Playstation 5

What are your predictions for next gen?

The 4 took loads of shit away from ps3 so we probably won't be able to view mp4s or some shit. Posting this on my ps4

One big microtransaction.
You don't own your PS5.
You hire it out for $35 a month.
You hire out your games for $10 a week.
No physical media (no resale value).

Just keep it in storage for another decade then when Sony discontinues it we'll get kernel hacks for the last firmware.

It still runs like shit with even less games

better graphics

it's gonna cost $500 and people will defend it after shitting on xbox

There won't be such thing.
Hopefully the industry crashes.

The new dualshocks will have touchscreen displays on them.

PS4 has been incredibly unfulfilling and hasn't built up a worthwhile library of games yet. It would be a hard pass for me if it's announced within the next 3 years.

That console looks like it was designed for people with special needs.

This is the best you nerd virgins could come up with?

Onlybthing worthwhile playing on ps4 is super hot VR

PS4 retro
60 fps default

My question is when will they announce it. I'm sure they don't want to take away their PS4 success right now and they may be worried about not being able to recreate that same success with the PS5. They benefited a ton by the missteps of MS and it seems like MS isn't going to make those mistakes again.

All the systems will be based on tablet SOC hardware
All the systems will be hybrid handhelds able to be played in your hands or on a TV.
Microsoft and Apple will attempt to claim they invented the idea and that its a revolution.
System power will basically be the same as this gen.

Apple will merge iOS and OS X discontinuing their x86 hardware.
Microsoft will make the games only playable on the new handheld and Windows 10 S systems.
Both companies will use them as a way to try to declare desktop gaming dead.
They'll buy and bribe more studios to only support their systems.

Meanwhile Nintendo's New Switch will have full BC with the previous system and generally be great for gaming.

Plus maybe Steam Machines will finally start to catch on.

>Fall 2019/2020
That's about it. Everything else, no idea. I can tell you I'm glad the Switch launched mid-gen. I feel like Switch will be hitting its stride just as the PS5 launches so I'll always have a PS5 or Switch game to play instead of every system going through droughts at the same time.

>599 us dollars
>usual cinematic crap like uncharted and the last of us 4k upscaled from 240p
>paid online
>sony shitters still defending sony.

Will it be BC with the PS4? I can't imagine Sony not including it since it's been really big for MS and devs alike.

Its gonna cost 600 bucks. Its gonna have soniflops instead of terraflops and its gonna have 0 games on its debut weekend. People will still buy it because people are stupid. All games will be vr,

>12-16 core Ryzen2 or 3
>at least 15 TFLOPS compute
>4k standard
>return to Linux from BSD
>no optical drive, games only available by download
>probably still HDD, 2TB+ probably no SSD

I predict that the Playstation 5 is just going to be a streaming device similar to OnLive but with multimedia applications. It might just be named the "Playstation."

I expect that it would 100% run PS4 games and not only digitally, but and physical copies too

Most doubtful then anything in this thread

>15 tflops

Hahahaha. Hmm. Hahahaha

More like 8, kid. Especially if we're talking 2019/20

5 is too big a number for consumers. Playstation will take the Xbox approach and name the next one Playstation Pro Plus or some gay shit like that.

How much new huan has?

I'm doubtful of that. Its unlikely they'd keep using either GCN 1.1 or Jaguar CPU cores, and it seems unlikely they'd be able to tempt developers to produce ports for the system without being able to sell them.
Microsoft got developers to make UWP versions of old games by basically giving them the compatibility layer and promising to deliver them more sales in the Windows Store once they'd forced 10 S on school children.

We are definitely not talking 2019/2020.

The next generation systems will focus on more realistic world simulation, dependent on CPU improvements; and this will require time for manufacturing node shrinks and price practicality. 2021 will be the earliest possible, end of 2022 more likely. During this time GPU architecture will continue to advance at its current rate; which will extrapolate to about 15TFLOPS.

I work at AMD, and though I don't have any knowledge specific next generation consoles, I've got a pretty strong grasp on the trends, and where our technology will be in about 3 years.

Intel CPU with Vega M or Nvidia Mobile GPU.

>5 is too big a number for consumers

iPhone is on 10

Some games would be nice

More underpowered cheap garbage

remember when they said the ps3 would have built in disc burning or something so you could not resell your discs or trade games
remember when they tried to say it would happen for real this time with the ps4

15TF you mean from low end SOC hardware of the kind used in consoles?
Vega 64 is already 10-13, so that as a 'three years from now' goal doesn't seem to big.
Though maybe realistic when AMD's next-gen is 18 months or more away.

Doubt it. Sony learned their lesson after how badly they fucked up the PS3's launch. My money is on the PS5 being another decently incremental upgrade over what we already have, probably with an improved PS VR launching in tandem. Nothing too crazy, just a good enough upgrade to get people to open their wallets again.

Smart money says 2020. This gives the PS4 Pro enough time to breathe and accrue an audience as well as improve the install base of 4K TVs to justify a new hardware launch, and let the PS4's library grow for a few more years. A 2020 launch would put this gen at 7 years, too, which is in line with last gen.

Two BD drivers
Back to PSX and PS2 like memory cards
Build in all PS family emulators
Rotating PS logo on a console
Easter eggs/secrets and interesting stuff in console menu

That's a beautiful dream, user, but given how hard of a time they're having getting the prior gens onto the PSN at all, I'd be shocked to see that happen. Between the licensing issues and publishers wanting to play hardball with in some cases 20+ year old titles, I can't foresee a future where I can play both of the Legaia games from a digital copy on a single console.

>more proprietary memory and storage

I can see it

They'll follow the switch and make big phones.

>PS4 came out 5 years ago

Makes sense as I see a new Xbox getting announced either that year or the following year if not sooner.

It will somehow have even less games than the PS4 and PS3.

It will still have a terrible controller

>tfw i bought the ps3 3 years after it was released and during the time i felt it was too late to own one
>tfw ps4 is still brand new to me despite after 5 years

Its closer to 4

>PlayStation Plus still required to play online for a lot of games.
>Still having to use Spotify to play music while playing games.
>Still no custom theming on the level of the PS3s for users to make their own
>Still not being able to play CDs.

I actually expect Microsoft to hold off. The One X has only been on the market since late last year, and they're going to want to give it some time to capture some market share, so 2021 is the earliest I'd expect a new Xbox. Their strategy going forward is the thing I'm really curious about, as they launched the One X at a steep price point, just like they had with the main Xbone launch, and I'm curious if that was done to avoid making the system a loss leader, or to gauge consumer leniency towards the higher price point.

There was a lengthy interview about the X1X I watched about a month ago. They talked about how they have been gauging the 4K market for a number of years now and made tweaks to the system to cater to what the market demands. They said they were actually working on the next Xbox as they spoke as I'm sure Sony has been investing in R&D for the PS5 for the past two years or so. Now that MS doesn't have to worry about developing for the Kinect, they can focus on what made the Xbox brand a household name which is original content.

Whatever it is hopefully it sticks with checkerboard for 4K and spends the resources on frame rate and better shaders.

Also HDMI dynamic vsync is all I want.

Hahahah who am I kidding. Holy fuck is native 4K a fucking waste.

Must have missed that. Personally, I wouldn't consider announcing a new console within two years of the launch of the prior system a good call, but if they have a plan to build a content-forward platform, it might be a good way to move past the One's disastrous launch, and I'd be happy for it. MS needs to stay competitive to keep Sony from abusing its market position.

Sure thing they will

>reading all of that

You expect me to read nigger?

I'm not reading this shit

I think it has to do with the lack of a real phenomena to attach to this gen. By 2008 CoD4, Assassin's Creed, GH3/Rockband, and Halo 3, were already out. Nothing has really done that with this gen except PUBG and BoTW, and while the Switch may end up a force to be reckoned with, no one really looks at it the same way they do the Xbone and PS4.

What level do you think their GPU will be at? Any chance at like 1060 levels? I mean the Pro was only at 660ti

>Any chance at like 1060 levels


AMD seems to think this gen will be shorter than last gen, and last gen was 7 years between PS3 and PS4. Or 8 years between 360 and Xbone. That'd put us at 2019 if it were a 6 year gap, or 2020 if it were a 7 year gap.
Either way, AMD also said 3 years before launch is when they start working with their partners to develop those chips so they'd know for sure when it's coming and have probably already made deals and the roadmaps for both consoles sometime last year.
Even if PS5 hits in 2019 Sony will keep the PS4 alive well into 2023 and possibly a year or two longer with how well it's doing. The real money is in the PS+ subscriptions so even if there's stragglers a decade on holding onto their PS4s, Sony will keep making PS4s for people to keep giving them money to play the online games they already bought ages ago.

What is there to even improve honestly? This is the first generation that really feels like it hasn't changed much since the last. Other than better native resolutions it doesn't feel necessary to release a new console for a while

>Steam Machines

It's Dead, Jim

It's not going to go digital. That seems odd to people but it's simply not going to. It may in some places but not in the west. Japan was already trying to pull that shit 20 years ago (no kidding) but we're stuck to disc format.

Microsoft is probably dropping out of the game, as it were. SEGA might actually enter again which would be really weird but hell, they're invited to if they want. I despise Nintendo because they behave like apple in that they think everything they do should be proprietary.Which, you would have a huge hard-on for if you owned a retro game store or something, so I get it.

Who cares The neXbox will reign supreme

>Microsoft is probably dropping out of the game
Why would they do that? Xbone is still selling like hotcakes

Didn't they just say that they're spending $100,000,000 on games going forward?

It's been losing them money since the original. I honestly don't understand why they've been hanging in for so long. It's an extremely flawed business model that they keep on going with. I'm not against the Xbox but this shit doesn't make any sense. I feel like the want to just hang in until they have a monopoly, which is never ever going to happen.

I just got the ps3 a couple of months ago, it's still current gen to me
>tfw going on a tear rn and snapping up games for

they will have virtual smells as well
you will be able to buy smell cartridges for your VR headsets, and they will create smells remotely based on the in-game environment

we will finally be able to smell a VR girl's brappies


It's just a line item for Microsoft. Their commercial software solutions and Office Suite makes so much money that they can afford to do all kinds of ridiculously unprofitable shit to see what sticks. I mean, think about some of the untenable shit they've done. The Zune(which I loved but sold like dogshit), buying Nokia to help with Windows 8 Mobile(best smartphone for old people, but no one bought it), the Kin(best Sidekick for people that still wanted a Sidekick in a time where no one gave a fuck about a Sidekick anymore), the original Surface concept(a high tech tiny conference table that worked with the Zune and cost an insane amount of money), and so on. The current Surface lineup and Xbox have been their only decently selling hardware output ever, and they just do not give a shit.

>I've had a zune, Kin2m and am currently on a primitive and obsolete nokia
tbf they were pretty quality shit for what they were

It'll have two 1080ti gpus and an i9 processor in it for sure.

Oh, no doubt. MS' big problem with hardware has pretty consistently been timing and marketing. The Zune was a superior PMP to the iPod classic in almost every way, but Apple had secured the 150 and up music player range so thoroughly that the Zune was doomed to be the unfair butt of too many jokes. A pity, especially given that the desktop software was the best I've ever seen, especially for device syncing and playlist building. They brought Windows 8 mobile to bear as one of the most comprehensive mobile OSes I've ever seen, but it was late to market and lacked app support in a really bad way. The Kin could have been a big hit, but it was coming to market in the same window as both the touchscreen revolution and Android's big push to market. The first run of Surface tablets were also maligned for having a half-baked version of Windows on it, but now they're being praised for the sort of premium devices that Apple used to be known for, and are carving out a niche in the artist market that used to be the sole domain of OSX.

>SEGA might actually enter again
Oh god please yes

No that's the Xboner 2 electric boogaloo edition you're thinking of that will finally kill Microsoft's gaming department for good

What you want Persona machine?