Which version of the Moonlight Greatsword is the best?

Which version of the Moonlight Greatsword is the best?

Dark Souls 3.




demons souls you fucking millennials

Kings Field 2

I was gonna ask /bbg/ but this is better.

Is the Moonlight Greatsword in Bloodborne worth using with base arcane stats? I don't know if i want to spend the materials yet

This isn't even a fucking competition. Bloodbornes MLGS is pure kino. Everything else can go fuck itself

Get a real sword faggot.

hahahah what the fuck, always prefer the general over Sup Forums

but anyway you'll be ok but your moonbeams will be weak. focus more on the swordplay


Bloodborne by a fucking landslide.


Armored Core 2

Bloodborne hands done. Just for the boss fight alone.

Bloodborne, I'm sorry but it's one of the sexiest swords in vidya.

Bloodborne >> Demon's Souls > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 >> Dark Souls 3

>That sex sound when you trick it and make it glow

This. The builds that can use the MLGS effectively already have access to strong sorceries. It's a self-defeating build archetype.

>I use the wheel

I really like the one in Dark Souls, just looks like a giant fucking spike of jade.


mah nigga

Not using both

Why would I use both when the MLGS shits on it?

Not the BB version.
The BB version works for both Str and Arcane builds and the way you play changes completely depending on your stats it's just beautiful all around

When you look at it as a whole it's kinda amazing, Dark Souls 3 has around 5 or 6 builds while Bloodborne has about 9 despite having way less stats and weapon variety.

Too bad it's complete garbage even with the best possible gems in the game and maxed out stats

Bloodborne has
All the weapons are essentially the same thanks to the extremely limited movesets

You can use it untricked only and it's still good.

>I played the game for an hour


To throw off invaders. First they think "oh look it's another R1 spam scrub this will be easy" then you swap to the wheel when they least expect it and then they'll be like "Oh great sky papi forgive me for I have sinned"
That or swap to a cannon. Causing panic attacks is a lot of fun.


Bloodborne has
Just on the top of my head.

DarkSouls3 has
>30/30 dark infused
>40/40 pyro

>not counting bloodtinge
Now that there is true heresy

The fake non magical mass produced one in bloodborne hurts the most and has the best scaling

Only if you overlevel like a retard

I like how fat the bluemoon greatsword is compared to how long the moonlight greatsword is.

I actually think the bluemoon is prettier

Wait what would be considered over leveling in Bloodborne? Actually where is the PvP sweetspot?


>my builds were always at the right spot


I still don't understand how making the wheel rotate works.

I wish there was special dialogue between the player and benhart if you manage to craft the moonlight greatsword. Like the merchant tells him it's fake after seeing yours and he goes hollow.

It's just where you'll naturally end if you get everything you actually need without needing to hit every single cap like reddit want with their BL 150 """meta"""

98 maybe, anything past that and you're going to be stuck dealing with 150 builds.



98 is ideal
Anything until 117 is acceptable, I mean, if you really need that extra stamina or a bit more blt for fashion guns, sure why not. I'm not gonna judge people who need 20 endurance.

Bloodborne, no contest. Then DeS > DaS > DaS 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS 3

Its offensively shitty in DaS 3.


I think the biggest problem with DaS3 version was that it came after BB. It's almost offensive to think putting it like that in the game was acceptable.

As far as looks go
DeS = DaS > BB > Bluemoon > The rest

What happened to 32STR 40DEX?

>No real way to fight club

Only downfall of BB. everything else it does is better than Souls

Fuck yeah. Granted we both look like flailing retards playing out scenes from anime but it's a lot of fun until someone pops a blood vial.

The meta changed man. Now we hit hardcaps with physical to be able to barely compete with 30/30 dark.

moveset - Dark Souls 1 or 3 are tied
design - Bloodborne, but too bad it is the most boring one to use

if the BB MGS got ludwig's diagonal slashes as the tricked R1 combos and the L2 was the full on final phase smash instead of a puny explosion then I would have liked it so much more

Are you talking about the artwork or ingame model?

This is the correct answer. Everyone else in this thread is clearly underaged.


literally generic greatsword moveset

dark souls 1

it shoots fucking explosives

Show me a generic Greatsword

BT has 1 fucking viable weapon. Its great and all, and I use a BT build but fuck am I pissed I did not go arcane / str to actually have variety.

the first one, by far

all of them except mirrah and drakeblood have the exact same moveset
the generic gs moveset

So here, have over 10 instead of 1

Chikage and Bloodletter


Just finished this boss for the first time yesterday after hearing everyone busting nuts over it. Wow. Kino plain and simple

Fair enough.

BB's version handle is a little crocked to the right, this always bothered me.

Minas Morgul sword


king's field 4 and its sword arts

Out of the three Dark Souls games, what's the best game to do an INT/MLGS run in?

I liked the early incarnations the most, the sword was a massive slap of finely cut mysterio-moon gem affixed to a measly metal handle. It game me the impression the sword was constructed in a way that valued power above all else, like someone discovered this huge chunk of magic crystal and wanted to be the first to use it and slapped it onto a sword hilt. Later on it gets more curved and more smooth looking, more like it's always been a sword and not constructed as such later on.

in BB it literally channels the cosmos, thats cool as fuck nigga

>oh, you were over there the whole time

For sure it is, I really like the bloodborne design too but it feels like it's own weapon, to me the moonlight greatsword is meant to be unimpressive to any uninformed, then it starts shooting out magic and glowing it becomes immediately clear this is a powerful weapon and does something extraordinary compared to it's visual appearance and in bloodborne it just passively looks like it's already made of stars. Theres no mystery to the bloodborne design, it is just a magic sword that visually oozes magic

Press L2

Are you talking about Kings Field 2 (US)? The final version of the moonlight sword in that game looks super dumb.
The King's Field moonlight swords have the coolest special attacks though.

Bloodborne has a cool boss use of the weapon but I'd give best design to 3D Dot Game Heroes Best design is actually Dark Souls 1, I love the cool designs on the sword and the weapon is strong and fun to use.

The Moonlight greatsword is pretty unique.
The way the damage works is this:
>STR/DEX only affects physical damage of the untricked form
>ARC affects the measly arcane damage of the untricked form, and the damage dealt by the moonbeams (L2/R2 attacks that consume bullets), and also the tricked->untricked attack.
>when tricked, a portion of the physical damage is added onto the arcane damage, meaning that having high STR/DEX results in higher damage output with all attacks other than the moonbeams and trick->untricked attack
So tl;dr: If you want to slice shit, raise STR/DEX. if you want to laser shit, level ARC.

3 actually, Simon's Bowblade. And if you're counting PvP only, then Reiterpallasch as well.

>moonlight + karasawa
Why did they have to fuck up ac and then leave it to die

>moveset - Dark Souls 1 or 3 are tied
How the fuck can you seriously believe this, DaS1 doesn't even have the stab and the one in DaS3 doesn't get any of the cool as fuck transformation combos


>I am mentally retarded

I think they both look like complete garbage fisher price toys.

bloodborne has the best one easily
3's is just sad, it was such a terrible disappointment I went through all the hassle to set up replacing textures for 3 just to get my MLG sword not looking dull and dead.
The worst part is that the greatsword of judgement is just better in every way.

Bloodborne, not even negotiable, it was so precious to his owner that lnly it's sight made him go back from madness