Excuse me.. user ?

>excuse me.. user ?
>i couldn't help but to notice you have been looking at all those video games for over an hour now.
>do you need help with something ?
>maybe i can help you decide which game to buy.

Other urls found in this thread:


She stopped drinking diet coke
She on that coke diet

you ever just see a thread and wonder what was going through OPs head during the process of making that said thread?

No thanks Ciara I'm just very fucking baked and this place is tucked away and comfortable. I wanted to buy some games because I was stoned but can't seem to find any I like, please just give me a minute to let my buzz calm down. I don't want to get kicked out or banned from the mall for getting caught by a rent-a-cop acting stoned.

she desires the mouthfuck


Sorry, I can't decide which one would look best on my shelf next to all the other games I never played.

thot name

It's one person that's why all the humor is similar , I'm the other person on here and you're three , so there's only 3 people on this board.

>H-hi w-well, I'm just.. y-you look cute and...
Everytime and I've always been friendzoned. 3D girls forced me to buy a waifu pillow.

Only every fucking hour.

This is her theme.

more like every time you look at the front page, Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0

it's always yuropoors
notice the way OP adds a space before the question mark

What's with the 3DPD posting on an anime website?

I only play old PC games

>named Ciara
>isn't black

What is this shit?

From that Paris Lindsay Britney, Mary-Kate and Whit-ney. People say that they clean motherfucker don't bullshit me.

>standing around looking at videogames on shelves
>in target
>for hours
>not buying games digitally or off of amazon
>starting shitty threads on Sup Forums about some kind of attention whore


The best part of working at target was the amount of MILFs that shop there.

Wait am I the third guy?

here's your 7 bro

Naw, i'm cool bro.

No thanks.

>Front page
Get the fuck out reddit

7 git

I'm reaching a decade on this site and I still don't understand.

>oh user, your so silly.
>nothing bad is going to happen to you.
>your not going to get in trouble.
>why have followed me back here?
>you know the games back here are not to be released yet.

This sort of happened to me a couple years ago. Spent 10 minutes looking at 3ds games and a random qt black cashier recommended Spirit Camera. Thanks for reading.

I said 7!


>all these motherfuckers trying to get 7s and not trying to get this singular non repeating digit


>awe thats ok user.
>im sure you will find the one for you someday.
>thank you for shopping at walmart.
>enjoy your game . :)

Oh shit this is that underage chick

One off nigga better kill yourself.


Nah, just the ugly one



well, least you didnt get accused of rape

No, I just assume that OP is a faggot and that this explains why they thought the thread was a good idea. If everyone on Sup Forums was not a faggot, there would simply be no threads or posts.

>>>>buying games digitally

No matter the female, the internet WILL give her attention.

The power of pussy is too real,

I worked there 4 years ago and this mid 40s woman came up to me and asked for help in the condom section. I walked over and she started asking me which ones I liked best, and whether or not she should buy some for me. I said I wasn't interested but thanks for the offer, and later she found me and asked if I could help her try on some bras in the changing room, and that she would wait for me outside after work. Someone saw her squeezing her tits in front of me on the cameras and I was called in to explain what happened. She was either a dude, or a weird looking Brazilian woman.

most retarded thing i've ever done in a store is tell the female clerk that blazblue doesn't have an e after blaz
to this day i wonder if i secretly think women are stupid or if i was just fucking desperate for blazblue