Tfw really want to play the SMT franchise and Spinoffs but I'm Christian and the game is blasphemous as fuck...

>Tfw really want to play the SMT franchise and Spinoffs but I'm Christian and the game is blasphemous as fuck, so I can only stick with Persona

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Also WHY, WHY did they have to go all edgy atheist and make the deity of my religion the antagonist of the franchise?

Persona has you control demons and kill gods, what are you on about?

>Tfw really want to play the SMT franchise, but hate random battles that occur every two steps, and hate unfinished games with shitty bosses that appear every twenty five levels of a tower.

Literally this.

I want to play a religious friendly game that literally has me go against every angel mentioned in the Bible, only to fight a gold chalice which is supposed to represent god. Whom I defeat by literally summoning Satan to help me "win". Nothing damning about that shitfest.

Yaldabaoth is not the judeo christian god and Satanael is not satan. Learn your shit.

>Religious friendly
Describe what is religious friendly for you.


So play the Law route. You side with God and defeat Lucifer and demons. What's the issue here? You're not being sent to hell just because of a video game.

You probably dont even know who YHVH is

If blasphemy bothers you, your faith is weak.

It's always those who rely most on the idea of being a "proper" Christian who have the weakest faith.

Would it be fine if it was blasphemous to someone else's religion instead?

you do realise YHVH is basically an avatar of God gone wrong while the actual great will is sending the MC's to go fix this shit right, just look at it as the equivalent of throwing down a false god like everything else. Or just remember it's a video game and it doesn't matter out side of that equation, whatever floats your boat.

That's just my opinion as a random christian fag who loves the series.

You can ally with the angels and kill all demons in most of them.
Also YHVH isn't really the Christian god.

if you believe that the other person's religion is made up entirely of falsehoods? i don't see what you're getting at

The Personas are just psychological manifestations instead of actual demons, I also don't have a problem with fighting demons, my problem comes from the blasphemies in the game against my God.

Also you don't really kill gods in persona.

Yaldabaoth is LITERALLY the FALSE god of gnosticism, if anything killing him was satisfying as fuck.

The issue is that the canon route is the neutral route and to see the entire game you need to play neutral route.

Yeah because I don't follow those religions so I wouldn't mind since they're not real to me.

Explain this. I thought it was literally supposed to be THE god

Canon route is whatever you want it to be. You believe in God, so your true ending is you siding with God and ridding the world of demons and sinful humans.

in Megaten, YHVH is just a phony
the Great Will/Axiom is THE God

Why is there a sudden surge of obnoxious Christians on Sup Forums lately. Are they the new fedoras?

except the "god" in smt is an actual dickhead not reminiscent of the God of Christianity.

Stop sucking cock op

I have a little brother practicing to be a preacher, and his favorite game is SMT Nocturne.

His religious higher ups don't care about it either.

Record scratch is just a manifestation/appendage of something bigger (presumably God) that got its own shitty opinions and is trying to do its own thing with the universe. It's Marcionism, basically.

Do you think you might be offended by the SMT games if you played them?

I found this on the smt wiki about him, otherwise there's a few mentions of similar things in smt IV and apocalypse. I think there was also something about how the human ability to define things was also a cause of YHVH going bananas but i'm not 100% sure on that. It'd probably take someone with a greater knowledge of the series then me to explain it all properly.

>YHVH detests any kind of freedom and will openly condemn those who choose to pursue that path. He desires worship of only himself and threatens punishment upon any who defy his will. Though he was once an avatar of the Great Will, it has turned against him on account of his cruelty and tyranny across countless parts of the multiverse and has created messiahs to liberate those universes under his control.

At anyrate i've always seen it as the 'great will' or Axiom as they call him ocasionally as far closer to the actual God, especially with how he works since God gave humans free will to decide to do as they wish, and works through people to achieve his goals. Meanwhile YHVH hates freedom, demands total obedience and doesn't work through people at all.

The Christian God is the exact same god as the Jewish God, who was a total dick and acted similarly to how he's portrayed in SMT.

Remember that in the Old Testament God is literally dealing with a bunch of Bronze Age Semites and specifically decided to make a covenant with the shittiest tribe of the lot purely as an exercise in making good out of bad.
Then they killed His son, so He told them to fuck off.

The Great Will is the actual godhead, YHVH is no different from all the other random demons in the series, other than he's significantly more powerful due to all the worship of him. Basically he was created from the same thing as all the other demons, he's just more powerful because Humans believed him into being so since he's basically the face of the Great Will. Essentially what happens is this:
>Great Will creates everything
>humanity worships the Great Will
>eventually they worship him as the Abrahamic God
>this worship causes a being to be created based on that belief (YHVH)
>YHVH believes he's the actual Great Will even though he's just a facet of it, believes he's the one who created everything, gets a huge ego
>becomes a giant dickhead because of it

Does the series ever address manifestations of the godhead of other cultures?
Is Brahman, or Krisna ever represented?


There is no use for religion in modern society. Name one thing good religion has done in the past decade.

>tfw really want to play persona but don't want to sit through a vn

Yeah, though not as prominently.
Make philosophically bankrupt positivists incredibly butthurt


Yes, usually in spinoffs. Brahman is in Digital Devil Saga which focuses on poo in loo mythology for example. Other gods are often minor antagonists/characters of other games. Krishna is in SMT4 Apocalypse, Thor is a major villain in SMT 1, etc.

dumb frog poster

>poo in loo mythology

It brought us the most interesting threads in Sup Forums.

Reminder that God gives zero fucks about shit like this.

youre very prideful, which is one of the literal worst sins you can have

the fact that you presume to know that the psychological manifestations of demons/gods/angels/etc are not the actual manifestations of them show how little you know about christianity and how far in hell youre going to go

just play IV then. at least you can run away like a pussy from enemies if you try hard enough.

>"Mainline SMT is too blasphemous"
>Persona 3 MC summons Jesus to do his bidding
>Persona 5 MC makes a contract with Satan

You really don't know anything you're talking about, do you.

you'd also know that the 7 deadly sins are not canon, and are literally just fan fiction, fag


dude, it's just a fucking video game. are you seriously going to let something as inane as that affect your faith at all?

But why get hung up on the games supposedly offending the god of your religion if the god is all-powerful anyway? I'm sure the god is aware of the games but still allows them to exist so it should be fine to play them, right?

Fuck that. Go play painkiller.

Why is christian mythology so shit compared to norse mythology?

>God plays SMT
>Chooses Chaos route for shits and giggles

You killed God in Persona 5

so is hell but you dont seem to care? pick and choose much?

Because it's always a story of the same god shitting on other gods.

>mfw actual Christian game review sites have a more refined and mature outlook on SMT than the OP

Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe different things about it, so even if the god in question is the same, won't spawn the same.

oh shit this website is still going huh, nice.

Religion is based entirely on beliefs. Of course you can pick an choose based on what you feel is correct.

unironically based vidya reviewers

Thats literally not how it works.

How is he wrong? Yaldabaoth is a demiurge, essentially a being who deluded itself into thinking he was a god

How is this pride?

Also there are no 7 deadly sins in christianity

>unironically believing in a sky daddy with no evidence to support it
Might as well believe in Last Thursdayism

Holy shit, this is actually really reasonable.

objectively incorrect. religion is based on the word of god. enjoy roasting in the pits you literal heathen

Not only is Yaldabaoth not supposed to be the abrahamic God but Yaldabaoth in P5 is not even the real yaldabaoth but rather an amalgamation of humanity's desire for a ruler.

Well to be fair, Christianity was the antagonist of Japan and China for a good while back in the day.
The Taiping Rebellion was one of the bloodiest wars in all of human history.

But even if it is the word of God, how do the differences between followers work in? And would a heathen that goes through the motions of living virtuously while not believing in it get into heaven?

The word of God, but how do you know your god is the "true" god? Every religion insists that their belief is the true way and Christianity is no different.

Because my god is the strongest.

look it up for yourself you atheist shithead. i hope you die right now so god can show you how much he loves you by sentencing you to trillions^trillions of years of literal torture

Ok, do you mean to say that playing SMT is a sin or something or are you just worried about the games offending you?

Fuck off rick

I agree with that comment at the bottom, that it's "so unlike reality" that it doesn't matter. Yes, the tone and themes can be troubling at times, but I would consider those challenges to one's faith that someone should go through. If the idea of a fantasy that uses religious imagery to create characters bothers you so much, perhaps you need to think about why that is and how your faith should be firm enough that it cannot be shaken by simple concepts and ideas that someone else is using to tell a story. SMT in no way tries to present itself as gospel. It's just a game, and is presented as such. What *should* be bothersome to players like OP is how some of the stories glorify behaviors like violence, promiscuity, and deceitfulness. Trying to express that such actions are just and good is far more subversive than having angels and demons in your game, but I don't see that stopping people from playing plenty of other games and watching movies that do the same thing simply because they are more ready to acknowledge the separation of fantasy and fiction in those cases.

Says who?

Never understood how people can put their trust so heavily in the bible.
God may have existed I dont fucking know, but either way that book was written by people. Lying biased shitty ol' humans. God didnt write/translate shit.
The only constant in life is everything bad that happens is brought about by some fuckhead person somewhere.

SMT is more jewish than christian

Why are people coddling this creature instead of telling it to get the fuck out and kill itself? This is what happens when you allow Christfags.

Christians keep forgetting that the original translators didn't know fuckall about old Hebrew and winged the translation to Latin.

>friend is a christian
>says his favorite game is FFX

>random battles

This is me, started the series with DDS but I can't be bothered to get through it even though I love the atmosphere and lore. I hate random encounters so much.

Find 1 reference to a Pope to be the central authority of the faith in the Bible. There is not one. Your beliefs are simply an appropriation of the true form of Christianity.

I have no problem with people doubting the veracity of the Bible, but to blame it on mistranslation is silly. Scholars have been using the original texts, or at least what most of them agree are the originals, for quite nearly the entirety of Christianity's history. You are grossly underestimating the level of autism some theologians have and the lengths they will go to in making sure they are communicating the correct thought when translating from the original ancient Hebrew and Aramaic.

Use Estoma retards

Yaldy is the god of the old testament according to gnostics. That's why gnosticism is a heresy.
OP is either uninformed or a gnostic himself

Yu Yevon is a false god so its okay.

So just like the Abrahamic god then

If they were able to produce a perfect version of what the Bible original said, there would be no different sects and all noncanonnical elements would be purged. Instead, people still argue over the meaning of what is written to this day.

But the oldest, and probably most accurate, records were found only within the last 10 years. I wouldn't put much faith in the Bible as it currently is.

Yu Yevon may not have been an actual god but he is the reason the Yevon belief even existed. It's like Jesus Christ. He is deemed the son of god and worshipped but for all we know he may have been some asshole that wanted attention and ended up pranking so many people into thinking he was actually god.

even that doesn't help when two people can get two different understandings of the same verse.

how tf am I gnostic when I explicitly said yaldabaoth is a false god and killing him was satisfactory?

But only one understanding is the correct one.

but you kill sin
god is good, brother

>muh god is perfect
>muh YHVH isn’t god

How to spot a dawkinsfag.

I love SMT to death, it’s probably my favorite game franchise desu, but the whole thing it does about YHVH not being the legit god is not only a cop-out, it’s completely untrue. I’m an extremely devout jewand the whole point is that god isn’t some perfect being; he’s broken just like any one of us. To say that it’s impossible for god to sin is like saying it’s impossible for a parent to make mistakes.

>so I can only stick with Persona

You mean that game where Satan shoots Old Testament God in the face to save Christmas?

>destroying a work of god is good

I don’t know what human nature is: the post

The world isn't real, but simply a test for souls' quality to sort them for the appropriate afterlife.


>You mean that game where Satan shoots Old Testament God in the face to save Christmas?
Not this shit again.

>Wanders around in a desert because of the temptations of evil, but rejects
Is Demi-Fiend Jesus?