How would this be received in the current SJW climate?

How would this be received in the current SJW climate?

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Why did N'gage croal make such a big deal about this at the time?

the same but more square glasses and brightly dyed hair

Oh shit I am now remembering all those "Resident Evil 5 is racist?" videos. What a truly stupid time that was.

This would make a really good 56% meme image
t. American

Pretty much the same, were you not around for when RE5 was being blasted for perceived racism?


Who cares?

People made a big deal about it even back then. Nowadays they'd be marching the streets and kicking down trash cans over it.



Shockingly well.

sometimes i try to disconect my mind and try to imagine real hard that its just a nigger killing fest


I don't care what SJWs think.

You had to try to do that? Fuck me, me and my boy couldn't stop yucking it up


No, but publishers do and that's a bad thing. That's also why the whole "internet black knights are just as bad as internet white knights" argument is a load of bullshit

Wow.... such a long time ago.......... did they even have the internet back then???

This, it'd be a shitstorm now.

What's this shit? RE5 had exploding heads, but they're just doing a silly canned animation here instead.

Japanese publishers don't.

Is that Stalin?

Thankfully those retards are losing tons of money. Same goes for the journalists and communities.

only exploded if you aim/stomp the head right

Depends on the angle you fire from, I believe, like Chris' stomp

Wow......... that was totally like last decade................. I think that was even before they invented SJWs I think.... I wish I was old enough to remember it

>added white people and pool in the loos so it was be less racist
>get to the swamp level
>fight ooga booga spear chuckers
based japs

Zombie on the far left looks like LeBron james

>want to replay the game
>remember the swamp level

Sup Forums would unironically praise this game despite being a flawed version of 4.

Japanese games have to go threw western localization thorough and they do care

The same as the reception it received from leftist writers but 100x worse because the entire progressive SJW political climate had not yet formed yet.

Pic extremely related.

Why did some of them look like mexicans

this looks strikingly similar to the soyjak

About as well as conservatives reacted to Wolfenstein 2 and Far Cry 5

>random white girl that appears out of nowhere in the middle of an African shithole being assaulted by a group of black men
>ooga boogas in grass skirts throwing spears as enemies in the game

Yeah... "Perceived" racism. ..

Because Africans being turned into mutated killers and being killed off by a white American is rayciss.

it was actually one white guy who assaulted her play the game next time

Resident Evil 5? There was SJW backlash back when it got release.d It would be the same, or worse, today.

>*racially aware white people


>Depicting Africa the way it is is "racism".

I think that's what I hate about you anti-racist, you know its true but you're offended by it. Its like how people call Africa Addio a "racist" exploitative film when most of it is just filmed footage of the decolonization of Africa in real time.

>things that happen in real life

Remnants of Apartheid and you ever seen Blood Diamond bruv? Lotta whites and palers shades in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and south Africa from those days.

I think you are the one that needs to play the game. That group assault DOES appear in the game. White enemies were introduced after the preview in response to the accusations of racism from the press.

>That would be true to life in Africa. Hell, it happens in america. How would that be racist?

This. There's blood in the water, and they've already successfully targeted Japanese developers and made them cancel plans to release games outside Japan (see: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, among others).

Didn't mean to quote.

Did chris fugg that brown bitch?

>so why didn't any spanish people complain about 4
lmao Spaniards are STILL fuckign butthurt about 4 not because racism but because everyone speaks like mexicans rather than spanish people and because they used pesetas as currency intead of euro, fucking hilarious I love you spain

They reacted poorly to it at them time, so, poorly?

So why are you guys always complaining about rich old white guys always being the ultimate villains of games and films? That's true to life too.

No. Everyone in RE is completely 100% asexual.

Too bad Excella died, Sheva will never appear again, and blonde tight leather Jill will never come back. Mercenaries is fucking legit and the game has great gameplay just wrong balance of "horror" because shit was mostly daytime. Basically RE4.5 in gameplay but not as good as 4 in atmosphere.

m8 conservatives hate nazis

>re4 you shoot spainxicos
>re5 you shoot africans
>re6 you shoot chinks
What did capcom mean by this??

Mexican Stalin

Don't you mean ((they)) make rich old white guys evil in movies to deflect from ((their)) actual evil and promote things like diversity in movies?

Alt-righters aren't conservatives, they're more like leftists.

>tfw he bacame irrelevant

Proof they were chinks? Thought they were mercs and shit.

>game set in africa
>has african zombies
How the fuck can this be considered even remotely racist?
Am I missing something here?

>RE7 you shoot rednecks
There's a real pattern here

Read Ted Kaczinski's aka unabomber's writing he explains how liberals always look for shit to be offended in no matter the issue and their excuses always fall in on themselves when hit with actual logic.

Walmart, Carrier, Boeing, Goldman-Sachs, the people destroying the EPA and our parks and the people people bleeding us dry for basic healthcare, medicine etc. are all rich White men.

You want us to be afraid of women with short hair and non-White characters in videogames, because you are a disease.

The parts in china

>Read Ted Kaczinski's aka unabomber's writing he explains how liberals always look for shit to be offended

Meanwhile you whiteboys get so mad that you kill dozens of people. But yeah I guess some libs can be a little irrational haha.

They were mercs and you can't see their ethnicity.

Good job you just proved Ted right.


>Read Ted Kaczinski's aka unabomber's writing

Are you being sarcastic? Why the fuck would I read the insane writings of a crazy terrorist to see obvious hypocrisy? You may as well recommend I read some of Osama Bin Laden's writings to see the obvious injustices in American foreign policy.

Sure, rich (((white men)))

>be white
>convert to judaism
>stop being white
Really makes you think

>implying jews are white
>didn't understand the parenthesises around them and their

Jews are a race as well as a religion.

To be fair, according to Jewish doctrine a convert is not really a Jew. You are only a Jew if you are born from a Jewish woman. They believe they are a race of people, not a religious ideology.

This. And the mafia ones had morphing heads so it was hard to think of the ethnicity of their faces, even if they started out as Chinamen.

If you can be white and jewish then it's pretty retarded to say jews aren't white, isn't it?

And? Nigga was a fucking genius and taught college by twenty. Being insane doesn't mean he isn't right it just means he had disadvantages to overcome and plebs like you not understanding the point of his actual messages.

>Being insane doesn't mean he isn't right

Considering being insane means your perceive the world incorrectly and draw false conclusions based on erroneous data it kind of does.

>Being insane doesn't mean he isn't right
Yeah mate, it pretty much means that.
Insane people don't see reality as normal people do, meaning that they're pretty much always wrong.

Jewish converts are still seen as goyim. They aren't considered actual jews.

>mentally ill tranny that dresses like his sister is a villain

After the initial backlash Capcum added white and Asian enemies

I don't believe that's true. You can go to Israel and convert to Judaism, marry according to Judaism and be treated just like any other Jewish person.

Never played 5 nor 6, mainly because I dislike shooters. How detached is it from the classic formula?

I did enjoy the mercenaries mode in 4, it seems closest to that. Right?

Do you know why you caught me Will?

Not the games that never leave asia.


>I don't believe that's true
Well it is. Maybe you should actually look it up instead of basing this off of your personal feelings and beliefs. Jewish religious converts are not seen as actual Jews.

>main characters are "straight" white men

5 and 6 are basically call of duty with sometimes zombies, but not really zombies at all. It basically kept up with the whole parasite thing and morphing monsters from RE4. 5 At least is a really fun game to play with a friend.

I'm mad I read that in their shitty dialect too.

Can you or can you not do the things I described? Who will treat you like you're not a real Jew? I believe you're the one basing it off of personal feelings and beliefs. Maybe some Jews say it, but that doesn't make it true. You're probably brainwashed by Sup Forums.

¡AGARRENLO!also even spics don't like the shitty work of those VA's

One, SJW's and their thoughts don't matter.

Two, that pic is depicting one black female, which is more than the main game had.