Why are there no games about the Northern Ireland conflict?

Why are there no games about the Northern Ireland conflict?

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It wasn't really much of a conflict.
I'm still waiting on a game based in Rhodesia.

There's no big development studios in either the North or here in the Republic, the closest we have is Havok and some small stuff like Jon Romero's current startup. So right out the gate there is no studio with particularly strong ties to it, and no notable indie developers who grew up with it that may wish to reflect upon it in their work.

The Brits also barely give a shit about the North and their thoughts on the IRA generally terminate at "reeeeeeeeeeeeeee terrorists" unless they're a fucking weirdo who instead go "BUT THEY BLEW UP CIVILIANS FOR A GOOD CAUSE" and in either case neither side wants to deal with the potential backlash of developing a game about a recent, domestic ethno-nationalist coflict.

never knew I wanted this until now.
as a guess, not enough time has passed, a lot of shady stuff happened on both sides, hasn't fully died down and it's not the sort of thing you'd want to throw yourself into a controversy about. you don't have the same easy get out a lot of other games have where it's just set in a vague/made up middle eastern country that doesn't directly draw parallels to the actual conflicts in the region.

>> Make game about the Empire trying their hardest not to genocide potatoes.

>Make a game about a "war" fought by a people that were almost killed off the face of the earth by potatoes.
No thanks.

This and also maybe like 5 people outside of the UK probably knew they happened.

I’m not sure if anyone in my country actually knows Ireland even exists.

>A conflict that literally only exists because everyone in every side is an absolute shithead who insists it is physically impossible to be more of a shithead than the other guys, and that this entirely excuses and justifies their own shittery.
>There isn't even a win scenario, and its actually easier to constantly stalemate because any kind of victory condition is going to involve the loser smashing the board.

The only win condition is the manifestation of God to either slap the shit out of one faction or (more likely) kill us all.

It's weird how universally drawn upon Irish mythology and folklore is in video games yet the Irish themselves are nowhere to be seen

It's unfortunate because they had some pretty funky outfits back in the day

I've got a ton of Irish historical stuff saved if anyone is interested

up the ra ftpsni

I was once daydreaming about a Red Orchestra-style game set during the Troubles. AR-18s and tommy guns vs L1A1s and sterlings

pretty sure americans know about it with the amount of them that claim irish heritage

Go ahead user. I have Irish ancestry but I really know startlingly little about the history of the country, so consider it educational

>This and also maybe like 5 people outside of the UK probably knew they happened.
that actually isn't the case

most of the IRA's funding came from Americans at one point and the struggle got a lot of publicity in the Catholic community over there, with even the political establishment getting involved at points due to the controversy

it was also sorta infamous within Europe simply because it was the largest and most long lasting terrorist campaign outside the East for most of the latter half of the century, but tbf that really only applies to the 30 and up crowd who paid attention to foreign news at the time

but yeah it's not really the sort of thing anyone besides us potatos, the brits, and the aforementioned plastic paddies care too much about which is great because it means everyone has forgotten how a bunch of terrorist groups were inspired by shit we did or even had IRA members brought in as consultants

got anything with tits?

Will this do?

Post your County and your Favourite game

Do it m8 I'm a potato myself and find it interesting.

Bonus points if you have any art of mythological stuff pre-dating the 1800s or covering more than the most famous figures, since that seems exceedingly rare in general.


unfortunately not

It was more like a supreme lack of effort to do anything but the worst possible thing.

Actually most of the sunset of the Empire is the above statement. Dismantle the Empire? Sure! but let's do it in a way that is so bad it will help fuel the next two centuries of conflict. Will we benefit from this? Absolutely not! Will anyone thank us? Haha, no!

Gladstone crafted a war out of a peace accord. The Raj was ended in a way that meant that previously happy neighbours had a reason to fuck their daughters and rape their goats. In a desperate fit of common sense the British almost didn't create Israel terribly, but thankfully Truman stepped in to fix that.

Give it a couple of decades, Hong Kong is just itching to become a hotbed of misery.

I’m exaggerating obviously but as an American I don’t think the troubles are something most people know about, at least in my experience.

>tfw you literally popularize the concept of car bombs within terrorist organisations across the world and teach a bunch of Libyans how to be better terrorists with them then going on to teach others how to do it too but nearly everyone forgets about it within a decade and now consider you a sound bunch of lads who've never done anything wrong

how the fuck did we pull it off boys

>Bonus points if you have any art of mythological stuff pre-dating the 1800s or covering more than the most famous figures, since that seems exceedingly rare in general.
As in art made before the 1800s? Yeah, there's a little bit of that, mostly drawings of Irish soldiers by foreign artists.

Scathatch is sexi

How fun can a car bomb simulator really be? Plant bomb, get drunk, listen on the radio for news of fatalities, if you killed anyone, drink. If you killed who you meant to, drink even more. I guess you could have a hunger strike mini-game too.


you're darn tootin

I mean Britain's retreat from Empire was definitely a fucking disaster in terms of the ''lasting stability'' in most of their former colonies afterwards but I think it's a bit naive to say they weren't trying to benefit from it.

God though it's gonna be interesting to see what happens with Hong Kong within the next ten years. The closer China gets to pulling off its strategy of supplanting the native population with mainlanders the more and more it looks like a powder keg fit to blow.

*blocks your path*

The eternal celt needs to be destroyed

it's a shame popular media doesn't feature the Vikings getting btfo more often, the Irish did a great job of it

this is some good shit user

As an English it triggers my Irish friend so much that we learn literally nothing about the conflicts and histories between our nations. He says 800 years a lot.


ty senpai

I think it helps that your enemy was Irish, and thus just as much of a cunt.

It kind of bothered me at first when I moved to Manchester for work but honestly after a while I just got used to the fact that your history curriculum sorta sucks when it comes to the colonies and us. Can't really blame people for not knowing shit that they were never taught in the first place and that they have no real reason to look up, though the grannies and grandads who lived through it who still know fuck all seem weird to me still.

>when you're too busy dropping some funky jams to do battle

South Belfast here, any youse cunts on?

Only if Hitler returned

>Bro my axe is really fucking blunt
>Its alright I got this, let me just steal this guy's jumper

Truly the Emerald isle is a place graced by its folk.

Well you've got to realise that it just literally didn't matter to English. There was no internet and your average person would see as much of the conflict as this generation does of Afghanistan or Iraq. Sure they would be kind of aware that something was going on and it was bad but they wouldn't bother to find out details, even if they could.

I was pretty horrified when I started researching it.


>stealing a lad's chainmail when he's already defeated and when you're already wearing chainmail
shameless micks baka

Because shooting some cunt in a pub then hiding in a bog in south armagh for five years doesn't translate well to gameplay

Is that a Full Metal Alchemist reference

also reporting in

>When you sleep in gladiator gear just in case she's protestant twixt the sheets.


Bannerlord is looking really good.

I'll see if I can find them again but I read some great Roman reports mentioning expeditions to Ireland during the conquest of Britain where they seemed utterly bewildered by what fucking weirdos the Irish were.

There was a great bit about how some they kept on jumping over or onto the Roman's shield formations in battle and how annoying it was.

chuckie hour la

30 years war is best Protestant vs Catholic war

>When you spend all your gold on the highest-tier helmet and sword and have to use lv.1 gear on every other slot

Because games are made in America or Japan. Neither of which give a shit about shithole countries.

What the fuck

Imagine the noise

>free yourself from british rule
>immediately self-subjugate into the european empire to be governed from brussels instead of london

but why tho

>no vidya where I can BTFO snowniggers
I guess M&B Viking Conquest but the early game is so damn slow.

"Bandsman" I think

I'd like a game about the Balkan wars or the yugo wars, the Irish are already overrepresented everywhere.

Americans helped fund the IRA
Muh heritage indeed

Jesus christ the Irish were raided by cattle? No wonder they ran out of food.

That's Ireland for you

Money, my dear boy.

> Making a game about potato niggers.

We'd still be a third world country without EU gibs and if nothing else we know which side our bread is buttered on

Look at that idiot on the right ruining his set bonus with that sword. That's clearly the Aztec set.

Irish people are the niggers of Europe. Dubliners are the niggers of Ireland, and North Dubliners are the niggers of Dublin. Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud.

Here's a neat one, drawn in the 1550s I think

Kara Boga, bless

Coming from another English with Irish family, don't worry yourself too much. We barely learn any of our own history in school.
Roman Invasion
Tudor dynasty, with no foreign influence other than SPANISH ARMADA BANNEDTHEFUCKOUT
Late industrial revolution
WWI and WWII, almost exclusively on the western front and the holocaust

We a a country that literally gets most of our history education from BBC documentaries, but even that's been dropping in quality as of late.

>irish historical stuff

>they're wearing armour


lad second from the left looks like he's just been picked up off of Pearse Street by the guards for vagrancy

Bad Dubs are the worst the country has to offer but there's still plenty of sound ones too desu

Look at soldiers throughout history and pay attention to the fact that at any point where personal armor is prevalent, helmets are the most common
Poor soldiers would always get a helmet before any other armor

Gallowglasses did wear armor, they were heavy infantry, it was sort of their thing.

This is from 1521 for reference, and you can see the two Gallowglasses are quite well equipped in comparison to their Kern attendants

thats a big sword

>Can't kill me if you can't see me
>Fuck you I'll stab you right in the cap asshole just move your fucking hand
>Sioearhneionnherion, help where is he?
>Mate why are all our swords got sweeps on the end?


What's the point of having a sword if it's not stupidly big


I remember playing a flight simulator that had my home town and was able to fly around pic related.

We had a captian planet episode about us at least.


for me it was pretty much just:
brief mention of romans
crusades (but more of a focus on french/german efforts)
henry the viii
american war of independence and events leading up to
magna carta & the peasants revolt
the home front in ww2

most of what we were taught about was hitler's rise to power and russia from tsar nicholas II to khrushchev and a bit about the causes of world war one

hearty chuckle

tfw no qt Irish Pirate waifu

Something I really appreciate about art depicting old Irish chariots is that in nearly all of it the warrior looks like he's yelling "WITNESS ME!"

If you're interested in more of this stuff check out Claiomh on Facebook, they're one of the only historical reenactment groups in Ireland but they do a great job with a little-known era of history. One of their members posts on /his/ every now and again.


Ireland should restore its own native system of monarchy tbqh



We actually looked into it at various points from the 30s-50s

We identified a few descendants of our old Earls as candidates to act as the start of a new royal family and everything, but ended up deciding not to. Too much bitterness against the concept of monarchy as a whole and the fire of republicanism burned up any political will/ambition to do it, even for De Valera who was the nephew of one of the being considered.

Because the villains won


nobody likes a story that ends with the heroic ira failing to beat perfidious albion entirely

I've been looking to read up on folklore and mythology in Ireland and unfortunately from what I've looked into it seems that a lot was just restructured from Greek stories shared by settlers. And even stuff was written simply because British invaders had such deep folklore that the Irish wanted to seem deep and cultured themselves.

Also lots of the monsters and beasts were created by Christian monks to make paganism look wicked.

Even more nigger than Greeks or fucking Turks? Nah m8

When will the Anglo be stopped?

I actually helped in conducting a survey last year which asked people if they would like to see a restoration of the High Kingship

57% voted yes against 43% no, with 2200 respondents in total

Of the yes votes
>Yes under any circumstances
>Yes but only if the Monarchy is Elective
>Yes but only if the Monarchy is a purely ceremonial position
>Yes but only if the Monarchy is constitutional

worked for Nioh
they did a good job making tokugawa look favorable

>I've been looking to read up on folklore and mythology in Ireland and unfortunately from what I've looked into it seems that a lot was just restructured from Greek stories shared by settlers. And even stuff was written simply because British invaders had such deep folklore that the Irish wanted to seem deep and cultured themselves.
Where are you getting this from?