I call bad Resident Evil players herbivores because they live on green herbs.
I call bad Resident Evil players herbivores because they live on green herbs
Asuka best girl
she's 14 you fucking creep
eating the herbs boosts your immunity ot the virus
Just don't get hit.
I call Asuka perfect because once a character acquires enough flaws there's a stack overflow and they loop around to being perfect
>she's 14 you fucking creep
She's been 14 for what, 20 years? Give it up.
so is this
dumb asuka poster
Might as well just lock me up now.
You'd get locked up for namefagging first before being a pedo. Now fuck off Boco.
I want Asuka to cheat on me
This is gonna be a good thread
annoying hapa bitch
>You will never know the smell of Asuka's asshole.
whatanime.ga isn't giving me a definitive answer, sauce?
You really don't know about Yoko? The second best girl in Gainax history?
Oh, somehow I didn't recognize her in that gif. probably the outfit and lack of ponytail
Ah. That gif is from some kind of music video, if I remember right.
Asuka is obsessed with cleanliness, she has like 6 bathing scenes in the show.
All anime outside of Cowboy Bebop and FLCL is garbage.
I want to haru Haru in her haru
Speak for yourself
Don't remind me
>ywn be shinji alone with asuka after the end of the world, finally talking out your feelings and learning to love each other
>ywn be shinji
thank fucking God
>he thinks that stops anybody
No she isn't. She's 15 or 16 at the start and 20 odd by the end iirc.
We'll probably never really know. They haven't seen the sun in ages, how do they know when a year starts and ends?
>that bulge
I added it, I say I did, I got a friend to add it, this is original picture
She's 16 at the start and 21 by the second half. That's what the wiki's say. She isn't 14. I dunno where this meme came from.
>implying that there's anything wrong with banging 14 year olds
>implying that 14 year olds aren't ready and willing for the D
I want the brainwashed moralfags to leave.
>not posting the original
That's a female (male) though.
Naw, she is a depressed 28 y/o now
>shinji alone with asuka after the end of the world
Not if I get a say on it
>Asuka with different hair color
Didn't know I needed this
Literally autistic fan wank to grab cash from waifu fags
You should appreciate her character for her true story.
Anyone can come back if they feel like it. They were probably alone for a few hours, tops.
>he doesn't have an asuka collection
I know its supposed to be like that, but i can only see Yui instead of Rei if she has a darker hair.
I don't like femdom, but that pose looks oddly alluring
Waifufags keeps a series running, it's always been like that since time immemorial.
someone as egocentric and harsh as asuka would never date someone like (you), and you know that.
Literally Kaji 2.0, even he said it himself