Play level

>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level
>die close to end
>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level
>play level

gee when does the fun start, if I wanted to fail at everything I could just live life.

You should play that game called rock paper scissors.

git gud

fuck you i am going to eat a muffin and go to bed I definitely have more sex btw

>play level
instantly lose interest and stop playing

maybe you should just stop playing games if you clearly don't like it faggot

no bump 4 u


I can't hear your snide remarks I am asleep.


You deserved game over screens and redo the whole thing.

Stop making Asuka threads


Please continue


only faggots eat muffins. whats your boyfriends name, steve?

Pretty much me. It’s just a video game. Can’t be assed.

you couldve chose to power through and reach some sense of accomplishment or you could've gauged your skill level and gave up early, saving time. You only have yourself to blame, you irredeemable faggot

>worst girl is a casual
figures. anyways eva dosent even have any games besides that ps2 dating sim and shit so take it to Sup Forums
and posting best girl

i have a whole planet of people to blame, there's so many I will never run out of people to blame

Nah, he's right. Gameplay where late game of each stage is locked behind (((consistency))) is not fun. I shouldn't have to tryhard and bash head against the wall just to get one chance at learning the pattern. I'd rather just go and fucking speedrun what I like and learn at my own pace with savestates.

Devs should just fuck off with shitty design like that.

lmao what a pleb. how long have you been playing gams, and now consider that youve been playing games how many years and your still bad

lmao really now

Idk, 20 years? Just because you got "good" at a piss easy game like DaS doesn't mean you're not advocating for garbage gameplay.

>20 years
>still shit at games
lmao what game you still shit at
dont know what that is. some pleb console game?

Rain world pretty much except its fun

Was recently having this trouble with Hollow Knight. I'm notoriously bad about just banging my head against things until I finish them, but after a day and a half my interest started to wane.
Good thing, too, because I didn't realize I was still missing the double jump, so I doubt I was even supposed to beat it at that point.
Anyway, I guess my message is maybe try to find a different angle if 20 attempts don't get you anywhere.

hey man muffins are good don't bully


Except I am good enough. I just refuse to play garbage designed to force me to repeat stages and pretend I'm having fun.

The only way to be better is to main a game for 6+ hours day every day like the pros do.

>I shouldn't have to tryhard and bash head against the wall just to get one chance at learning the pattern.

Actually right; you should instead using your brain a little for once.

Nobody makes anything that can't be solved.

>i refuse to play games im bad at
lmao being bad at any games

There is only one kind of accomplishment I want to feel.


>actually dying in a modern video game

Make me, fag. If you throw bullshit at me to force me to focus and study whatever, I'll just go play something else. Learn to design your shit in a way that's not arduously repetitious.

>open game
>close game
Why do I do this?

I can't and shouldn't, whatever you do must be by conviction.

I can't force you to make smal sinapsis to beat some minor game.

The fuck is a smal sinapsis

>fire up burnout paradise lost for nostaligia
>close game
jesus christ

>sense of accomplishment
>from videogames

It hurts to imagine someone who's really this pathetic.

*small synapse

dug tig

do you not feel any sort of accomplishment when you play a game and beat a goal?

next thing you're telling me it's pathetic to feel accomplished from anything in life, nice bait loser

>actually playing modern vidya

It's a video game. If you're not enjoying it and still force yourself to play it, you may as well reevaluate life goals.

You may not believe it dear millenial but videogames, aside from the modern ones, entertained players by presenting challenges of sorts instead of being aimed to the brain dead.

You're mixing up "enjoyment" with "comfort".

Its not even that hard lmao takes like 1 hour to get better and learn.

And where did I say that??? I don't think the quoting function can find where I quoted that!

Tonight I'll lucid dream about a date with Asuka and there's nothing you can do to stop me

Just stop trying and accept instrumentality.

>download game
>never open it