>three million in three weeks
Explain yourselves, xboners.
Three million in three weeks
Other urls found in this thread:
they have no other games to play
it outselled Bloodborne already
Holy shit, it's true.
This doesn't look very fun. It seems that the majority of the gameplay is walking around.
it's a good game
>Xbone fags are so desperate they have to buy a sub 30 fps lag fest
I'm so sorry.
>People stopped buying Bloodborne in mid-2015
>Explain yourselves, xboners.
>a 1060 plays Pubg with ultra graphics at above 60fps
>the one X was supposed to be equal to a 1070
it's fun with friends
If Bloodborne sold over 3 million, Sony would have said so already. They gloated whenever the game sold 1 million. 3 million is a milestone. If the game hit 3 million, they would report on it.
Wasn't Microsoft giving free codes away?
But they're not. Microsoft was giving the game away for free.
They barely ever give updates about games sales after they've hit platinum, if they ever do.
>3 million is a milestone
MS had some Xbox One X bundle for participating areas. If you bought an XboneX in a certain location, you could get PUBG for free. They didn't just hand it out to everyone free of charge. You had to buy an XboneX in a certain region.
It took Sony half a year to comment on Uncharted 4's sales, but they still did it. And 3 million is an achievement, regardless of how big or small it is given the ip that the game is a part of.
Show me where Bloodborne sold 3 million copies.
>over half a year
>May 23
I'm talking about their follow up after that, where they forced the game in a bundle for any new PS4 that was available at the time. They didn't comment on sales again for months.
>Show me where Bloodborne sold 3 million copies.
i don't give a fuck about bb's sales but your logic is objectively retarded. if anything sony has a ton more mainstream games. bb is just the game pcbros are drooling over
People have bad taste, who could have guessed?
Yeah, as part of their holiday PR where they talk up how good they did in general. Then it was 9 million which is an actual milestone because it's the best-selling Uncharted.
How is my logic retarded? Sony would say it sold 3 million if it sold 3 million. You're trying to argue that it sold that much with no proof. Show me where it sold 3 million copies.
>Muh silky smooth Azure servers
Is the good LawBreakers performance because no one plays it?