school, son. The actual quote lists three audio tracks, a Steam skin and something else I'm too lazy to go back and read.

>$20-30 for a PS4 copy vs. $40 on Steam (assuming the base price is $50 and it will because this is Square Enix)
So based

The fact that it’s Denuvo on a 11 year old game makes it sadder somehow.

Guess they are expecting sales to be low and they have to try to squeeze money from pirates to dumb to just pirate the PS2 version using an emulator.

Money saved for me I suppose.

>I'm confused because this is exactly what the zodiac age does, among other things.
>among other things
Among shit things. That's the problem

>That being said, people are overlooking the gameplay overhauls that have been added.
No, I get it. I would still play the game (maybe). I just wish they could make a complete improvement without any unnecessary, questionable changes.

>Will look better than ever
That's correct though.

They better add 60fps in a patch for the PS4 version, there's no reason it shouldn't have been 60fps to begin with and I'm not paying $49.99+tip again.


Surprised Square is actually putting some care into this port. I expected another quick 30FPS console port with no improvements like world of final fantasy. Don't really care about Denuvo never had any issues with it in the past.

On the topic of 60FPS it makes me curious as to why the PS4 version is 30FPS, I find it hard to believe the PS4 couldn't handle a fucking PS2 game at 60FPS.

There'd better be a mod to remove that fuckawful cutscene cropping that the remaster added.

PS4 copy was 40 at launch, son. So it's equal. I'll admit that it's very underhanded assuming the new improvements constitute a $10 price increase only to add the discount to make it the "same" as the PS4 release.

World of Final Fantasy was $40 at launch, expecting the same on this.

So can we admit The Zodiac Age is great now that PCfags don't have to emulate an inferior version?
>b-but some of the textures are filtered
And many of the new textures are objective improvements like Vaan's painted on abs and Ba'gamnan's face no longer looking like a mess of pixels in HD
>b-but cropped cutscenes
Exactly the same as the in-game widescreen option from the PS2 version

>It'll be available on Steam for $49.99.
SE is giving a $10 discount at launch to offset the price difference, although it is still a shitty move.

>So can we admit The Zodiac Age is great now that PCfags don't have to emulate an inferior version?
There will ALWAYS be some faggots who find minor issues and exaggerates them to make a remaster sound like its completely unplayable. Happens with nearly every remaster in existence.

60fps or not, it doesn't change the fact that Squenix paid a teenager in his basement to upscale, and sharpen the PS2 textures in GIMP and the game looks no better aside from real 16:9 aspect ratio.

You're not wrong. 12 is SE's version of Star Wars

All the post processing will most certainly be toggleable but the texture are really shitty and without the blur it'll probably look even worse.

>Look better

Has the current version of Denuvo been cracked yet

Are you implying FPS is somehow not primarily perceived by your eyeballs?

Switch version when?

>60FPS and the game is still a massive pile of shit

doesn't everything worth playing on pc get a console port anyway? whom is really beta testing here

FFXII was never great. Enjoy your sloppy seconds PCfats.

Usually I'd call you a faggot but being able to play FF12 while snug in bed is something I've wanted since the rumors that the Vita was capable of PS2 emulation. Yeah's there's remote play with the PS4 version but in my experience remote play is borderline unplayable.

This true? I played the original ages ago and it was already easy enough.


I mean the game is definitely easier when you actually have the job system though, because you can abuse it.

I'd say it's easier but a lot more fun because every character actually has a defined role.

>implying 60fps will be noticeable with a game like FF12

60fps is noticeable in any game where there's any movement at all.

It's not the kind of game where it's a huge benefit, but it's definitely noticeable and appreciated.

Were stats dumbed down or something? Anyways, I don't recall any significant change in difficulty. I've played OG and IZJS and beat both without much hichup. I prefer IZJS because of the job system and Weak Mode. Weak Mode essentially forces you to break the game by exploiting early access super weapons, which is fine for a guy like me that has torn the game up with trying to max characters out before certain story choke points.

I mean I think the job system just makes things a tad bit easier. The main game's a fucking cakewalk anyways, the real fun is in the sidequests.


No problem. Now you can join on the experience we got 10 years ago. It's a fun time!


More proof how toxic the pc player base is

Neogaf pls

Already got my platinum, but enjoy your scraps and worse physical edition with inferior box art.

>characters walk slowly towards the target and stand there until they attack
>YES MUH 60fps

literally makes so little difference in this game, maybe it'll matter in some of the action cutscenes... oh wait they're decade old prerendered animations so they'll run at 30

>FFXII runs at 60fps on release
>FFX and FFX-2 still locked to 30fps almost 2 years later

Its literally just a case of the original game being a clunky, poorly designed piece of garbage. Yeah the original version is harder, but not for good reasons.

>10 years ago
PCfags have been emulating IZJS and FFXII at HD resolutions for a long while now. And unless you bought a Japanaese PS2, that means they've played the job system earlier than you. Nice attempt at a troll, though.

>muh hard copies
w e w l a d

He's not really wrong though.

>implying any FF is "difficult"
>playing FF for the challenge

Ah, I get it. OG was harder because I guess people would pour their points into whatever squares were nearest? And that meant they'd end up with six party members that could use low level equipment and spells only? I remember the game being very adamant about you looking ahead before you spent LP.

Everyone and their mother has a hacked PS2, shows how much you know

From I've been told, 5 is pretty difficult

How many of you faggots actually did spend two hours killing Yazmat?


McFucking kill yourself

That's because the engine Square Enix used for their games at that time relied on the framerate to time animations and gameplay mechanics and probably wreaked havoc on the game when they tried unlocking it and they were too lazy to fix it. This is the same reason why the PS4 KH remasters were completely broken when they came out and most of the big boss attacks ran at double the normal speed.

I'll be amazed if FFXII isn't broken for the same reason when it launches.

There's something in between 'difficult' and 'so mindlessly easy you can't help falling asleep'.

Any FF with jobs is easily broken. Personally I'd say FFIV DS was more difficult

He takes 10 minutes in zodiac age

Not relevant to XII but I just felt like sharing

lol who the fuck plays games on computers

Yes. The only game that hasn't been cracked is ass creed because it uses another shitty DRM along with Denuvo

>He's not really wrong though
He's entirely wrong. Fanbase fighting is a mainstay of the fandom and isn't damaging to the fanbase but an outlet of it. Even the Console-Tan comics have fun with it. Thus it can't be seen as toxic.

Oh, yeah. That one I can say is hard since I actually have the game.

I need to finish that one day.

It's a shit game. I don't care.

t. PC gamer that doesn't own a PS4

If you didn't plan ahead with augments, it can get pretty brutal in the endgame.

New to PC gaming: what exactly is Denuvo?

There's actually an easier version of Yiazmat with 5 million HP only in the trial mode

>set my gambits
>switch to T.V.
>watch some Spongebob Classic
>switch back to game every commercial break to check if party has wiped
The real fag check is who farmed the Danjuro.

How long until a map for the Great Crystal gets modded in?

>Exactly the same as the in-game widescreen option from the PS2 version

What are you? A fuckin' brony? Get outta here with that faggot ass shit.

It's on the PC at this point you can just alt tab.

We have to wait an extra 3 days past release date? Oh no

FF2 was Square's Star Wars. And so was every game since. FF12 is not significantly more Star Wars than any game before it, the JRPG genre has been ripping off Star Wars since 1987, non-stop. Why people single out FF12, a far less blatent ripoff than certain previous Final Fantasies, is beyond me.

IZJS is WAY easier than vanilla. This remake removes some of the limitations that are supposed to make IZJS slightly hard, so it is bound to be easier still.

Because you see, there's an Empire, a princess in crisis, a dashing rogue, and a character with a helmet. Clearly Star Wars invented all these.

>posting an XV-kun shitty meme

It's really not.
