Wow. This absolutely cannot stand

Wow. This absolutely cannot stand

>why don’t you just add good female players in a group consisting of incredibly awkward male autists

really makes you go mmmmmmmm

Yes, it's the fault of women that the men can't act like decent human beings.

it's almost as if women can't/don't fucking play video games, who would've guessed?

>They need to discriminate against some of those male players so that women can get in!

men and women aren’t equal no matter how much you whine.

Yes, it is. Who the fuck do you think raised them into the pieces of shit they are?

Couldn't believe it when I heard the news. This needs wider attention!

>Play the game better than everyone else
>People get mad at you for it

I don't follow Overwatch. Are there actually any good female players?

>literally asking for affirmative action in e-sports teams

>this thread again

>Horselicia Day

>zero fellicia day content featuring yakutian people
i seriously cannot even right now.
i can't believe a symbol of woman in gaming could be so racist,this is clearly problematic and something needs to be done asap.

>why don’t you just add good female players

Just start here

Do people still care about this subject?

Women just arent as good as vidya clearly

>twitter thread
How about you kill yourself?

>the league isn't even local players from where the teams are from but South Koreans they hired
what is the actual point

Muh soggy knees.

I can't imagine "rectifying" this as anything more than a hassle at best. If there are better female players than men, any team that discriminates against them would be actively handicapping themselves and they'll take a loss that could've been a win. Not like anybody will remember this anyways.

>Overlord Jeff tried so hard to make the game safe and good for everyone
>Gets called a sexist anyway


Is she really that fucking dumb to realize that the organizers have absolutely nothing to do with this?

If there are good female players, then they wouldve shown themselves already

If your not being showcased, thats your own dumbass fault for being a pussy

Most of the teams have a few non-koreans except the London, New York and Seoul teams

Sup Forums - Twitter Drama

Oh great, another thread where someone posts a true fucking FACT and all the man children get all pissy
Women are 50% of gamers now. Get over it

>people are now forced to include shit players into their pros team
it's like in school when the teacher forces the retarded kid to join your group and all they do is fuck around and pretend to be helpful

>you will never go back in time and prevent Twitter from ever existing

Aren't there like, tryouts?

How would you do that?

yea if you count mobile games lmao

Let's assume for the sake of argument that all the male team managers are sexist.

Did any women try to start their own teams and did the league stop them? No? Okay.

Prevent the births of everyone involved in it's creation terminator style. Something else will most likely pop up in it's place, but I guess I'll just have to keep going back.

in shit like this, it's ridiculous to say "reee theres no women" and then also not be able to name any female players that would or could fit into the league's level of play.

If I were Hitler I'd put all of you footfags into the gas chamber

kill AIM

I really, really, really like this gif

Have they tried getting better at the game?

>put - FORCE shitty women players in it
>interest plummets

do it, faggot


Maybe women are just bad a video games. Like legit consider Fighting Games, even one with a lot of casual appeal like Tekken has barely any notable females.

>Tfw you will never make her look like this

disgusting old hag


Felicia Day has no figure

I've seen traps with more curves than Day
And I saw her in an episode of House M.D. before I knew about all the Guild shit, she's a dog shit actress too

Lmfao. OP thinks having a vagina means you are entailed to be in a gaming tournament. Fuck off, you dont get special treatment because of your sex.

If women were good a video games there would be pro female gamers.

But we all know they suckith the dongith.

>Never used to think about twitter
>Only had mine for contest and free code givaways and never touched it besides that
>Now Sup Forums won't stop posting every annoying SJW opinion shat out there

I wish the worst for any of the info seekers on this board that make threads like these, you know what to expect already from these mouthbreathers nobody here with any actual sense wants to see this shit.

who dis?

>give women their own league

>make unisex league
>women literally cannot compete with men, just like everyone already knows so they don't go very far

I think she should put her money where her mouth is; if she really believed in the talent of female players. Why doesn't she fund an all female team and show women are just as good?

imma need a source on this

words don't mean what you think they mean

>That time they let a tranny into MMA and she/he/it shattered every female record and no one wanted to fight she/he/it

Competitive shooters almost never have women in men's teams. They simply don't play at the same level, not that anyone is barring them from trying and getting placed if they are good enough.

Because that would require effort and all she wants to do is virtue signal to her shit fanbase

I'm still mad at that Asian nigga from Mythbusters for appearing in her shitty music video

I wanna fuck those eyebrows


Slippery Slope in action.

competitive anything almost never have women

That's a big video game.


because she knows they'll just get destroyed like literally any other "we're gamer gurlz xddd" team made in the past and it'll only make her look like a retard, way easier and safer to just support the feminist narrative through twitter posts and similar outlets and get heaps of support from braindead people who can't form their own opinions

women can't compete against men in most sports, including e-"sports" besides some notable examples which were mostly in the 90s TV video game shows where they won against extra chromosome boys

>get the best players together to compete
>no woman make the cut
>instead of gitting gud they through the old "SEXIST PIGS, REEEEEE" card
>tfw competitive teams will have to include people who are to shit to even play in the competitive league

I want to drink that video game's breast milk!

Why the FUCK do you faggots constantly post twitter screencaps?

Well there in lies the problem
Where in the hell are they going to find good female players where there is none?

So why isn't she competing?


Considering in the 7 seasons I've played in GM competitive, I've ran into approx. 5 different confirmed grills (4 only played mercy)....I seriously doubt any even tried out.

Look at this video game

It's like asking why there isn't any women in the NFL.

Do you think her belly holds twins


Remember that one E3 where they had Team girl, and they acted all mighty, and the announcer talked about how amazingly bad ass they are.
>Here comes team boy.
3 shlub nobodys, and within seconds obliterated the girls team of "professional Quake players" which the girls got mad, and the announcer talked to the men and they said "oh, they are pros? Wow"

It will when I knock her up!

I thought twitch didn't allow porn

>Era of non-stop sexual harassment claims in Hollywood
>But why why why won't you add at least ONE woman in a group of 130 men?!

Start a women only team and prove them wrong, if you're really that good

That's not even the point they're making. They're saying the men are awkward anyways, so adding a chick would make their autism RRREEEEEEEEEe out of control

Damn... I didn't know Overwatch players were so problematic :/

I really don't understand why this is a big deal. If there are minority or woman players who actually earn their place as professionals, then they can join teams. Why is this even a conversation? You don't have to give a fuck about esports but there's money on the line in these games and they can't afford Ms. Bronze League Mercy Main who got on the team just because she has a vagina fucking them over in a tournament. That's just how it is.

>Yes, it's the fault of women that the men can't act like decent human beings.
Generation of soyboys raised by single women.

Why dosent somebody respond to her asking her why she has something against autistic men so badly that she feels the need to claim sexism.

man, you reminded me of team Siren on LoL, they were so bad it was almost sad.

>have a nice body
>make a retarded face for the camera while wearing a disgusting china wig that doesn't even suit you

Way to negate everything good about yourself

Isn't she fucking some ancient old cunt?

Hahaha no shit user. If they want to play competitevly so bad just make a female league, you know like every other form of competition ever.

There's a couple decent ones. But most OWL teams are built off already existing teams, of which there are no top-tier teams with any female players. There can maybe be a discussion about why there weren't any female pros already, but this whole bs controversy doesn't say shit about OWL's intentions.

Day and Anita are about to hit their Sell By date and are getting angrier and pettier all across the board

>age 38
Day is well past her's.

Imagine being so camel joe that you

it's alright

it seems kinda odd since France is pretty cucked in general, but French feminists are a lot more tolerable than clapistanian ones

Well somebody in France had to take up the mantle of "men" since French men run away from everything.

>That time you compared a physical, violent sport to a vidya game

The french feminists are from the era where they fought for sexual freedom, new american feminists are either puritans in disguise or crazy radfems.

I like how Overwatch is the only game where this point has gained so much traction. Nobody cares there are no women in top LoL, Dota or CS:GO and everyone publicly ridicules female cs:go teams for how bad they are.

Guess that's what Bliz gets for pretending to pander to SJWs that much

Why doesn't she enter? This is like those women that major in women's interpretive dance so they can complain about women not going into STEM.

But AIM dying is what led to this!

Sage in all fields. Twitter is for normies.