ITT: Post lame shit in vidya that normies/bugmen actually like
ITT: Post lame shit in vidya that normies/bugmen actually like
having fun
>metal blade
>for bugmen
Metal Blade is the Chad robot master weapon.
>Hating Mega Man
get the fuck out of here
What the fuck does this mean?
Open world
Pointless collecting.
I'm only talking about the Metal Blade
People with the minds of insects who live like one. Live, consume, die.
Sup Forums got sick of calling everybody soyboys already, so bugmen is the new neo-meme insult.
It's redneck lingo.
It's secret code for Redditors to identify each other.
Bugmen came before soyboy there gaffer.
But Sup Forums isnt any different from that dumdum
Nothing wrong with that, faggot. I like stuff, so I consume stuff. What the fuck else is there to do?
The virgin metal blade
The chad _____
Fill in the blank, but only using weapons from 2, and no default buster or item-#.
leaf shield
I really liked Quickman's boomerangs. Probably my most used weapon.
>be so retarded you just sling the word gaffer around like a shitforbrains
>no (default) buster
>on top of that says the mega buster
>mega buster is from fucking 4
0/10 see me after class, I've already called your parents, they are very disappointed.
gmod/tf2 videos.
you fucks make me cringe so hard. It was 1/1000 funny the first time you ever see it. It is fucking painful to watch these videos and see more get made with positive reception.
On the contrary, here's an example of cool shit that normies don't quite get
Kamen Rider