No, it'll just radicalize the moderates.
No, it'll just radicalize the moderates
Other urls found in this thread:
>m-muh optional moons ruin the experience
>t-the game is too complex and n-not linear enough
Where the fuck is Matthew?
he's completely overtaken Matthewmatosis now
plus he's more insightful than MM
2 hours is way too long
Literally who youtube contrarians are not video games
Donate the rest of your parent's money to his patreon before killing yourself, my friend
Odyssey is extremely lacking in actual content, and mostly consists of shitty filler.
hamsterson literally SEETHING
He spent 2 hours to make 2 points. That's literally mental retardation levels of inefficiency.
He offers little to no insight while taking ridiculously long to make his point. What do you retards see in him? Is hating Nintendo the only credentials you need nowadays?
Theres 2 reasons the last thread got deleted.
1. JA's a dumbfuck for giving MO a 6.
2. These threads talk more about reviewers than they do the games they're reviewing.
If you don't want to bump the thread remember you can type "sage" in the options field and it wont give the thread a bump.
>Get BTFO on Sup Forums
>cry about it on twitter
Stay classy, joey.
Holy shit, what a fucking incompetent dunce.
Waiting for this honestly. Andersonfags need to learn their place.
a fucking hamster playing videogames
So he's the one who is butthurt in the end? Hilarious, also he just admitted to openly shilling on hero so that's neat-o.
What does you think that his opinion is that important?
someone post his favorite games
This is not normal
How the fuck do you fuck up that bad?
>it’s real
Get off Sup Forums Hamsterdon
Not gonna watch another fucking video by this dude after what he did with Nier Automata.
Dumb contrarian cunt.
>what do you retards see in him?
The idiots on Sup Forums equate length with substance. Matthewmatosis and Joseph Anderson make stupidly long and repetitious videos calling them analysis. The brain dead mongoloids that infest Sup Forums assume they're intelligent and well researched videos when in reality it's just idiots rambling into a Mic.
Why do people make that mistake? It's Mah-rio
Anyone complaining about optional moons is a fucking retard, straight up. Why would you complain about something you don't have to do that is just there to extend the experience?
The shitty filler is what people like, what a fag. also fuck him for making a 2 hour review, you aren't Hollywood, no one wants to watch your autism for 2 hours straight.
>let me just keep spamming these threads lmao!
I don't get it, when you really enjoy a game and are having fun, why would you watch some long autism review about how your fun totally wasn't real?
Is this the same guy who didn't know how to do the Cuphead tutorial?
What did he say about Automata?
You're getting trolled Sup Forumsirgins, raided by a bunch of e-celebs.
basically this
It's really weird how Nintendo fans can't admit that their games are aimed at small children
inb4 shills start the
>n-not an argument!!!
just like Super Mario 64.
If you fuckers give me cash to buy a switch and mario then I will post my 4 hour rebuttle invalidating some literally who's opinion about said electronic entertainment
He's basically a hipster DSP.
Watch his LP of it if you want to know the details.
One of the best games of the year.
It's not tight criticism, but it's not bad criticism.
Nobody on youtube is really good at brevity, which is mindblowing because the editing and recording portions take so long that each minute in cutting would probably save 20 minutes of work overall. Anyway, it's kind of worth the time in this case just to see the detailed breakdown. I like the categorization of the moons, which gains a lot from having a lot of examples.
Overall, the thing could have more structure and also be shorter, though.
>Can't even walk a fucking circle in a video game
Why would anyone take this retard seriously? This is as incompetent as the idiot who couldn't jump over the block in cuphead.
>The game is difficult because he has Parkinson's
>it's another literal who desperate for views makes a contrarian video game review episode
Because they are manchild
>Hey look I'm a massive faggot in the circlejerk discord about this literal who
>You guys are all dumbasses hahaha
Was this in his application for Polygon?
>Aimed at small children
>Adults fail at the most basic of tasks in games aimed at small children
I have no idea who this is and I'm not going to watch his shitty video. He's probably terrible at playing games.
>first Andy "eat my logs" sixx
>now hamsterdan
What are we gonna do?
Holy shit he's such a fucking crybaby. Are there people who still don't know he made the video for money?
So joey sucks at a kids game he thinks is "too easy"?
>literally every rebuttal in the thread is ad hominem
Try engaging with the argument Sup Forums, not the source of the argument you semi literate turnips.
Let's all talk about how Downward Thrust is a better Youtube page than Hamster Anderson
It doesnt matter how much you shill him OP, he will never know you exist.
2 minutes is enough if you have actual arguments and some semblance of charisma. 2 hours of nitpicking isn't going to convince people of anything they didn't already agree with.
this guy is a bad writer. he takes too long to make his point clear
>He claims the game is too easy but can't even walk in a circle as evidenced by
Why would you take this review seriously?
My problem with him is that he sounds like he's talking down to his audience when he's probably way dumber than them.
Sorry you missed the previous threads but Sup Forumss already thoroughly blown this hack job straight the fuck out. Sorry we're not the same circlejerk you and the rest of your nobodies in discord are.
I'd say he shouldn't quit his dayjob but he doesn't have one. Just a bunch of shitheads on the internet foolish or lush enough to just throw money at him.
Ban E-celeb/Twitter drama threads
No nigga out there likes to form their own opinion anymore and simply goes with what the mob is saying.
If you need 2 hours to prove a point its probably a really fucking shit point.
I could say the exact same thing in 5-10 minutes. It's not a perfect game but it's pretty damn good.
ahahahaha holy shit his Nier Automato lp and this prove he's just terrible at games.
Only autistic Sup Forumsirgin contrarians are taking his opinions seriously because it's shitpost ammo.
I feel like 20 minutes is acceptable if you actually have something to say.
he didn't like it that much
That's great shit, I saw a Xenoblade 2 joke in there, did he blow that overrated piece of trash the fuck out too?
>tfw no one will ever throw money at you for being an absolute retard.
It's not fair.
Reminder that his faggot discord is lurking and shill him here.
Fuck off, Joe
Is super long nitpicking video game reviews a post modern phenomena? I can't imagine some guy from the 50s getting this review autistic about a book or a brand of cigars.
>admitting you shill your shit here
Go away, literally who
Plenty of people are good at brevity. Super Bunny Hop gives reviews of games in 10-15 minutes, with his only really long videos being extremely in depth critiques. Mark Brown of Game Maker's Toolkit discusses the mechanics of a game and how they build the core experience in 10. Hell, Dunkey can give his thoughts on a game plus a few jokes in fucking 30 seconds.
Based Discord Infiltrator user.
holy fuck
go back to plebbit you disgusting hamster
>eceleb shill plays a potatonigger in XIV
As if more proof was needed that they're shit.
>That face
>That egg head
Holy shit, the dude looks like an absolute beta. That explains a lot.
>those clickbait titles
I didn't know Buzzfeed reported on videogames
Oh fucking please, that nigger changed his opinion after the popular opinion was to like it. He can fuck off with that shit.
>complaining about how long the video is
>complaining about how he can't run in a circle
>no one is arguing against any of the points made in the video
Hope you guys realize you're making it incredible obvious to spot how butt blasted you are.
Game was boring as fuck. Probably didn't need to spend 2 hours to figure that out.
fucking his underage waifu
Maybe instead sum up the points he made because I ain't about to wade through that shit.
I don't even agree with his video. Odyssey is my GOTY, it's funny seeing games Sup Forums shills endlessly for free getting shit on, and the NDF's only response to autistically screech about it for countless threads.
You people are pathetic.
Go back to his discord to discuss how his cock feels in your throat, you faggot.
Guess what retard, we're not gonna watch his video.
Daily reminder.
I bet you this faggot monetizes his videos because he doesn't want to get a real job
They don't want to watch the video.
Nobody wants to watch 2 hours of retard, you shill.
Hope you seriously aren't implying Mario Odyssey is better than Stephen's Sausage Roll.
Not only does Stephen's Sausage Roll have more hours of gameplay per dollar, but every single corner of that game is expertly crafted to challenge you and not waste your time.
you got me
>ad hominem
talking about a reviewers skill in a video game is completely valid if this fucker brings up """"difficulty""""". The source of the argument comes from a tainted playthrough of the video game due to how shit he is.
If I reviewed Bach on the piano and called it shit after butchering the song myself because I can't fucking play piano that's completely valid right?
This I seen people sum up all the problems of Odyssey on here with a short list.
How is Mario Odyssey tedious but Stephen's Sausage Roll not?