Kino games that underages fail to appreciate
Kino games that underages fail to appreciate
Only started playing this recently.
I don't know why I held off so long.
Combat Drugs and Max Panama are the best.
Loved Max Payne 3 just wish the last airport level was more finely tuned feels kind of rushed even if the song playing over it is great
My fucking NIGGA. Police station was a great level.
>was shat on at launch because NOT MUH SNOWY NEW YORK
Extremely satisfying gunplay, great presentation and an amazing soundtrack.
MP was fantastic but now it's dead like the series
I love both Kane and Lynch although I felt the controls too clanky sometimes.
Absolute truth. Max Payne 3 is a masterpiece
Anybody else feel bad for Fabiana? She was my brazil waifu
I felt bad for Max. He got NOTHING good in that game, the poor fucker.
Be strong, Maxy.
The game is depressing as fuck, not even killing niggers make up for that.
>tfw when PAIN sounds at the end
Why do so many dislike max payne 3? I haven’t played any of them so I’m genuinely wondering.
>Combat Drugs
Its well know thats its a good game but fucked hard by the cinematic handholding retarded shit
Rockstar would never release a hardcore game without fucking it up, they only make casual as fuck games
If it just got rid of the cutscenes every five minutes, it would be the perfect third person shooter. Cutscenes belong between levels.
Max Payne 3 was shit. The ending was fucking trash. Max deserved a definitive end, not that walk off into the sunset bullshit.
muh unskippable cutscenes and the game not being set in ny
But you can skip the cutsce- oh wait
Is there a reason this game was 10x harder than both previous Max Payne games? It's like they thought being able to snap to cover justified losing half your health from a stray bullet all the way across the map.
The unskippable cutscenes are the main reason I haven't replayed the game. It's my opinion that unskippable cutscenes are inexcusable in any game, and this particular game just has so damn many of them. I guess it's because there are so many hidden loading screens. Every time you open a door, you get a cutscenes of Max opening the door. It's really distracting.
Holy fuck this
Kill yourself brainlet
my dudes. i just picked this game up yesterday for $4 and am enjoying. anyone else remember James McCaffrey from VIPER? that's basically half the reason i noticed MP3!
Hell yeah, MP3 is a fantastic game.
It's a departure from the first 2 games. A fantastic departure, but still, some fans were upset
As unnecessary as Max Payne 3 was in terms of it's plot, and how lackluster the writing is compared to the first game, this game is still really fucking fun. I sank almost 40 hours into this on PC. Granted-- it isn't perfect, there's a ton of unskippable cutscenes and the plot and writing suck complete fucking ass compared to the first, but it's definitely a game that deserved more love